Tom Clancy's The Division Achievements Full list of all 65 Tom Clancy's The Division achievements worth 1,450 gamerscore.The base game contains 50 achievements worth 1,000 Gamerscore, and there are 3 DLC packs containing 15 achievements worth 450 Gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 65 Online Mode 52 Single Player 15 Main Storyline 3 Difficulty Specific 11 Collectable 13 Cumulative + 1 Time Consuming 7 Shop 1 Buggy + 6 Level 63 Cooperative 11 Versus 1 x4 Players Required 5 x16 Players Required 1 Story Completed Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Base Base Game (Excludes DLC) 1,843 1,000 50 3.97395,96314,971 (4%)60-80h ActivatedGet to Manhattan. 1 guideOutbreakSecure a sample of the original virus strain. 1 guideCan't stand the heat!Eliminate the leader of the Cleaners and escape the Napalm Production Site. 1 guideCrime and PunishmentEliminate the leader of the Rikers gang and her bodyguards in Lexington Event Center. 1 guideI've Got the PowerSecure the Power Plant. 1 guideFly on the WallRestore the JTF comm relay. 1 guideLast Man StandingEliminate the leader of the Last Man Battalion and his men in the U.N. Building. 2 guidesYou Win Some, You Lose SomeRecover Tchernenko's research data from the Russian Consulate. 1 guideWhat Needs To Be DoneRecover Charles Bliss' propaganda tape. 1 guideThe Final CurtainUncover the fates of Gordon Amherst and Aaron Keener. 1 guideOn the LevelReach Level 30 with an Agent. 3 guidesMarathonDiscover ALL of the Safe Houses in Manhattan. 3 guidesKnow No FearFinish all of the missions at Level 30 on the Hard difficulty. 2 guidesHardened CombatantComplete a mission in Challenge mode. 3 guidesUnited We StandAt lvl 30 start and complete a Co-op Mission without anyone being Downed or Dying. 5 guidesShadows of the pastActivate 63 ECHO scenes. 8 guidesDroning on…Extract 16 aerial photos from crashed drones. 4 guidesSurvivalistRecover 24 Survival Guide pages. 6 guidesAgent DiariesExtract 130 phone recordings from phones found in Manhattan. 4 guidesThe FinderRetrieve 20 missing first wave Division agent profiles. 5 guidesIncident ReportsExtract 40 audio incident reports from JTF laptops. 5 guidesGain a FootholdRegroup with Faye Lau in the Base of Operations. 1 guideThe EngineerRescue Paul Rhodes. 1 guideThe DoctorRescue and extract Dr. Jessica Kandel. 1 guideThe CaptainRescue Captain Roy Benitez. 1 guideState of the ArtFully upgrade the Base of Operations. 1 guideSkillzEquip 10 different Skill Mods. 2 guidesSkill KillFinish off 50 enemies using Skills. 2 guidesThe HumanitarianPurchase the Canine Unit and Pediatric Care Base of Operations Upgrade. 1 guideThose Signature MovesActivate any of the Signature Skills 100 times. 2 guidesNatural TalentBe attributed with a kill while having a Talent active. 1 guideOne Down, Two to Go!Completely upgrade any one wing of the Base of Operations. 2 guidesFixer-UpperCompletely upgrade any two wings of the Base of Operations. 1 guideBling! Bling!Equip all Gear slots with Superior or High-end Items. 3 guidesGood With My HandsCraft 10 items. 2 guidesMaster CraftsmanCraft a High-end item. 5 guidesDeconstructive CriticismDeconstruct 100 items. 2 guidesLooking for GroupJoin or create a group. 1 guideMedic!Revive a team mate 20 times in co-op. 2 guidesLean On MeHeal or Buff allies 100 times while in a group. 3 guidesNetworkingComplete 20 Missions as part of a group. 1 guideShut that doorClose a car door while in cover. 2 guidesRaid the ArsenalKill 1 enemy with each of the 6 Gun classes. 2 guidesWorth the WaitSuccessfully Extract a contaminated item from the Dark Zone. 1 guideMass ExtractionExtract an item from all Extraction zones in DZ01-06. 2 guidesPlundered!Extract a Superior or High-end Item from the Dark Zone. 1 guideHeadhunterKill a named Elite in the Dark Zone. 1 guideYou Just Made the List…Kill 10 Named Enemies in the Dark Zone. 2 guidesFor Justice!Kill a player who has Gone Rogue. 2 guidesI am the LAW!Kill 20 Rogue Agents. 4 guides Add-on Underground 524 150 5 3.1285,7556,775 (8%)60-80h Begin with a BANGAccess the Tactical Operations Center. 1 guideObjectively ExperiencedComplete each of the 6 different mission objectives in the underground. 3 guidesThe Beast BelowReach Underground Rank 40. 3 guidesTier OneIn a group of 4 finish an Operation on Challenge with 5 directives enabled. 2 guidesGone SpelunkingRetrieve all 55 Audio Logs and 25 UrbEx Diaries the Underground. 2 guides Add-on Survival 555 150 5 3.6425,1573,008 (12%)25-30h Born SurvivorSuccessfully survive and escape in Survival Mode. 2 guidesTools of the TradeCraft the Virus Filter and Flare Gun in Survival mode. 1 guideSubzero HeroObtain clothing to get a survivable temperature rating of -22°C / -7°F. 2 guidesSurvival InstinctsAchieve Master Rank in Survival Mode. 4 guidesFor the Hoarder…Successfully extract 100 items from the Survival Dark Zone. 6 guides Add-on Last Stand 701 150 5 1.9632,6192,876 (9%)25-30h First BloodFinish a round of Last Stand. 1 guideObjectively GoodCapture an objective, build both Fortifications and unlock both Perks. 2 guidesCaptivatedCapture 50 Tactical Objectives. 2 guidesBuffing... Please WaitGrant your team a Perk 10 times. 1 guideStand TakenWin 50 rounds of Last Stand. 6 guides