The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition Achievements Here is the full list of all 75 The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition achievements worth 1,550 gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Grouping All achievements Base Game Dawnguard Hearthfire Dragonborn Flag Filter All None 75 Offline Mode 75 Single Player 10 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 11 Collectable 9 Missable 4 Cumulative + 1 Cumulative - 10 Level 8 Shop 1 Buggy + Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply UnboundComplete "Unbound" 2 guidesBleak Falls BarrowComplete "Bleak Falls Barrow" 2 guidesThe Way of the VoiceComplete "The Way of the Voice" 1 guideDiplomatic ImmunityComplete "Diplomatic Immunity" 1 guideAlduin's WallComplete "Alduin's Wall" 1 guideElder KnowledgeComplete "Elder Knowledge" 1 guideThe FallenComplete "The Fallen" 2 guidesDragonslayerComplete "Dragonslayer" 1 guideTake Up ArmsJoin the Companions 3 guidesBlood OathBecome a member of the Circle 1 guideGlory of the DeadComplete "Glory of the Dead" 1 guideGatekeeperJoin the College of Winterhold 1 guideRevealing the UnseenComplete "Revealing the Unseen" 2 guidesThe Eye of MagnusComplete "The Eye of Magnus" 1 guideTaking Care of BusinessJoin the Thieves Guild 1 guideDarkness ReturnsComplete "Darkness Returns" 1 guideOne with the ShadowsReturned the Thieves Guild to its former glory 3 guidesWith Friends Like These…Join the Dark Brotherhood 1 guideBound Until DeathComplete "Bound Until Death" 1 guideHail Sithis!Complete "Hail Sithis!" 1 guideTaking SidesJoin the Stormcloaks or the Imperial Army 1 guideWar HeroCapture Fort Sungard or Fort Greenwall 4 guidesHero of SkyrimCapture Solitude or Windhelm 2 guidesSidewaysComplete 10 side quests 1 guideHero of the PeopleComplete 50 Misc Objectives 2 guidesHard WorkerChop wood, mine ore, and cook food 4 guidesThiefPick 50 locks and 50 pockets 3 guidesSnake TongueSuccessfully persuade, bribe, and intimidate 1 guideBlessedSelect a Standing Stone blessing 3 guidesStanding StonesFind 13 Standing Stones 2 guidesCitizenBuy a house 2 guidesWantedEscape from jail 2 guidesMarriedGet married 3 guidesArtificerMake a smithed item, an enchanted item, and a potion 3 guidesMaster CriminalBounty of 1000 gold in all nine holds 2 guidesGolden TouchHave 100,000 gold 3 guidesDelverClear 50 dungeons 1 guideSkill MasterGet a skill to 100 6 guidesExplorerDiscover 100 Locations 2 guidesReaderRead 50 Skill Books 1 guideDaedric InfluenceAcquire a Daedric Artifact 1 guideOblivion WalkerCollect 15 Daedric Artifacts 2 guidesDragon SoulAbsorb a dragon soul 2 guidesDragon HunterAbsorb 20 dragon souls 2 guidesWords of PowerLearn all three words of a shout 1 guideThu'um MasterLearn 20 shouts 1 guideApprenticeReach Level 5 1 guideAdeptReach Level 10 1 guideExpertReach Level 25 2 guidesMasterReach Level 50 5 guidesAwakeningComplete "Awakening" 1 guideBeyond DeathComplete "Beyond Death" 1 guideKindred JudgementComplete "Kindred Judgment" 2 guidesLost to the AgesComplete "Lost to the Ages" 1 guideSoul TearLearn all three words of Soul Tear 2 guidesAuriel's BowUse the special power of Auriel's Bow 1 guideWerewolf MasteredAcquire 11 werewolf perks 3 guidesVampire MasteredAcquire 11 vampire perks 2 guidesA New YouChange your face 1 guideLegendDefeat a Legendary Dragon 5 guidesProud ParentAdopt a child 3 guidesLandownerBuy a plot of land 1 guideArchitectBuild three wings on a house 1 guideLand BaronBuy three plots of land 1 guideMaster ArchitectBuild three houses 1 guideOutlanderArrive on Solstheim 1 guideThe Temple of MiraakComplete "The Temple of Miraak" 1 guideThe Path of KnowledgeComplete "The Path of Knowledge" 1 guideAt the Summit of ApocryphaComplete "At the Summit of Apocrypha" 3 guidesDragon AspectLearn all 3 words of Dragon Aspect 1 guideHidden KnowledgeLearn the secrets of 5 Black Books 2 guidesStalhrim CrafterCraft an item out of Stalhrim 1 guideDragonriderTame and ride 5 dragons 2 guidesRaven Rock OwnerOwn a house in Raven Rock 2 guidesSolstheim ExplorerDiscover 30 locations on the island of Solstheim 2 guides