The Club (GFWL) Achievements Here is the full list of all 50 The Club (GFWL) achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 31 Offline Mode 17 Online Mode 1 Online/Offline 34 Single Player 16 Versus 16 Main Storyline 8 Difficulty Specific 16 Stackable 2 Collectable 10 Cumulative + 2 Online Skill 1 Time/Date 1 Multiple Playthroughs Required 1 Time Consuming 5 Buggy - 1 Unobtainable Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Sharp SteelComplete the Steel Mill on any difficulty level in Tournament. 1 guideHard SteelComplete Steel Mill on Insane level. 1 guideSplash DownComplete Ocean Liner on any difficulty level in Tournament. 1 guideWatery GraveComplete Ocean Liner on Insane level. Out on ProbationComplete Prison on any difficulty level in Tournament. Hard TimeComplete Prison on Insane level. Waterway to GoComplete Venice on any difficulty level in Tournament. 1 guideWet and WildComplete Venice on Insane level. Crate WorkComplete Warehouse on any difficulty level in Tournament. 1 guideA Crate EffortComplete Warehouse on Insane level. A Stately AchievementComplete Manor House on any difficulty level in Tournament. 1 guideFull HouseComplete Manor House on Insane level. Defcon 3Complete Bunker on any difficulty level in Tournament. 1 guideBunker BusterComplete Bunker on Insane level. WarlordComplete the game on any difficulty level in Tournament. 1 guideSkillzoneComplete Warzone on Insane difficulty Join the ClubPlay an event with every one of the 6 unlocked characters in either Tournament or Single Event. 1 guideThe Awards ShowAchieve one of every ‘in game award’ either in Tournament or Single Event. 1 guideShow OffAchieve every ‘in game award’ in one level in either Tournament or Single Event. 1 guideSave our SoulsSpell the word SOS in the Warehouse in either Tournament or Single Event. 1 guideListmaniaSave 5 Playlists in GunPlay. 2 guidesPremium MembershipFinish a Tournament on any difficulty with all 8 characters. 1 guideRack em UpAchieve your first x10 combo in either Tournament or Single Event. 1 guideHidden TreasuresShoot All Secret Skullshots in every level in either Tournament or Single Event. ScavengerShoot All Skullshots on one level in either Tournament or Single Event. 1 guideBag them BonesShoot All Skullshots on every level in either Tournament or Single Event. 1 guideMelee the ElephantKill 30 enemies in a level with a melee attack in either Tournament or Single Event. 2 guidesCombo KillerReach the level objective with a maximum combo in either Tournament or Single Event. 1 guideEfficiencyKill every enemy on a level using less than 50 bullets in either Tournament or Single Event. 3 guidesBreakthroughSmash 50 Doors in either Tournament or Single Event. 1 guideScores on the BoardGet in the top 100,000 on any leaderboard. 1 guideTabletopperGet in the top 5,000 on any leaderboard. 1 guideTop GunGet more than 10,000 points for a single kill in either Tournament or Single Event. 2 guidesSprint the GauntletComplete a Run the Gauntlet with 20 seconds left. 1 guideSkullMasterHit 5 Skullshots in a row (without killing a bad guy in between). 2 guidesWelcome to The ClubWin your first ranked match. 1 guideTaking part that countsBe on the winning team in a ranked team match. Capture KingCapture the base 25 times in Ranked matches. Club on TourWin a ranked match in every location. 1 guideFirst Blood25 'First Kills' in any Ranked Multiplayer game mode. 1 guideBig Game HuntedSurvive for 120 seconds as the hunted in Hunter Hunted. Target ManShoot 100 Skull shot targets in Team Skullshot. Fox HunterKill the Enemy Fox 25 times in Ranked Matches. 1 guidePoints Mean PrizesScore 10,000 points in a Score Match. Free For All EliteWin any free-for-all game without dying. Siege BreakerYour team survives for more than 2 Minutes in Team Siege. Demolition ManGet 100 Explosive Kills in Ranked Matches. 1 guideOne ShotGet 100 Sniper Kills in Ranked Matches. BrawlerGet 100 Melee Kills in Ranked Matches. 1 guideNo, SeriouslyKill 10,001 people in multiplayer Ranked Matches. 1 guide