Chapter 1
when prompted, three consecutive times.
After the third prompt, a girl will join you. After a bit of conversation, make a choice between the three options. You will have three of these dialogue choices in the conversation.
Keep moving to the left after she leaves, using
to jump over obstacles.
You will eventually reach Summit of Leafroad Ridge, with a lot of yellow leaves on the ground. Keep moving left until you reach the girl again.
After a bit of dialogue, move to the stage to take out your guitar. Put your controller down at this point for about 3 minutes until you unlock;
to play the Folk Ballad until she stops you. Hold
a few more times until she says “Bonanza, that’s it”.
Walk over to her to trigger a conversation. Follow through the options until you are on top of the trees. Continue through the dialogue choices until she leaves.
You will end up back down after the title card and travelling in a cable car while the credits play.
Chapter 2
Back in control, keep walking to the right until you reach an old lady that can be interacted with. Move further to find another interaction outside a general store.
Keep going to the right until you reach a seating area. Interact with
to find out about Calypso. Move forward a bit more for a second interaction point.
Keep moving right until you are stopped by an angry man in front of the Salty Seagull. Go through the dialogue until he lets you go past.
Head up using the train car and go the left until you reach a bookstore. Francis will talk to Cassandra and she will give him a choice between three books and whatever you choose, Francis will have an epiphany.
Head further to the left and up the second train car to the next level. Head right to have a conversation with Lucy and another epiphany.
Keep moving to the right beyond Lucy to reach Francis’ house.
Chapter 3
Enter the house and during the conversation with his mother, you should unlock;
Francis will have another epiphany. Move to the right and up a set of stairs, then up a ladder to your room. Interact with the markers before going to the amp and choosing to “Put on a record”.
Hypnogogic Zomm will give you a makeover and you will now have a sick guitar to shred with as you walk around.
to shred until the area is lit up. Stop shredding to have some dialogue with Zomm.
Chapter 4
Once he leaves, starting from Francis’ house, keep holding
to shred while you are walking towards the left side of the screen to make the buildings and area light up. Once you reach the lift, keep going further left before you go down to light up the little overlook area. Going down one level with the lift, go to the left first to light up a small area. Now go all the way to the right, skipping the lift again to light up a small area to the right first then taking the lift down. Go again to the right first and light up the area before going all the way back to the Salty Seagull on the left side of the screen.
If you have light up every building and area, you should unlock;
You will then meet back up with Zomm and a new introduction. After a bit of dialogue, you end up at a musical mini-game.
Use the musical key to match the notes played by Lightman.
Head over to the left after the minigame is done to meet him and Zomm again.
Chapter 5
Once you’re inside, go all the way to the right for a short scene, then follow the path right all the way until you meet back up with the duo.
Go through the dialogue options until the door opens and you unlock;
Chapter 6
Move to the right to meet the duo again and a little bit more dialogue before they leave.
You can hold
to shred from this point on while you do the platforming bits to add flair to the scene. You can also double jump (
) and air shred (
) from this point on.
Once you reach the end of a pretty long sequence, you will encounter a… being. Go through the dialogue here and choose a name for yourself. It doesn't matter what you put in, the name is replaced by a guitar riff in every dialogue.
She will then transport you to the Cosmic Lung.
Chapter 7
Follow the path to the left until you reach a guy standing next to a map. He will take you to different parts of the area. Head to Violetta’s Workshop and follow the path to the right until you reach Violetta and Lightman. After their conversation, go to the right to interact with Violetta again.
After the second conversation, take the lift guy back to the main theatre and follow the path to the right to reach Lightman again. After a bit of conversation, follow him to the right again for a bit more dialogue and then a cutscene.
Chapter 8
You will end up in a new area talking to a hologram of Violetta. After the conversation, you can hold
while following the path to the right, until you reach a prompt to jump and press
to activate a stage.
You will have a small minigame to match the musical notes. The notes you need to play are in the middle of the stage that pops up and your inputs will be displayed on the larger icon at the top. Match the two sequences to bring up a bridge across.
Going past the bridge, keep holding
to shred while you going the down path until you eventually slide down to end up next to a snowman and wooden log. Shred while you’re standing next to the snowman until the light shines on him to unlock;
Follow the path to the right, activating three stages along the way to get some extra background info. Keep following the path until you reach Grollum Talent and head inside.
Head right to talk to a cat for a bit, then go further right until you enter a cave.
Chapter 9
Keep moving to the right until you encounter a beast. Make a dialogue choice and Violetta will appear and provide you a stage for your next musical minigame.
Match the notes that appear on the face of the monster. The "eyes" are the
buttons here which may be a little weird, but essentially the buttons are in the same places as the one displayed on your icon.
Take the path to the right and continue along, activating two stages along the way and matching musical notes when a stage appears.
Chapter 10
Keep following the path to the right to reach Stargordon and head inside. Follow the path to the right again until you encounter another being and enter a cutscene. Pick a home planet to proceed.
Chapter 11
Go through the talk show segment, making your choices to end up back on the set with everyone gone. Follow the path right to end up at a recording studio. After a bit of dialogue and some practice notes, press
to trigger a short sequence.
Chapter 12
Once you reach the platform, head right to find Stargordon again. Follow the path to the right until you encounter a stage.
Activate it and go through the dialogue with the monster to end up in a musical battle with 4 phases. The button presses get slightly more complicated starting from phase 2, with simultaneous presses on two buttons at a time. After completing this sequence you should unlock;
Make some dialogue choices to end up back at The Cosmic Lung.
Chapter 13
Head left and after a short scene with Lightman, keep going further and talk to the lift guy to go to Violetta’s Workshop. Head right to a dialogue with her, go to the left to talk with Zomm afterwards and head to the Main Stage. Head right to meet back up with Violetta and Lightman. After the dialogue, meet up with him again at the travel gate to the right. After some more dialogue, he will transport you to another new area in front of a hologram of Violetta.
Chapter 14
Follow the path to the right and once you have passed about 7-8 bubbles, you will be looking at a really large bubble below you in front of a waterfall. Use the bubble to get to a smaller bubble on the platform just above the waterfall. On this smaller bubble, use
to ground pound and get a higher jump, then use air shred or double jump so that you land on the archway just above the next waterfall. Try not to go over the right side or you will have to restart the chapter to unlock;
Follow the path to the right as you platform your way over, until you reach a large fish. Complete the conversation with him, then head further to the right until you reach a stage to activate. Follow the musical notes to open a path to the right in to the cave.
Chapter 15
Follow the path right until you reach the sign for Lumiere Violente. From here after you jump on the first platform, wait for it to reach the furthest point on the right for a visible jump to the other side. Follow the path until you reach a stage to activate which will take the platform to the right some more. Keep following the path until you reach the stage at the end.
You enter a minigame with 3 phases. Match the musical notes to the creature’s face, the face will change positions with each input making it slightly harder to track. Complete the minigame to get a ticket to the city of Glimmer.
Chapter 16
You will be taken to another area with holo-Violetta. Go through the dialogue choices and follow the path to the right to a dialogue with someone on top of a statue. Go through the dialogue choices here to catch a ride.
Chapter 17
After talking a bit to Frida, head inside the ship and interact with her to talk about clothes. Head right and through the door to enter another area.
Chapter 18
Go through all the stores on the 1st and 2nd floor to select whatever option you think looks coolest. Once you’re done with the gloves, drop down to the first floor and return back to Frida. Talk to her to unlock;
For this next conversation, if you’re enjoying the game on headphones, I recommend taking them off. Go through the dialogue choices and after the conversation is done, head left to the outside and take the ladder above you to the right. Follow the path to a conversation with Lightman.
Return back to where you had a conversation with Frida and take the ladder above and to the right again. Talk to Frida to proceed. (another conversation to avoid headphones in).
Chapter 19
Continue right once you are dropped off by the ship in to a conversation with two figures. Continue along the path using the bubbles on the ground to get to higher spots. The next bit is a little bit more timing oriented yet still manageable. Eventually you will reach 3 stages to activate: the first one will drop a billboard that you can cross, the second will bring a platform further out for you to jump on to and the third will take you down in to the next area.
Keep following the path right until you encounter another being. After some dialogue and intervention from Frida, follow the path right and enter the door. After the short ride to the other side, continue further to right and activate the stage and a short musical note minigame.
Jump up using the bubble on the right and continue on the path where you will encounter a stage that activates a light beam. Hold
as you are dropping in to the light beam to be taken through it on to the next areas. Continue on the path using more stages to create more light beams until you reach a final stage that triggers a giant blue being.
Make your dialogue choices here and head right after the conversation until you reach the warp turtle platform.
Chapter 20
After a bit of a ride, you will enter another event with musical minigames. You can choose either path to the left or the right. For both sides, you will need to activate the stages to reach another platform and activate another stage to trigger the note minigame. You will have to match the notes with the ones that appear on the right side of the giant monster fish that the Fashionista is riding.
Once you’re done with both sides, you will have to trigger the main middle platform for the last phase. Complete this to go past the Fashionista until the musical key appears above your head. It may be a little hard to see but it’s just pressing
multiple times. Once the screen fades to black you will unlock;
Chapter 21
You will be back at the Cosmic Lung now, Head left to talk to Zomm, then head to the left again to take the lift guy down to the captain’s quarters. Go to the left beyond Lightman’s room to find him. Complete the dialogue with him, then head up to the Mezzanine to meet with Violetta. Head right to her workshop to trigger some dialogue. Finish the dialogue here, then head down to the Main Stage and all the way to the right to meet Violetta and Zomm.
Make your dialogue choice here to be taken to the Galmourgonn.
Chapter 22
You will be in a pink forest type area with a lot of flowers and little creatures. After a little dialogue with them and holo-Violetta, keep heading right until you reach a frog-like creature. Complete the dialogue and continue on the path to the right.
Eventually you will reach a flower pod that will have lasers beneath it, use it to cross to the other side and continue on to another similar flower pod that takes you up to a bird’s eye view of holo-Lightman and back down again. Continue right to talk to Zomm, and proceed further to the right until you reach an outpost with a lot of horns and a conversation with a scout.
Chapter 23
Continue further to the right to another conversation about a meet and greet, then further right to an interview. Answer the questions here with whatever you would like, then proceed further to the right.
You will have to use musical key buttons to pull different poses while the photos are being taken. After a few fans have passed, you can go further to the right to talk to a being that patches you through to holo-Lightman. Make your dialogue choices and trigger the stage right next to you. Match the musical notes to the musical key right above you on the hut after which you should unlock;
Continue to the right and keep following the path until you reach a large screen showcasing Lightman’s audition. Talk to Zomm a bit further to the right.
Chapter 24
Continue on the path to the right, shredding as you go. You will have a few interaction points in between for more story. At the end of the path, a cutscene will trigger after which you can take a lift up to the next section. Take the path to the left until a cutscene triggers and the Zeppelin monster wakes up. Talk to them to get a ride.
Chapter 25
You can use the musical key to play notes on the ride until you reach Lightman. After some dialogue, you will be introduced to the Tastemaker. Complete the dialogue here and you will be taken away to a cutscene.
Chapter 26
When you are prompted, hold
to play a folk ballad. After a cutscene with the Tastemaker, you will be back in the workshop with Zomm and Violetta. The scene will shift back to Francis and the Glamourgonn arena.
Chapter 27
Match the musical notes with the head of the large creature above you to unlock the stage on either side. You will have to activate and play on both sides before the centre stage activates. Trigger the centre stage for a transition in to another musical minigame which unlocks two more stages on either side. After completing both sides, head back to the centre and activate the stage for a final minigame, after which you should unlock;
Go through the dialogue choices with the Glamourgonn.
Chapter 28
After a cutscene, Violetta will drop you off for the afterparty. Finish the dialogue and keep heading left until you encounter Romy. Make a couple of dialogue choices to trigger a cutscene for your final performance and unlock;
And that should be that, congrats on your fresh 1000GS and I hope you enjoyed this musical kaleidoscope!
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