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Xbox sales: TA Team Picks (February 11th)

The Xbox Sales return this week with a slew of discounts on games and DLC across Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC, and as such, the TA news team has had a rummage to find their recommended pickups.

Posted 2 years ago by Tom West

TA Top Five: Beasties

When creating exciting new worlds for us to explore in their games, developers also need to fill those worlds with weird and wonderful fauna and flora to give a deeper feeling of immersion in the wor

Posted 11 years ago by Chewie

Holiday Bundles from 2K Confirmed

With the holidays right around the corner, 2K Games has announced some bad-ass holiday bundles for fans, so if you're in the market, now would be a good time to buy.

Posted 12 years ago by Cindy Minguez

Retail Releases: Week of November 5th, 2013

A wide range of gaming goodness hits the shelves this week. Needless to say that one particular game in this list will be flying to the top of the charts. The extremely successful Call of Duty franch

Posted 12 years ago by Marc Hollinshead

Retail Releases: Week of October 28th, 2013

After the special 2K Essentials Collection was released in North America last week, a trio of sequels have rocked up this week. Other releases this week see several popular franchises offering up ano

Posted 12 years ago by Keith Gray

Best Buy Deal of the Day [US Only]

In our ongoing quest to keep you, the value-conscious gamers, apprised of all of the best deals in gaming, we're taking a minute to shed the cold light of savings on a sweet deal that you might want

Posted 13 years ago by Jonathan Barnes

TA Competition: The Darkness II Masquerade Winners

Update 2 A couple of no responses means I'm drawing a couple of new names. PMs are being sent to those new winners. Update Harkin81 has politely passed on his mask, so we're drawing one new name for

Posted 13 years ago by BrassBrum

TA Competition: The Darkness II Masquerade

How do you fancy bagging some swag for your games room, or collection? We've got a competition for you guys courtesy of 2K Games, which gives you a chance to get your hands on a Darkling mask from Th

Posted 13 years ago by BrassBrum

The Darkness II Gameplay Trailer Released

Yes, yes, The Darkness II may already be out on North American shores, but it still has yet to make its way to Europe and Australia. Of course, this means that there's still ample time to get another

Posted 13 years ago by Michelle Balsan

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