Latest Tennis World Tour News

Xbox One X Enhanced Roundup May 25th 2018

Microsoft has updated the Xbox One X enhanced games list this morning, with a number of new additions and changes to existing games.

Posted 7 years ago by Dave Horobin

Tennis World Tour Achievement List Revealed

Fans of tennis will be interested to see what Tennis World Tour has to offer with its sports simulation style offering. First of all, let's see what's on offer with the newly revealed achievement list.

Posted 7 years ago by Ashley Woodcock

New Xbox Releases: Week Beginning May 21st, 2018

State of Decay 2 now appears for all players, there's a new tennis title appearing in some regions, Sudden Strike 4 finally makes it to Xbox One, and the first Dark Souls title appears on the latest generation of consoles.

Posted 7 years ago by Rebecca Smith

Tennis World Tour New UK Release Date and Gameplay Trailer

May 22nd is the date players can get their hands on the upcoming Tennis World Tour from developer Breakpoint. For the UK, however, the wait will be slightly longer as a new release date has been announced.

Posted 7 years ago by Ashley Woodcock

Tennis World Tour Shows Us Its Career Mode

A new trailer showing off the game's comprehensive career mode has been released for upcoming tennis sim Tennis World Tour, as well as a set of new screens.

Posted 7 years ago by Chewie

Tennis World Tour Arrives in May

You won't have much longer to wait for Tennis World Tour as publisher Bigben Interactive has confirmed that the title will be arriving on May 22nd.

Posted 7 years ago by Rebecca Smith

Full List of Xbox One X Enhanced Games

We know the Xbox One X is coming on November 7th and we know lots of games are going to support it, but until today we didn't know exactly what games those would be. There's over 100 titles.

Posted 8 years ago by Claudio Barata

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