Temple Run 2 (WP) Flag Changes
by TrueAchievement
Store link
by Kikoo123
Removed from Store
by MrEDMeaner
Achievement not unlocking due to wrong date (Windows Phone)
by Antonio FNN
Temple Run 2 (WP) Multi-Genre Discussion
by MakeMeACoffee
ADVICE for the bugs in this game
by GV Loc
Glitched achievements
by sonnyliston1
Achievement unlocked but errored out
by My Name is BaRt
Achievements unlocked on TA and in game but not on Xbox?
by ImmaSuperVidel
Game is now available for 512 MB devices
by Senior Chupon
Daily Dose issue
by Belainfi
Temple Run resets
by EddieM1974
XBL Content Summary for the Holidays [UPDATE]
by punkyliar
Wants me to rate after every run.
by Xtowers
Achievement submissions
by Juicyjams
Achievement not showing on TA.
by Deadpool 1194
graphic issues
by Homunculus Fury