THE FINALS Achievements Full list of all 50 THE FINALS achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. It takes around 300-500 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Xbox Series X|S.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 50 Online Mode 2 Single Player 1 Cooperative 48 Versus 23 Cumulative + 6 Time/Date 1 Time Consuming 2 Buggy + Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Participation RibbonCreate a contestant 2 guidesInitial DepositInsert a cash box into a cashout station 2 guidesMed StudentRevive a teammate 1 guideReturning ContestantPlay 3 rounds of Quick Cash Green LightPlay 10 rounds with a Light Build Mass MediumPlay 10 rounds with a Medium Build Play The HeavyPlay 10 rounds with a Heavy Build Rising StarPlay 3 Tournament rounds 1 guideLife Of The PartyPlay 10 rounds in a Party 1 guideSavings SpecialistObtain a total of 100,000 cash 2 guidesLesson LearnerComplete the Tutorial 1 guideAttending PhysicianRevive teammates 50 times 1 guideDemolition ExpertDeal 1,000,000 damage to arenas 2 guidesDead ShotGet 300 eliminations with Ranged Weapons Strong ArmGet 150 eliminations with Melee Weapons 1 guideGadget GuruGet 150 eliminations with Gadgets 1 guideDefense DevoteeBlock a total of 25,000 damage 1 guideResident DoctorHeal teammates for a total of 25,000 health 2 guidesLight YearsWin 150 rounds with a Light Build 2 guidesMedium RareWin 150 rounds with a Medium Build 2 guidesHeavy HandWin 150 rounds with a Heavy Build 1 guideDeep PocketsObtain a total of 50,000,000 cash Show StopperWin the final round in Tournament or Ranked Tournament 2 guidesStop PaymentEliminate an opponent while they are carrying a cash box, 5 times Asset ProtectionEliminate an opponent trying to steal your cashout, 10 times 1 guideLast-minute GiftStart a cashout with less than 10 seconds remaining in the match 1 guideBuzzer BeaterSteal a cashout with less than 10 seconds remaining in the match Highway PatrolEliminate an opponent while you are riding a Zipline, 10 times 2 guidesHot ShotEliminate an opponent while you are on fire, 5 times in a single round 1 guideJust Like ScottyWin a round in any mode without being eliminated 1 guideBombouncerEliminate an opponent by bouncing a grenade on a Jump Pad 1 guidePressure PrizeHit an opponent in the head with an explosive carriable 1 guideDodgeball ChampionHit opponents with 3 different carriables within 15 seconds 3 guidesClip And SlideEliminate an opponent with a headshot while you are sliding 2 guidesMultitaskerEliminate 3 opponents with 3 different items or carriables within 10 seconds 1 guideBusy BodyEliminate 3 opponents with a Melee Weapon within 10 seconds 2 guidesCrowd PleaserFinish in first place, 3 times in a row 1 guidePyro ProdigyEliminate 25 enemies with fire 2 guidesToxic TactEliminate 25 enemies with gas 2 guidesGolden BulletGet a headshot elimination with the last bullet in the magazine of your primary weapon 2 guidesFatal FloristEliminate a player with a flowerpot 3 guidesCharitable DonationEliminate an opponent with a cash box 1 guideField GoalThrow a cash box into a cashout station from 20 meters away 1 guideShowboasterUse an emote after eliminating a player 1 guideButter FingersGet eliminated by your own grenade 1 guideSky Bridge SaboteurDestroy the skybridge in Seoul 1 guideArtful ExpressionistEliminate a player while you are emoting 2 guidesSpace Rock SkipperBounce a meteor off a Jump Pad during the Meteor Showers event 1 guideSpeed RunStart a cashout within 15 seconds after opening a vault 3 guidesBlast CasterPlace an Explosive Mine on a carriable and get an elimination by throwing it at an enemy 1 guide