The Crew Achievements Full list of all 50 The Crew achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. It takes around 150-200 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Xbox One.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply The CrewComplete a Mission while in a Crew (2-4 Players) 1 guideUnited we StandComplete 50 Crew vs. Crew PvP Events. (2-4 players) 4 guidesThe BreadwinnerIncrease your Daily Salary to 10,000 Bucks. 2 guidesRemember my nameEarn over 100,000 Reputation Points. 6 guidesGhost BustinBeat any Platinum Skill Ghost. 1 guideWe don't need RoadsBurn Nitro at exactly 88mph (141 km/h). 2 guidesEnduring SpiritComplete the Faction Mission Landmark Tour in a Crew (2-4 players). 3 guidesCoast to CoastComplete the Faction Mission Coast to Coast in a Crew (2-4 players) 2 guidesSynchronized SpinningEarn 3,000 Bucks from a Multiplayer Stunt Combo. 8 guidesHold the lineAchieve a combined speed of 870 mph (1400 km/h) in a Crew (2-4 Players). 2 guidesPodium PlacingAs a team (3-4 players), finish 1st, 2nd and 3rd in a PvP Crew vs Crew Event. 7 guidesNever Drive AloneSpend a total of 24 hours in a Crew (2-4 Players). 2 guidesHighway One PlusDrive the length of Highway One while in a Crew (2-4 Players). 2 guidesStay Out of TroubleEscape the Police at least once in each region. 3 guidesTop DogFinish first in a free-for-all PvP Event. 1 guideEnthusiastTune a car to level 510. 1 guideThe ModfatherTune a car to level 1299. 6 guidesStar ServiceUpgrade every Performance part on a vehicle to Platinum. 1 guideOverclockerDrive a total of 5,000 Miles (8047 km) in a single car. 7 guidesWalking-around moneyHave 500,000 Bucks in your wallet. 1 guideMade To SpecOwn a car with all its 5 Specs unlocked. 1 guideFaceliftCustomize every Visual part of a car. 1 guideUnlimited Testdrive BudgetTestdrive the most expensive car. 3 guidesSalt RocketAchieve a speed over 236 mph (380 km/h) on the Bonneville Salt Flats. 4 guidesFirst OffenseEscape a Police pursuit 100 times in FreeDrive. 5 guidesVersatile ShowmanEarn a Platinum Medal in each Skill type in all 5 Zones. 4 guidesDaily DoseComplete a Daily Challenge. 1 guideWeekly WonderComplete a Weekly Challenge. 1 guideMonthly MarvelComplete a Monthly Challenge. 1 guideAnd the award goes to…Earn over 10,000 Award Points. 3 guidesStreet SmartEarn a Story Mission Platinum medal in a Street Spec Car. 1 guide5-10Dominate the Midwest and get your first ink. 1 guideV2Tame the East Coast and earn your V2 ink. 1 guideV4Reestablish 5-10 control in The South and earn your V4. 1 guideV6Beat the cops in The Mountain States and earn your V6. 2 guidesShow OffPerform a minute-long Stunt Combo. 5 guidesDirty BirdyEarn a Story Mission Platinum medal in a Dirt Spec Car. 2 guidesV8Conquer the West Coast, win the Face-off, and take the V8. 2 guidesData TrackerTap into 30 Data Stations in the United States. 1 guideScrap SalvagerBuild a Hidden Car from Wreck Parts. 1 guideDomestic TouristVisit 242 Landmarks in the United States. 1 guidePerf-ectionEarn a Story Mission Platinum medal in a Perf Spec Car. 1 guideRaid the ScoreboardEarn a Story Mission Platinum medal in a Raid Spec Car. 2 guidesSkills To Pay BillsEarn a Gold medal on 500 Skills. 2 guidesThe Extra MileEarn Platinum medals from all Story Missions. 4 guidesThe BossProgress to Level 50. 2 guidesIndy Car RacerDrive a total of 200 laps around the Little Eagle Speedrome. 2 guidesCircuit TrainingEarn a Story Mission Platinum medal in a Circuit Spec Car. 2 guidesRoad TripDrive to all 5 regions in a Crew during one session (2-4 players). 2 guidesMeeting New PeopleEncounter 2,000 players on your travels. 4 guides