The Incredible Hulk Achievements Full list of all 50 The Incredible Hulk achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. It takes around 15-20 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Xbox 360.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 50 Offline Mode 50 Single Player 17 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 5 Collectable 8 Cumulative + 3 Buggy - Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Surprise!Encounter General Ross’s Spec Ops team for the first time. 1 guideWhere Is My KA-BOOM?Save New York from the Enclave Chemical Bomb. 1 guideA Leader In His FieldEnlist Samuel Sterns in the search for a cure to Banner’s condition. 1 guideTwo Heads Aren’t Better Than OneDefeat the Bi-Beast. 2 guidesThe Eyes Have ItDestroy an Enclave Kyklops for the first time. 1 guideLove HurtsIgnite an old flame . . . 1 guideStay Classy . . .Expose Major Talbot on television. 1 guide. . . And Thanks For Stopping ByDishonorably discharge Major Talbot. 1 guidePure As New York SnowClean up the contamination from the streets of New York. 1 guideWhat Goes Up . . .Crash and destroy the Enclave’s Lightning Satellite. 1 guideThe Enemy Of My EnemyDefeat Enclave’s F-POD...with a little help. 1 guideAlia Iacta EstProtect General Ross's team while they attack the Enclave base. 1 guideBetter, Stronger, Faster!Get a power boost from Samuel Sterns. 1 guideEww . . . Gross!Test the cure developed by Samuel Sterns. 1 guideAbominable!Defeat the Abomination. 2 guidesDon't Make Me AngryDefeat 50 enemies using Rage powers. 1 guideWorld War HulkSurvive for longer than 60 seconds at Threat Level 9. 1 guideOver The EdgeDefeat 5 enemies by knocking them off a high building. 1 guideHome RunKnock an enemy a distance of at least 436 feet. 1 guideEnemy Of The Empire StateFind every landmark souvenir in New York City. 3 guidesTerrifying TouristFind every Subway Station in New York. 2 guidesSightseeingClimb to the top of the five tallest buildings in New York City. 1 guideAround The World In 80 StepsCross the tops of the flagpoles outside the U.N. Building. 4 guidesFear Of FallingComplete "We’re Not Giving Up – Part 2" without touching the ground. 1 guideHulk Is Strongest One There Is!Gain access to all the upgrades. 3 guidesPara-Gone!Wipe out the Enclave's four sectors. 6 guidesAll That Glitters . . .Win a gold medal in every mini-game. 3 guidesThere Is No U In Team!Trick a U-Foe into taking down one of his or her teammates. 2 guidesApprentice Of DisasterDestroy a building in each New York City neighborhood. 1 guideNow PlayingScore 6,132,008 points. 1 guideMaster Of DisasterDestroy every building in a New York City neighborhood. 2 guidesVeni, Vidi, ViciDefeat every type of enemy at least once. 1 guideMad DashSprint a total distance of at least 26.2 miles (138,435ft). 1 guideHulk SMASH!!!Defeat at least 1 enemy with each class of attack. 1 guidePickin' Up The PiecesSmash 10,000 things. 1 guideLet's Do Lunch!Crush 10 enemies by throwing either a taco, an ice cream cone or a doughnut. 1 guideSmash-ifistWin a story mission without defeating any enemies. 2 guidesStruck OutComplete "The Problem is the Hulk - Part 3" without being hit by a lightning blast. 3 guidesCeres FinaleShut down the Enclave's biotech group. 4 guidesFairweather FriendsShut down the Enclave's weather manipulation division. 4 guidesBrawn Beats BrainsShut down the Enclave's psych-ops branch. 3 guidesMost IllogicalShut down the Enclave's mechanical design corps. 3 guidesPPO'dFind all the Gamma Canisters hidden in New York City. 1 guideAnger ManagementFind all the Fury Canisters hidden in New York City. 1 guideUnleash the Fury!Get the Enclave off your back. 1 guideThat'll Leave A MarkStick 25 auto-wrecks to buildings. 2 guidesYou Break It, You Buy ItSmash as much as possible in one trip to Brazil. 2 guidesPatron Of The ArtsView every piece of concept art at least once. 2 guidesThrill-ionaireScore 1,000,000 points while Strike Teams are active. 1 guideShell-HeadWith a friend like this . . . 2 guides