Four Titles Leaving Xbox Game Pass at the End of September 2018Microsoft has revealed four titles that will be removed from the Xbox Game Pass program at the end of September, a somewhat smaller number to what we've seen in previous months. Posted 7 years ago by Rebecca Smith
Seven Games To Be Added To Xbox Game Pass This OctoberThe deal that Xbox Game Pass represents gets even better as seven more titles join the program. In amongst this batch is the perfect-for-Hallowe'en Costume Quest 2 and Capcom fighter Super Street Fighter IV. Posted 8 years ago by Andy Mills
XBL Content Roundup: October 21st, 2016Battlefield 1, Gears of War 4 and WWE 2K17 provide the highlights, while there are plenty of new bundles and indie games. Rise of the Tomb Raider and Rock Band 4 add DLC with achievements. Posted 9 years ago by Rebecca Smith
The Bug Butcher ReviewTriangle Studios debuts a game on consoles that is reminiscent of old arcade titles like Super Pang (even Galaga) without being a carbon copy. The Bug Butcher has its own personality as Harry stomps some really big bugs. Posted 9 years ago by Cindy Minguez
Triangle Studios Announces The Bug Butcher Is Coming To ConsolesIf you're not a fan of spiders, bugs, and other types of creepy crawlies, then having the job of exterminating them in Triangle Studios' The Bug Butcher might be the job for you. Posted 9 years ago by Ashley Woodcock