The Elder Scrolls Online Achievements Full list of all 171 The Elder Scrolls Online achievements worth 6,690 gamerscore.The base game contains 45 achievements worth 1,000 Gamerscore, and there are 33 DLC packs containing 126 achievements worth 5,690 Gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 171 Online Mode 168 Single Player 32 Main Storyline 30 Difficulty Specific 6 Stackable 22 Collectable 2 Cumulative + 2 Viral 1 Online Skill 3 Time Consuming 2 Buggy - 1 Shop 16 Level 143 Cooperative 11 Versus 3 External Content 2 x12 Players Required 1 Story Completed Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flagsAchievements without any flags (45) What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Base Base Game (Excludes DLC) 6,451 1,000 45 3.87269,914332 (0%)1000+h Level 50 HeroReach Level 50. 2 guidesHero of the Daggerfall CovenantComplete all Daggerfall Covenant achievements. 1 guideAlliance War RecruitEarn the rank of Recruit in the Alliance War. 3 guidesCut and RunSuccessfully escape a guard after choosing the "Flee" option in the Accost Dialogue Window. 3 guidesClose Call KillEarn a kill when below 5 percent health in the Alliance War or Battlegrounds. 1 guideGeneral ExecutionerDestroy all of Molag Bal's generals that appear at the Dark Anchors. 3 guidesMaster FisherComplete all fishing achievements. 4 guidesAnchors AwayDestroy every Dark Anchor in Tamriel. 3 guidesHero of the Ebonheart PactComplete all Ebonheart Pact achievements. 1 guideArch-MageComplete the Mages Guild series of quests. 1 guideFighters Guild VeteranComplete the Fighters Guild series of quests. 1 guideCyrodiil Cave DelverExplore and clear all 18 caves in Cyrodiil. 2 guidesCyrodiil ChampionComplete all quest achievements in Cyrodiil. 1 guideDawn of a ChampionSpend your first Champion Point. 1 guideEmperor!Dominate the Alliance War battlefield and become Emperor of Tamriel. Long may you reign! 5 guidesSupport the FightHelp capture a Resource (Farm, Lumber Mill, or Mine), and Keep in Cyrodiil. 1 guideAldmeri Master ExplorerDiscover and clear all caves and locales throughout the Aldmeri Dominion Territory. 1 guideDaggerfall Master ExplorerDiscover and clear all caves and locales throughout the Daggerfall Covenant Territory. 1 guideEbonheart Master ExplorerDiscover and clear all caves and locales throughout the Ebonheart Pact Territory. 1 guideColdharbour Master ExplorerDiscover and clear all six caves and striking locales in Coldharbour. 1 guideIndecent ExposureHave stolen clothing from all your armor slots repossessed at the same time by a guard. 8 guidesTamriel Skyshard HunterFind all the Skyshards located throughout Tamriel. 3 guidesSoul Shriven in ColdharbourComplete Main Quest Chapter 1. 1 guideThe HarborageComplete Main Quest Chapter 1.5. 1 guideDaughter of GiantsComplete Main Quest Chapter 2. 1 guideChasing ShadowsComplete Main Quest Chapter 2.5 1 guideCastle of the WormComplete Main Quest Chapter 3 1 guideThe Tharn SpeaksComplete Main Quest Chapter 3.5. 2 guidesThe Halls of TormentComplete Main Quest Chapter 4. 1 guideThe Valley of BladesComplete Main Quest Chapter 4.5. 1 guideThe Shadow of Sancre TorComplete Main Quest Chapter 5. 1 guideCouncil of the Five CompanionsComplete Main Quest Chapter 5.5. 1 guideThe God of SchemesComplete Main Quest Chapter 6. 1 guideLycanthropyBecome a Werewolf. 2 guidesVampirismBecome a Vampire. 2 guidesAlliance Style MasterLearn all Alliance Racial Styles. 1 guideRare Style MasterLearn all Rare Racial Styles. 1 guideEbonheart Pact ConquerorDefeat all of the Public Dungeon champions in the Ebonheart Pact. 1 guideAldmeri Dominion ConquerorDefeat all of the Public Dungeon champions in the Aldmeri Dominion. 1 guideDaggerfall Covenant ConquerorDefeat all of the Public Dungeon champions in the Daggerfall Covenant. 1 guideVanquisher of the PactDefeat all the bosses throughout the Group Dungeons in the Ebonheart Pact. 1 guideVanquisher of the CovenantDefeat all the bosses throughout the Group Dungeons in the Daggerfall Covenant. 1 guideVanquisher of the DominionDefeat all the bosses throughout the Group Dungeons in the Aldmeri Dominion. 1 guideHero of the Aldmeri DominionComplete all Aldmeri Dominion achievements. 1 guideCraglorn CompletistEliminate the threat of the Serpent and his Scaled Court throughout all of Craglorn. 1 guide Update Imperial City 1,344 200 6 3.5016,1201,931 (12%)15-20h Imperial Arena ChampionComplete the Imperial City Arena by slaying the Ringmaster and her monstrous servants. 1 guideProtector of the FaithComplete the Imperial City Temple event by defeating the Daedric Titan, Uzuruz. 1 guideThe Sublime ProtectorBring an end to Molag Bal's secret plot in the Imperial City. 1 guideImperial LightbringerComplete the Barathrum Centrata event deep beneath the Imperial City. 1 guideBig ScoreGain 900 Tel Var Stones from a single kill. 4 guidesHorror of HorrorsKill all the Patrolling Horrors in the Imperial City. 1 guide Add-on Orsinium 767 220 6 3.9217,4821,685 (10%)25-30h Hero of WrothgarComplete quests, defeat bosses, and explore delves to become the Hero of Wrothgar. 1 guideWrothgar AdventurerComplete 27 quests in Wrothgar. 1 guideKingmakerComplete Wrothgar's main quests. 1 guideMaelstrom Arena ChampionConquer all challengers and earn the title of Maelstrom Arena Champion. Wrothgar Master Relic HunterCollect all 20 relics for the House of Orsimer Glories. 1 guideMaelstrom Arena ConquerorConquer all challengers in Veteran Maelstrom Arena. 2 guides Add-on Thieves Guild 792 220 6 3.8830,0762,450 (8%)10-12h Hero of Hew's BaneComplete quests, defeat bosses, and explore delves to become the Hero of Hew's Bane. 1 guideBroken WheelComplete quest "Prison Break" in Hew's Bane. 1 guideWelcome to the Thieves GuildJoin the Thieves Guild by completing quest "Partners in Crime" in Hew's Bane. 1 guideA Cutpurse AboveSteal every treasure from Kari's Hit List and place them all within the Thieves Den. 1 guideMaster of ShadowsComplete 1 heist for the Thieves Guild without being detected. 2 guidesHonor Among ThievesAssist each member of the Thieves Guild in resolving personal matters. 1 guide Add-on The Dark Brotherhood 920 220 6 3.8634,1511,339 (4%)30-35h Bane of the Gold CoastComplete quests, defeat bosses, and explore delves to become the Bane of the Gold Coast. 1 guideFirst BloodJoin the Dark Brotherhood and complete the "Voices in the Dark" quest. 1 guideSilencerComplete the "Filling the Void" Dark Brotherhood quest in the Gold Coast. 1 guideLitany of BloodExecute all targets listed in the Litany of Blood and collect your reward. 2 guidesFlawless SacramentComplete each achievement associated with the Speaker's Black Sacrament contracts. 1 guideGold Coast ConnectionsAid each of the notable figures recently arrived on the Gold Coast. 1 guide Add-on The Shadows of the Hist 895 220 6 3.5215,7671,281 (8%)8-10h Ruins of Mazzatun VanquisherDefeat all mini-boss and boss enemies in Ruins of Mazzatun. 1 guideCradle of Shadows VanquisherDefeat all mini-boss and boss enemies in Cradle of Shadows. 1 guideMazzatun MassacreDefeat Tree-Minder Na-Kesh after first eliminating all other enemies in Ruins of Mazzatun. 1 guideSavior of the Su-ZahleelRescue all six of the Su-Zahleel Elders from the Ritual Chamber in Veteran Ruins of Mazzatun. 1 guideWeb WalkerDefeat Velidreth in Veteran Cradle of Shadows without any party members dying in the catacombs. 1 guideShadows of the Hist DelverComplete Veteran Cradle of Shadows and Veteran Ruins of Mazzatun. 2 guides Update Morrowind 1,631 220 6 4.1023,985925 (4%)20-25h Savior of MorrowindComplete quests, defeat bosses, and explore delves to become the Savior of Morrowind. 1 guideAncestral Tombs HunterDiscover and explore the lost Library of Andule. 2 guidesChampion of VivecRestore Lord Vivec's lost power, save Vivec City, and be named Champion of Vivec. 1 guideTriple ThreatCapture three enemy Relics in a single Battleground match. 1 guideMost Valuable CombatantEarn a medal score of at least 3,000 points in a single Battleground match. 1 guideHalls of Fabrication CompletedAssist Divayth Fyr in stopping the flood of animunculi coming from the Halls of Fabrication. 1 guide Add-on Horns of the Reach 1,109 220 6 3.7313,849523 (4%)3-4h Bloodroot Forge VanquisherDefeat all mini-boss and boss enemies in Bloodroot Forge. 1 guideFalkreath Hold VanquisherDefeat all mini-boss and boss enemies in Falkreath Hold. 1 guideCooling Your HeelsComplete Veteran Bloodroot Forge without ever touching the lava flowing through the Sanguine Veins. 2 guidesDeck DiverNever be personally struck by siege weapon fire in Veteran Falkreath Hold. 3 guidesMagma MasherUse Galchobhar's Mantle Breaker to dissipate a Fire Shalk's Lava Ball in Veteran Bloodroot Forge. 3 guidesHorns of the Reach DelverComplete Veteran Falkreath Hold and Veteran Bloodroot Forge. 1 guide Add-on Clockwork City 773 220 6 3.9716,8171,324 (8%)10-12h Precursor MakerCollect and install all of the parts necessary to reconstruct the Precursor factotum. 2 guidesHero of Clockwork CityComplete quests, defeat bosses, and explore delves to become the Hero of Clockwork City. 1 guideLand of Gears and CogsComplete the "To the Clockwork City" quest. 1 guideThe Burden of KnowledgeComplete the "The Light of Knowledge" quest. 1 guideFortune and FateLearn of things to come. 1 guideAsylum Sanctorium CompletedDefeat Saint Olms the Just, Saint Llothis the Pious, and Saint Felms the Bold in Asylum Sanctorium. Add-on Dragon Bones 904 220 6 3.9213,2571,131 (9%)10-12h Fang Lair VanquisherDefeat all mini-boss and boss enemies in Fang Lair. 1 guideScalecaller Peak VanquisherDefeat all mini-boss and boss enemies in Scalecaller Peak. 1 guideScalecaller SaviorHelp Jorvuld Davaux find a cure to the cult's plague within Scalecaller Peak. 1 guideFungi FreeDefeat the Cadaverous Menagerie without anyone being hurt by Volatile Fungi in Veteran Fang Lair. 1 guideStand Your GroundDefeat Zaan the Scalecaller without being knocked back by her shield. 1 guideDragon Bones DelverComplete Veteran Fang Lair and Veteran Scalecaller Peak. 1 guide Add-on Summerset 1,016 300 6 4.0614,6771,410 (10%)40-50h Savior of SummersetComplete quests, defeat bosses, and explore delves to become the Savior of Summerset. 1 guideRelics of SummersetRetrieve the 20 dangerous relics stolen from the Vault of Moawita. 1 guideCloudrest CompletedDefeat Z'Maja and assist Olorime in reclaiming Cloudrest. The Good of the ManyStop the conspiracy, protect the Crystal Tower, and forge a new alliance in Summerset. Abyssal DevastatorComplete 50 Abyssal Geysers. 1 guideJewelry Trait MasterResearch nine Traits for each type of jewelry. 1 guide Add-on Wolfhunter 1,027 220 6 3.6310,489642 (6%)12-15h Bloody MessDefeat Jailer Melitus without being damaged by Bloody Geysers in Moon Hunter Keep. 5 guidesMarch of Sacrifices VanquisherDefeat the Wyrd Sisters, Aghoedh, Dagrund, Tarcyr, and Balorgh in March of Sacrifices. 1 guideA Hulking AllyDefeat Archivist Ernarde without killing the first Hulking Werewolf ally in Moon Hunter Keep. 1 guideMoon Hunter Keep VanquisherDefeat Jailer Melitus, Hedge Maze Guardian, Mylenne, the Archivist, and Vykosa in Moon Hunter Keep. 1 guideBook SmartsDefeat Archivist without taking group member damage from Symbols of Xarxes in Moon Hunter Keep. 1 guideWolfhunter DelverComplete Veteran Moon Hunter Keep and Veteran March of Sacrifices. 1 guide Add-on Murkmire 404 130 2 3.956,7993,939 (58%)6-8h Hero of MurkmireComplete quests, defeat bosses, and explore delves to become the Hero of Murkmire. 1 guideThe River of RebirthComplete the "By River and Root" quest. 1 guide Add-on Wrathstone 536 130 2 3.956,8762,019 (29%)1-2h Wrathstone DelverComplete both Frostvault and Depths of Malatar in Veteran. 1 guideWrathstone ScoutComplete both Frostvault and Depths of Malatar in Normal or Higher. Add-on Elsweyr 717 170 4 4.3018,8031,775 (9%)15-20h Sunspire CompletedDefeat Yolnahkriin, Lokkestiiz, and Nahviintaas in Sunspire. Savior of ElsweyrComplete quests, defeat bosses, and explore delves to become the Savior of Elsweyr. 1 guideAnequina Dragon KillerKill 1 Dragon in the wilds of Northern Elsweyr. 1 guideMural MenderCollect and restore all fragments of the Rithana-di-Renada, an ancient Khajiiti mural. 1 guide Add-on Scalebreaker 594 130 2 3.726,9921,601 (23%)1-2h Scalebreaker DelverComplete both Moongrave Fane and Lair of Maarselok in Veteran. 1 guideScalebreaker ScoutComplete both Lair of Maarselok and Moongrave Fane in Normal. 1 guide Add-on Dragonhold 364 130 2 3.767,4935,245 (70%)4-5h Return of the DragonguardComplete "The Dragonguard" quest in Southern Elsweyr. 1 guideThe Dragon's WrathComplete the "The Pride of Elsweyr" quest in Southern Elsweyr. 2 guides Add-on Harrowstorm 527 130 2 3.885,9861,979 (33%)1-2h Harrowstorm DelverComplete both Icereach and Unhallowed Grave in Veteran. Harrowstorm ScoutComplete both Icereach and Unhallowed Grave in Normal. Add-on Greymoor 687 180 4 3.856,5831,097 (17%)15-20h Savior of Western SkyrimComplete quests, defeat bosses, and explore delves to become the Savior of Western Skyrim. An Instrumental TriumphLocate and retrieve all 19 musical instruments and deliver them to the Bards College in Solitude. 1 guideKyne's Aegis CompletedDefeat Yandir the Butcher, Captain Vrol, and Lord Falgravn in Kyne's Aegis. Master AntiquarianComplete Antiquities achievements. 2 guides Add-on Blackwood 733 180 4 4.0311,7711,250 (11%)20-25h Savior of BlackwoodComplete quests, defeat bosses, and explore delves to become the Savior of Blackwood. 1 guideSeasoned FriendshipAdventure with any companion. 1 guideRockgrove CompletedDefeat Oaxiltso, Flame-Herald Bahsei, and Xalvakka in Rockgrove. Champion of BlackwoodInvestigate the threat against Blackwood and restore peace to the region. Add-on Waking Flame 547 130 2 3.574,2991,579 (37%)1-2h Waking Flame ScoutComplete both Red Petal Bastion and the Dread Cellar in Normal. 1 guideWaking Flame DelverComplete both Red Petal Bastion and the Dread Cellar in Veteran. 1 guide Add-on Stonethorn 554 130 2 3.405,4251,688 (31%)1-2h Stonethorn ScoutComplete both Castle Thorn and Stone Garden in Normal. Stonethorn DelverComplete both Stone Garden and Castle Thorn in Veteran. Add-on Deadlands 445 130 2 4.193,8402,484 (65%)5-6h Hero of FargraveComplete quests, defeat bosses, and explore delves to become the Hero of Fargrave. Hopeful RescuerComplete the "Against All Hope" quest in the Deadlands. Add-on Markarth 681 170 4 3.615,027654 (13%)8-10h Savior of the ReachComplete quests, defeat bosses, and explore delves to become the Savior of The Reach. A Bridge Between KingdomsComplete the "Second Chances" quest in The Reach. 1 guideVateshran Hollows VanquisherDefeat all challengers in Vateshran Hollows. Vateshran Hollows ConquerorDefeat all challengers in Veteran Vateshran Hollows. 1 guide Add-on Flames of Ambition 521 130 2 3.835,2291,923 (37%)2-3h Flames of Ambition ScoutComplete both Black Drake Villa and the Cauldron in Normal. Flames of Ambition DelverComplete both Black Drake Villa and the Cauldron in Veteran. 1 guide Add-on Ascending Tide 569 130 2 4.003,8111,367 (36%)1-2h Ascending Tide ScoutComplete both Coral Aerie and Shipwright's Regret in Normal. 1 guideAscending Tide DelverComplete both Coral Aerie and Shipwright's Regret in Veteran. Add-on High Isle 890 180 4 4.105,666343 (6%)40-50h Savior of High IsleComplete quests, defeat bosses, and explore delves to become the Savior of High Isle. 1 guideChampion of High IsleInvestigate the threat against High Isle and restore peace to the region. Dreadsail Reef CompletedDefeat Lylanar and Turlassil, the Reef Guardian, and Tideborn Taleria in Dreadsail Reef. Tales of Tribute MasterComplete quests, collect decks, and upgrade cards to complete. 1 guide Add-on Lost Depths 619 130 2 3.502,814989 (35%)1-2h Lost Depths ScoutComplete both Earthen Root Enclave and Graven Deep in Normal. 1 guideLost Depths DelverComplete both Earthen Root Enclave and Graven Deep in Veteran. Add-on Firesong 484 130 2 3.782,7671,774 (64%)4-5h Savior of GalenComplete quests, defeat bosses, and explore delves to become the Savior of Galen. 1 guideFiresong ExtinguisherComplete the "Guardian of Y'ffelon" quest on Galen. Add-on Scribes of Fate 591 130 2 3.502,4761,051 (42%)1-2h Scribes of Fate ScoutComplete both Bal Sunnar and Scrivener's Hall in Normal. Scribes of Fate DelverComplete both Bal Sunnar and Scrivener's Hall in Veteran. Add-on Necrom 799 170 4 3.564,643601 (13%)12-15h Hero of NecromComplete quests, defeat bosses, and explore delves to become the Hero of Necrom. Champion of ApocryphaComplete the main quest in Necrom. Sanity's Edge VanquisherDefeat Exarchanic Yaseyla, Archwizard Twelvane, and Ansuul the Tormentor in Sanity's Edge. Archmage of ApocryphaReach level 50 as an Arcanist. Update Infinite Archive 2,810 170 4 3.502,868542 (19%)15-20h Arcing OnwardReach Arc 4 in the Infinite Archive. 1 guideA Stage For TwoComplete 4 Stages with another player in the Infinite Archive. 1 guideNo Book Left UnreadComplete all Infinite Archive Optional Achievements. 1 guideFirst Splurge!Spend 1,000 Archival Fortunes in the Infinite Archive. 1 guide Add-on Scions of Ithelia 639 130 2 3.401,633743 (46%)1-2h Scions of Ithelia ScoutComplete both Oathsworn Pit and Bedlam Veil in Normal. Scions of Ithelia DelverComplete both Oathsworn Pit and Bedlam Veil in Veteran. 1 guide Add-on Gold Road 873 170 4 2.792,294471 (21%)20-25h Hero of the Gold RoadComplete quests, defeat bosses, and explore delves to become the Hero of the Gold Road. Champion of the Gold RoadComplete the main quest in West Weald. 1 guideLucent Citadel VanquisherDefeat Count Ryelaz, Zilyesset, Orphic Shattered Shard, and secure the knot in Lucent Citadel. Inheritor of the ScholariumComplete every quest in the Scribing quest line and complete the restoration of the Scholarium. 1 guide