Surviving Mars Achievements Full list of all 80 Surviving Mars achievements worth 1,750 gamerscore. It takes around 0-0.5 hours to unlock all of the achievements in the base game.The base game contains 50 achievements worth 1,000 Gamerscore, and there are 4 DLC packs containing 30 achievements worth 750 Gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 80 Offline Mode 80 Single Player 2 Difficulty Specific 6 Missable 3 Cumulative + 7 Cumulative - 17 Time/Date 1 Buggy + Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Base Base Game (Excludes DLC) 1,142 1,000 50 3.1169,88948,336 (69%)0-0.5h CubismComplete The Power of Three Mystery 1 guideSpace InvadersComplete the Dredgers mystery 1 guideMirror, mirror...Complete the Spheres mystery 1 guideSwan SongComplete the Inner Light mystery 1 guideSentience 2.0Complete the Artificial Intelligence mystery 2 guidesWhistleblowerComplete the Marsgate mystery 2 guidesThe BeanstalkBuild the Space Elevator 1 guideSnow GlobeBuild the Geoscape Dome 1 guideIt's Always Sunny on MarsBuild the Artificial Sun 1 guideAlpha ScientistBuild the Omega Telescope The Rabbit HoleBuild the Mohole Mine 1 guideCast in ConcreteBuild the Excavator What is Real?Build Project Morpheus 1 guideBubble WrapBuild a Dome 1 guideThere and Back AgainRefuel a Rocket 1 guideSpacey FoodHarvest Food on Mars 1 guideWhere No Man has Gone BeforeAnalyze an Anomaly 1 guideMarvin the MartianFirst child on Mars 1 guideGood News, Everyone!Pass the Colony Approval stage 1 guideSpace CommunismReach 250 Colonists Multiplanet SpeciesReach 1000 Colonists 1 guideThe Boundaries of KnowledgeResearch all non-Breakthrough Technologies 1 guideCan't Stop the SignalScan all Sectors 1 guideThe Final FrontierDeep scan all Sectors 1 guideHow Much is a Googol?Reach $100,000 M 1 guideWubba, lubba, dub, dub!Build 1000 buildings 2 guidesYou can't take the Sky from Me!Land 50 Rockets on Mars in a single playthrough 1 guideIn the High TowerBuild a Dome Spire 1 guideOpen the Pod Bay DoorsBuild a Shuttle Hub 1 guideA Shooting StarShoot down a meteorite 1 guideDream of a Green MarsReach 200 Vegans 1 guideMarsopolisReach 100 Colonists living in a single Dome 1 guideAssisted Self-ImprovementTreat 50 Colonists in a Sanatorium 1 guideFor the Benefit of AllPlay as USA and research all technologies in the Engineering tech-tree before Sol 100 1 guideBuilding a Better FuturePlay as Blue Sun Corporation and export 500 units of Rare Metals to Earth before Sol 100 1 guideInteresting TimesPlay as China and reach a population of 200 before Sol 100 2 guidesIn the Service of HumankindPlay as India and have 5 Domes before Sol 100 1 guideBecause we CarePlay as Europe and research 5 Breakthrough Technologies before Sol 100 2 guidesAren't they Cute?Play as SpaceY and control 200 Drones before Sol 100 3 guidesGagarin's LegacyPlay as Russia and extract 10000 resource units from Deposits before Sol 100 1 guideThe New ArkPlay as the Church of the New Ark and have 100 people born on Mars before Sol 100 1 guidePerfect MomentHave a Colonist with all four stats at maximum A Better PlanetHave an Earthsick Colonist who decided to stay on Mars 2 guidesPosthumanHave a Colonist with 2 Rare traits 1 guideThe Watney ChallengePass the Colony Approval stage with a single Founder 2 guidesS.P.E.C.I.A.L.Have a Colonist with 5 Perks 1 guideThe New Wonders of the WorldConstruct 5 different Wonders in a single playthrough 1 guideThe Positronic ManHave a Biorobot Colonist 2 guidesDo Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?Have a Dome populated by at least 50 Biorobot Colonists 2 guidesImmortality of a KindHave a citizen that was reconstructed by Project Phoenix 2 guides Add-on Space Race 508 250 10 3.434,5834,122 (90%)0-0.5h Space ShoppingPlay as USA and have a Geoscape Dome with a Megamall before Sol 100 TaoPlay as China and have Tai-chi Gardens in 10 Domes before Sol 100 1 guideSpace CapitalismPlay as Blue Sun Corporation and produce $100,000 M Funding before Sol 100 1 guideEuropa UniversalisPlay as Europe and reach daily production of 10,000 Research before Sol 100 1 guideWaste Not, Want NotPlay as India and convert 3000 Waste Rock to useful materials before Sol 100 1 guideThe Pace of ProgressPlay as SpaceY and complete all Sponsor Goals on challenge rating 500% or higher 1 guideNo Pain, No GainPlay as Russia and have 500 colonists on challenge rating 500% or higher 1 guideThe Garden of EdenPlay as Church of the new Ark and have 250 Colonists at 70+ Comfort before Sol 100 1 guideBushidoPlay as Japan and train 200 specialists before Sol 100 1 guideGold RushPlay as Brazil and convert 2000 Waste Rock to Rare Metals before Sol 100 1 guide Update Below and Beyond Title Update 83 40 1 3.0916,13316,133 (100%)0-0.5h The Perfect RunRetrieve all resources from an asteroid & leave nothing behind 1 guide Add-on Below and Beyond 607 210 9 2.541,5431,133 (73%)0-0.5h Mission SuccessSuccessfully return from an asteroid MultitaskingVisit 3 asteroids simultaneously 1 guideMysteries of MarsFully develop a buried wonder to benefit your colony Space ExplorerComplete all techs in the recon & expansion tech tree Job’s doneFully develop all buried wonders in the underground, before sol 100 1 guideWill they hold?Prevent 100 Cave-ins in total from Underground Marsquakes 1 guideSpace DwarvesAll your colonists live underground (at least 200 colonists) Asteroid HoppingHave a single Asteroid Lander visit 10 asteroids before returning to Mars 1 guideInto the UnknownGo game over as your last colonists leaves Mars behind to take a trip into the great unknown 1 guide Add-on Green Planet 491 250 10 3.446,0764,649 (77%)0-0.5h Move this Mountain!Have a RC Dozer complete a landscaping project 1 guideSeeds of LifeHarvest Seeds on Mars 1 guideRed ButtonNuke the Polar Caps 1 guideTears of JoyHave water rain on Mars 1 guideFear my Botany Powers!Plant a tree 1 guideNow we need ducksHave a lake with liquid water 1 guideDetoxEndure the Toxic Rains 1 guideSkies of BlueCreate blue skies by terraforming 1 guideCreator of WorldsMax all Terraforming Parameters 1 guideCapital AchievementConstruct a Capital City 1 guide