The Darkness Achievements Full list of all 50 The Darkness achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. It takes around 25-30 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Xbox 360.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 37 Offline Mode 13 Online/Offline 37 Single Player 9 Main Storyline 2 Difficulty Specific 2 Stackable 7 Collectable 19 Cumulative + 3 Missable 13 Buggy - 2 Buggy + 13 Versus 1 Time/Date 1 x4 Players Required 1 Story Completed Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply HoodlumBe on the winning side in a multiplayer match in any of the multiplayer modes 1 guidePatriotCapture a flag in a CTF match 2 guidesMurdererClaim 20 Killing Streaks in multiplayer 2 guidesHard to KillTake enough damage without dying within a multiplayer match 3 guidesFlag RunnerCapture 20 flags in a CTF match 1 guideFlag OwnerCapture 50 flags in a CTF match 1 guideButcherClaim 20 Killing Streaks in multiplayer 2 guidesMookBe on the winning side in 5 multiplayer matches 2 guidesHenchmanBe on the winning side in 20 multiplayer matches 1 guideContract KillerBe on the winning side in 50 multiplayer matches 1 guideMade ManBe on the winning side in 100 multiplayer matches 1 guideThe DonBe on the winning side in 250 multiplayer matches 7 guidesBeginningsComplete the first part of the game 3 guidesInto the DarkComplete the second part of the game 1 guideHappy BirthdayAcquire Creeping Dark 2 guidesNo Man's LandAcquire Demon Arm 1 guideHillsAcquire Darkness Guns 2 guidesCrazy For YouAcquire Black Hole 1 guideDarkling MasterAcquire all Darkling types 1 guideOne With the DarkAchieve maximum Darkness level 1 guideAnti HeroComplete game on normal setting 1 guideLegendary DarkComplete game on hard setting 7 guidesCannibalDevour 300 enemies 3 guidesFashionableCollect all the Darkling outfits 5 guidesBringing People TogetherTrap 5 enemies within a Black Hole 5 guidesRogue KillerKill 15 enemies using Creeping Dark 2 guidesVoid BringerKill 20 enemies using Black Hole 1 guideGunnerKill 30 enemies using Darkness Guns 2 guidesRipperKill 30 enemies using Demon Arm 3 guidesSummonerSummon 5 Darklings 1 guideLegendary SummonerSummon 50 Darklings 4 guidesDarkness MasterOnly for those who are completely in tune with the Darkness 4 guidesRoadkillKill the workers in the tunnel 6 guidesGhandiFind a peaceful solution. At least momentarily 3 guidesRomanticReal guys stick around for their ladies 2 guidesHeart of GoldHelp those in need 2 guidesGunslingerKill 7 enemies within 15 seconds 7 guidesAnti AirBring down the Chopper 3 guidesTake a Look at the SkyTake down 6 airplanes. 3 guidesKnuckle, Meet FacePerform a melee kill for the first time 2 guidesUp Close and PersonalPerform an execution move for the first time 1 guideExecutionerKill 25 enemies using execution moves 3 guidesPicking Up StuffUnlock a collectable for the first time 2 guidesGathererUnlock 25 collectables 2 guidesThe CollectorUnlock 50 collectables 2 guidesThe Obsessive CollectorUnlock 75 collectables 1 guideCompletionistUnlock 100 collectables 3 guidesBullet DodgerFinish a multiplayer match with less than 5 deaths (minimum of 4 players) 2 guidesKeeper of SecretsSomeone's waiting by the phone 1 guideLegendary ExecutionerKill 50 enemies using execution moves 4 guides