Hey there, and welcome to the Tekken 7 walkthrough!!!
This walkthrough will get you from 0G to 1000G (almost) completely painlessly and (relatively) quickly. The walkthrough will be seperated into three sections;
Story Mode
Will require a single playthrough on any difficulty (easier the better for you cheevo hunters)
This step is the shortest, pretty luck dependant as you'd expect
Treasure Battle
The rest of the achievements can be earned here without too many problems, though I will simply touch upon those that require this mode
Miscellaneous and Mop-Up
The last stint to 1000G made easy!
Hints and tips...hmmm...where to start...
As tempting as it is, DON'T just 'button mash'; it is far more advantageous and helpful with some of the trickier achievements to pace yourself and learn a few solid combos, which leads to character choice...
For the most part, there is no 'best' character to use for achievement unlocking; it is all down to personal preference. Personally, I prefer faster characters like Lucky Chloe, Leo and Lily as usually I tend to be able to hit fast, negating any recovery time the opponent may have. Just try a few and see what works for you. Don't be afraid to change it up once in a while.
Use the d-pad rather than the left stick, it tends to be a little more responsive for whatever reason.
If you can think of anything to add, don't be shy, hit me a line!
The story mode is cinematic, short and easy. Make sure you have the settings set to the easiest possible as discussed previously. There really isn't a great deal to the story in terms of hints and help I can offer other than to say if you are towards the end of the story, remember double tapping up allows you to side step. Very useful for the last couple of fights and you'll understand when we get there. I would say that this step takes around an hour or so, certainly no more. On the way to finishing the story you will earn:
Tips for the 'Special Chapter'? Sidestep. Lots. Also, hit and run techniques tend to work better than a full on assault. Even on the easiest setting, this may take a couple of tries. In the end cinematic, mash RB. Trust me.
Take a breather now, and head to character chapters. These only consist of one fight of two rounds each, so won't take long at all. Simply complete ten of them for:
Next we will head to online. As of writing, the Tekken 7 servers are a little...difficult at times, but stick with it and you'll get through the few online specific achievements. Simply head to the appropriate lobby for the following:
Player Match:
10 wins in any online mode:
Ranked Match:
The easiest way for the next one, is to set one up yourself and invite 3 friends to it. I got it without this method, but it did take longer than neccessary. You'll be relieved to know that you only have to win one battle, not the whole thing.
Treasure Battle
Our only goal here is to reach Warrior rank. How many fights this will actually require varies based on win/loss ratio, but most people unlock it around the 100 wins mark, so you are prepared. If you get to a promotion match, don't panic. Just stick with it with a character you know you can utilize well. Some people suggest Lucky Chloe as her +away+->->...is infinitely repeatable, but any character is fine.
Also, the first three fights WILL be the easiest, so try to grab this. I got it without much additional effort to be fair. If you mess up, and it gets to the point where even one victory seems luck based, simply start a new Treasure Battle as another character.
Each victory also gives you at least one 'Treasure Box', so these will come naturally as you increase in rank:
Cool!Obtained 20 treasure boxes.
By increasing in rank you will earn the following achievements:
As you rank up, you will also definitely unlock this too. I unlocked it at around 3rd or 4th Dan I believe:
Also, you may encounter a 'special fight', for which there are achievements for winning. Personally, these all apeared in multiples of ten; i.e. battle 10, 20, 30 etc. Whether this is the norm or it just happened like that for me remains unsolved. Still, just keep ranking up and you will encounter these.
Fear My WrathBeat Devil Kazumi in an Arcade Battle or a Special Match in Treasure Battle.
Also worthy of note is that this mode is your best bet to get the following achievements. For 'Stun Gun', basically achieve a Great victory (win with 10% health or less) by pressing RB (Rage)
Stun Gun!Snatched victory from the jaws of defeat 5 times with Rage Art. (Excluding offline VS Battle)
Also, this is the best place to earn 'Fight Money', though you earn this for (almost) everything in the game, so by the time we are done you should have:
ExcellentObtained an overall total of 10,000,000G.
Practice Mode
We are going to get a couple here, only one of which is specific to this mode:
But wait! You will get this, or at least some progress towards it, by doing the following. It is entirely possible that you have unlocked more than a few of these by your regular play thus far. These all have great solutions on this very site, just be aware that they can be unlocked in Practice (if the solution doesn't specify). I will of course write a little mini-solution for each one.
Homing Attacks - I unlocked this naturally, and it is a little hard to define, but I know for sure that Akuma's EX Gadouken will get this unlocked:
Power Crushes - I'm not going to say 'natural gameplay' more than I have to, but you get the point. It seems to be anything that creates 'sparks' and slams the opponent into the ground from what I can tell:
Screws - I think this is any move that involves a rotation of your character, though could very possibly be one that causes the opponent to spin. Either way, Lee/Violet and Lilly are good options for this:
70+ Damage in an Air Combo - Personally, I (somehow) got this whilst pulling of King's 10-Hit Combo (more on that later) against a wall. thefrozeneskimo's solution is FAR easier and less situational; however, "Spam Katarina's attack and you should get it easily. I'm sure there are plenty of ways to do this, but I did it this way by accident, so shouldn't be hard to replicate!":
Rage Arts - In practice mode, access the pause menu and scooch across to rage settings (Other->Player Rage). Katarina is a good option, as her Rage Art is a simple touch of both kicks:
Rage Drive - Simple, put your rage on (as we did for 'We Settle This Now', directly above). Miguel's +back++ seems to be the move of choice here.
Overdrive!Dealt 10 Rage Drives. (Excluding offline VS Battle)
Rage Art Block - In practice mode, set CPU to Mimic. Hit RB. Block (push away from opponent).
Rage Damage - Set Rage to on as we did before, then attack using standard, non-rage moves until this pops:
Anger Of The BeastDealt an overall total of 1,000 damage while in rage mode. (Excluding offline VS Battle)
Okay. Those done and out the way, let's knock out some area specific ones. Firstly, when asked for the stage, select 'Jungle Outpost'. For the first achievement here, push your opponent right up against the railing in the background (sidestep down and simply walk into them). Now unleash any move(s) that slams them against it. Eventually it'll break, unlocking:
Crushing Impact!Performed a balcony-breaking move. (Excluding offline VS Battle)
Now, position your opponent agaist the wall of vines and repeat as you did before:
Go back, select Alisa (for ease). This time you want 'Forgotten Realm'. Get within reach of your opponent and hit Y+B. This will net you:
Now do that move three more times to unlock:
Going Somewhere?Reached the bottom floor of the Forgotten Realm stage. (Excluding offline VS Battle)
10-Hit Combo - Using any character, go to their command list and look for '10-Hit Combo'. Every character has (at least) one. You don't need to do three different ones here, just pull three off. Personally, I used King. Yoshimitsu is a good choice as his only requires 5 button presses. However you decide to do it, you'll unlock this on the tenth hit of your third combo:
This should have been your last achievement, thus also unlocking...
A fairly simple 1000G, and one you can chalk up as mastered. You're welcome :)
'Til the next one, happy hunting guys