Choose a new save file, and start a new game. We will focus on completing the story as fast as we can while getting as many studs as we can. However, there are some levels that offer quite a good chance to get some achievements, so I will point out where to get what. Don't worry if you miss something, as we will need to do the levels once more in free play anyways. Make sure to also not spend your studs until I say so!
Level 0 - Prologue
This level is easy and straightforward. Simply follow the onscreen commands, and you will finish the level after starting the master builder sequence. Once the cinematic ends, you will unlock the following:
Interlude - Bricksburg
Follow the green studs. These will guide you from now on to your targets. Use Emmet's repair skill to open the gate at the end and to start the next level.
Level 1 - Bricksburg Construction
Head all the way to the right, repair the machine, use the female character to get the manual, and start the building sequence. Choose the tree as fast as you can, and if you managed to do this without losing any studs, you will unlock the following:
First Try!Complete an Instruction Build without losing any studs.

Head to the left, open the door, and get the drill. Destroy the building to the right, get through the gate, and move the first fuse box. Destroy the statue, move the 2nd fuse box, and get the instructions. Get the manual, enter the crane to the right, pull the 2nd character up, and activate the machine here. Put the plug in for some power. Repair the speakers, and prepare for some dancing. Here we will need to perfect every single move, so this might take some attempts. If you don´t succeed now, you can come back later during free play. However, I got it on my first try, so here is the achievement (Note that you can retry any dance minigame by simply going back to the spot and pressing
Now g the 2nd manual, slide down, and build the wrecking ball (another easy chance to get the no miss achievement from previously). After the cutscene, fall through the tunnel, and grab some more studs on your way down. After another cutscene, the level ends, and you get the following achievement:
Interlude - Bricksburg
Follow the green studs, and climb all the way up to reach the next level
Level 2 - Escape Bricksburg
Build a big laser cannon in the middle, and destroy the shooting camera ahead. Destroy the door to the left, get the page inside, drill the wall, and climb up. Head to the other side, push the computer down, and drill the roof to get the next manual. Exit through the door, shoot the window open, get the last page, and climb the ladder up. Build the trampoline to the left, climp around with Wildstyle, switch back to Emmet, and destroy the rocket robot. Repair the fusebox, repair the droped ventilator, and destroy the door.
Now in the backstreets, start the first masterbuild, and smash the cracks with your drill. Initiate the masterbuild, but use Emmet for that. This will fail the masterbuild and unlock the following achievement
Building BadAttempt a Master Build-It with a Non-Master Builder

Now use Wildstyle to build the bike and use it. Switch between Emmet and Wildstyle back and forth, and continue down the highway until you finish the level. This will unlock the following:
Interlude - Bricksburg
Follow the green studs. Quite simple.
Level 3 - Flatbush Gulch
As we start, we will roll down a rather lenghty sequence, nothing special here since we concentrate on finishing first. Ram objects for studs. Dispose of the robots upon landing, jump up to the left, and raise the barn gate to get the manual page inside. Head to the other side, lure the dynamite robot to blow up the silver rocks, smash the tower with the drill, jump up to lower the ladder, and repair the windmill to get the manual page. Build the stagecoach, shoot the targets with your gun, masterbuild with Wildstyle, and take one of the horses there. Continue through the open gate.
Beat the robots, lure the dynamite to the silver table to the left, jump up, dispose of the dynamite bot, and master build to the right. Now climb up, and use the machine with Emmet to finish the level and unlock the following
Interlude - The old West
Follow the green studs to the left, destroy the cactus, build, and climb up. Continue to the right to lower a ladder, and use Emmet on the machine to open the door. Enter to start the level.
Level 4 - Flatbush Rooftops
Use Vitruvius' staff throw to simply destroy items and automatically collect the studs. Head to the right, build the ledge, get across with Vitruvius, destroy the skeleton support on the water tower, and build a bridge. Drill the wall, climb up, head to the left after getting the manual page, and continue left to get the next page. Build the totem, drill the base, and get up to the right to drill another pillar. Build the box, push it to the right, climb up, shoot Vitruvius' staff in the hole, swing up, and lower the ladder. Get up to drill the roof, build a ledge, and get across. Masterbuild a catapult, use it, and build a bridge to get across. Repair the crane, slide across, and destroy the shed to the right for the first manual page. From here to the south is the next one out in the open, and from there to the left down a ledge is the third one. Build the catapult, load it with barrels, and destroy the ladders with it. Stun the jetpack robot, masterbuild a bridge to the right, and use the staff on the hole again. Swing up, lower the ladder, get across the ledge, and continue to the right.
Drill the first two ladders, head to the right, and destroy the cage to the right to get the pieces to drill the last ladder. Destroy the attackers, stun the jetpack robot again, and masterbuild a rotator. Take out the remaining attackers, masterbuild a plane with the parts of the elevator, and enter the stagecoach escape.
This part is straightforward. Simply shoot everything you see to finish the level and unlock the following:
Interlude - Old West/Bricksburg
Here we will do a little backtracking. Note that this is optional. However, I think that it will decrease the need for later grinding.
Head back to Bricksburg, get past the park in the starting area, and head to the large construction site (not where you started the game but nearby). Here you will see a wall with a blue circle in front of it. Switch to Vitruvius, and activate it to trigger a button sequence. Enter the now open door, get to the right, and use the crane to lower a crate to the fountain. Get there, and push it in the right place to make a red brick appear. This is a 2x red brick, which, once activated in the extras (you need to reactivate it each time you start up the game to work) will double every stud you earn (you should have the needed 250.000 by now). This is one out of many red bricks (1/20), but it surely comes in handy.
Return to the Old West, follow the green studs, jump up to the left, get across to the right, and masterbuild the train. Enter to start the next level.
Level 5 - Escape from Flatbush
Head to the right, repair the machine, stun the jetpack robot, and build the catapult. Continue right, use the machine ahead, drill the boxes, build a trampoline, and continue across the roofs. Jump to the other side, use the crane to bring the others over, build the ledge ahead, and use the staff to let Wildstyle continue. Head all the way to the right, get the valve handle from a box, attach it to the green connection to the left, and activate it. Build some stairs, push it down, repair the machine to the right, and continue further on. Get the manual page, build the lift, get across the ledge, jump to the other cart, masterbuild the brakes at the end, jump up, and lower the bridge to reach the drill spot. Build a bridge, get across, and continue along the roofs. Simply masterbuild the ramp, finish the level, and unlock the following:
Interlude - Old West/Cloud Cuckoo Land
Head to the Batwing, pull it down with Batman's hook, and continue to the next story mission.
Level 6 - Welcome to Cloud Cuckoo Land
Use Batman's hook to pull down the cloud, jump up to the left (to lower it), shoot the balloons to lower the cloud, and masterbuild at the marked spot (destroy the green marked clouds). Shoot the sail, jump up the stairway, push down the white block to build a stair upon pulling it, and head up to open the secret passage with Vitruvius (need to destroy the blue marked cloud first).
Destroy the rainbow objects straight ahead with Unikitty, build a bridge with the parts, pull at the hook, and repair the robot. Shoot the pink robot on the target, shoot Vitruvius can on the blue robot, make your way up, and push down the rainbow brick glass. Smash it, and build a catapult to reach a higher up cloud. Head to the right, pull the cloud closer, and jump on the toaster's side to activate it (you need Unikitty and Wildstyle together). Destroy the rainbow toast, build another catapult, and enter a new area.
Pull down the rainbow gate to the right, smash the pieces, build a bridge, head to the right, and pull on the teapot. Use a combination of Vitruvius' staff and Wildstyle's acrobatics to get up, head all the way to the right, smash the red and blue pinwheel, and use the valve/crank on the box in front of the big chicken. Get up with Batman, pull the plug on the chicken, jump into the mouth with Wildstyle, and roll down to Unikitty to smash the rainbow egg. Build a catapult, get up, and use Vitruvius to the right to open another passage.
Here we need to collect some building manuals again. Pull the plug to the right, drill the spot to the left, and continue further to the left for the first page out in the open. Step to the middle, use the masterbuild, move the mouse car to the elephant, and climb up to find the next page. Head to the right, and use the slide to reach the last manual page. Build the rocket, and get in to finish the level. This will unlock the following:
Interlude - Cloud Cuckoo Land
From the portal, head straight forward, smash the rainbow wall, and build a bridge to start the next level.
Level 7 - Attack on Cloud Cuckoo Land
At the start, throw your staff in the hole to the left, climb up, lure the laser to destroy the golden socket of the statue, and build the waterpump to put out the fire. Continue to the right, use the knock spot, climb up, and head to the right to reach Emmet. Free Emmet, return to Batman, free him as well, and use his hook to build a ventilator blowing you up. Use the drill, collapse the wall, and use the staff to provide a climb assistance. Head all the way to the right, lower the cloud near the golden wall by grabing on it, and finally do the masterbuild. Up here, fight your way through the hordes of attackers (shoot, graple) to get to the next area by entering the chicken's mouth.
Use the drill on the wall up ahead, build a ledge, get across it, and after disposing of the robots on the upper ledge, use the knock platform to create more platforms. Destroy the attacking micromanager, repair the rocket chair, and get across the pink water. Get to Unikitty to the right, and make her angry. Now dispose of the attacking robots using Unikitty in her rage mode. If done right, you should unlock the following achievement:
Drop down to Wildstyle to free her, build a catapult, fight off the new micromanager, build a laser turret, and shoot the golden plating of the rocket. Head now to the left, make the masterbuild, extinguish the fire to the right, and follow the way up. If you missed it before, you can enrage Unikitty by holding the
button. Here would be a good spot. Lure the micromanager to destroy the gold plating, smash the rainbow bricks, and build a catapult to finish the level. This will unlock the following:
Interlude - Cloud Cuckoo Land
Before we continue, we head again over the rainbow bridge, and create a custom character unlocking the following achievement:
Now follow the green stud trail, and use Bennie on the computer. Make sure to collect every stud in this little hacking minigame, and you will unlock the following:
Now get across the gap by using the jet, and start the next level on the other side.
Level 8 - Escape from Cloud Cuckoo Land
Jump up to the right on the red button like structure and smoke the attackers. Get up to the masterbuild spot, and build your part of the submarine with Batman. Climb up the new part, dispose of the robots, masterbuild the console, and use it as Bennie. Up here, use the masterbuild to complete Vitruvius part. Head all the way to the right, smash the rainbow flower-thing (hard to say what it is), build a rainbow spider, and climb the sticky part to the other side. Smash the first construction, rebuild it, use it, and reveal a path for the others. Dispose of the attackers (another chance for the Unikitty kills), lure the rocket robot to destroy the silver objects, use the new console, and shoot the remaining silver object. Smash the rainbow bird, build a butterfly, get all the way up to the masterbuild spot, and finish the level. This will unlock the following:
Interlude - Cloud Cuckoo Land
Follow the green studs, use the zipline, jump to the right, use the pump, and get up with Unikitty. Smash the rainbow parts, build the catapult, and enter the submarine.
Level 9 - The Depths
Head to the left, shoot the spotlight and the machine here, repair the wall, and get the disc to play it on the sound system. Head to the right, smash/rebuild the debris to put out the fire, smash the fireplace, and open the passage ahead. Smash the pipes to the right, masterbuild, geat up to the left, and shoot down the objects up here. Drop all the way down, shoot the speakers to the left and right, build the buttons, jump on them while the other character activates the switch, and rinse and repeat to use the console in the middle. Swim up (outside the submarine), follow the stud trail to the left, shoot the rocket, and enter the next area.
Follow the path, evade the fish swarms by timing it right, and reach a mini boss. Head all the way to the right, and lure the swordfish to rush you when you are in front of the rocket with the target sign on it. Now evade to open a new passage and continue to a new part.
Make sure to use Vitruvius to make things easier in the dark. Simply follow the path ahead, again evading the fish swarms here and the puffer fish.
Now in this area, be aware of the electric eels crashing through the walls and the divers shooting from the back. However, the rest is straightforward, so as soon as you reach the others, you will finish the level and unlock the following:
Interlude - Cloud Cuckoo Land
Smash the rainbow object here, build a toaster part, and make your way across the new pieces to reach the next level.
Level 10 - Infiltrate the Octan Tower
Head to the right, and open the hidden compartment for the first instruction page. Shoot the target to the left, build with the parts, push the couch to the left, and get up. Smash everything up here to build a gunpowder trail and a ladder to get up, and light the fuse with Batman by pulling the torch from the mast. Build the walkway up there, get across, reach the next manual page, and climb all the way up to the chimney. Get in to reach the next area, smash the crate to the left to build a ladder, and get the next manual page. Drill the plate, build the hook anchor, get up, shoot the target, and retrieve the crank to use it on the lower level. Fly up with Unikitty, smash/rebuild the rainbow parts, build a catapult, and get up to the next manual page. Masterbuild behind Metalbeard, and shoot yourself up to get the final manual page. Build the space carrier to finish this part.
Shoot the turrets ahead, and kill as many enemies as you can as Metalbeard. Continue doing so until you unlock the following (don´t worry, you can get it during this level easily since there is more than one wave of attackers):
Drill the column straight ahead to the left, shoot the silver pillar, get up, use the button to the left, and throw a robot into the power conductor above the console (note that these spawn infinitely). Get up with Batman, pull the plating off the wall, masterbuild, and use the supercomputer. Shoot the silver locks to exit the hangar.
Dispose of the attackers (good spot to grind missing Metalbeard kills), get rid of the dropship, masterbuild on the spot, and get up and across the narrow ledges. Use the point for Vitruvius, and shoot another robot in the conductor panel after hacking the console. Shoot the metal bars blocking your way, and reach the relic room.
Jump across the laser, masterbuild to the left, drill the floor, and masterbuild again. Jump across, masterbuild to the left, use the device twice, masterbuild to the right, and enter the correct code by jumping on the numbers. Pull down the metal foil, and finish the level for the following achievement:
Interlude - Octan Tower
Repair the lift to the left, jump up, climb to the right, and open the big door. Now follow the green studs to reach the next level.
Level 11 - Put the thing on the thing
Past the robots, smash the items to the left, build a photobooth, and forge some IDs to use on the machine to the right. Use the masterbuild spot, head up the now open elevator to the left, and drill at the spot to get the firt manual page. Build the remote and car to open the door, push the pole to the left, open the door, and drill at another spot for the next manual page. Build the ramp, get across, lower the ladder, get up, and drill on the last spot for the last manual page. Upon building the speaker, you will unlock the following for having built all of the instruction page items:
Masterbuild the soundsystem to initialize another dance minigame. Again, make sure to hit all of the awesome moves to unlock the following:
Leave the area by drilling the spot in the wall open.
Pull the plug on the power box and drill to destroy it (rinse and repeat for the remaing 3 as well). For now, head to the right past the sound detectors. You can´t jump while in the sensor areas, but you can move past the lasers by either jumping beforehand and timing it right (as the game intends you to do) or by moving all the way to the southern edge and cheating your way past it. Push the box down for Emmet, destroy another power box, and get to the other side to do the same thing on this power box. Get to the left past another sensor field, and destroy the final power box to make your way to the kragle.
Free the others by destroying the robots and hiting them once to dispose of their shackles. Climb up the spawner to the right, lower the platform, and hack the computer. Use the skeletron to free metalbeard to the left, and dispose of the skeletrons with his cannon. We now face a giant micro manager! Simply shoot Vitruvius' staff to either side, and swing on it with Wildstyle for the first phase. Destroy the golden laser in front of it, and pull the hook with Batman. Drill his head, and you will unlock the following for finishing the level:
Interlude - Octan Tower
Now we can buy skeletron and can unlock a higher stud multiplicator in cloud cuckoo land, which I strongly recommend now (it should be the 6x multiplier, check my guide for those). This will increase your total multiplier to 12x if you followed my guide, which is a huge help in buying red bricks and characters later on. Follow the guide studs back to the initial room, jump up to the left, and drop down the rainbow piece to reassemble as Unikitty. Use the lever up there, pull the plug, and use the console to open the passage to the next level.
Level 12 - Broadcast News
Jump on the buttons in the order you see them. Head to the right, use the camera, shoot the spotlight above, and head further to the right to destroy some rainbow bricks. Shoot the supports on the back of the wall to the right in the middle, and push the camera to the left in position. Jump up to the right to change the remaining spotlights in the right position. Dispose of the attackers, build a laser turret, and use it to destroy the gold object ahead. Hack the terminal, destroy the gold objects with bad cop, and push the wall to the right. Use the revealed handle to the left, laser the gold object, and exit the area.
In the hangar, make sure to do all of the masterbuilds with Bennie since there is an achievement tied to it. Move forward, throw the item to the middle with metalbeard, laser the golden part to the left of it, and do the first masterbuild. Use the console to the left upon defeating the micro managers, throw the item again in the middle, and masterbuild once more upon destroying the golden item. Hack another console to the right, throw another item to the middle, and finally finish the spaceship. This will unlock the following if you used Bennie all the time:
This will also end the level and unlock the following:
Interlude - Bricksburg
Follow the guide studs, destroy the construction vehicle, and build a catapult to reach the next level.
Level 13 - Back from Reality
Drill the ground, masterbuild, and fill the extinguisher to quench the flames. In the next area, drill the ground again, and lure the micro managers into the pit. Jump up to the right with Gail to destroy the micro manager and exit this area.
Destroy the tank car to the right, put out the fire, jump up to the right, and lower a ladder. Put out some more fires, lure the micro managers to destroy the pillar, and masterbuild a turret to destroy them.
Repair the elevator ahead, push it to the right, jump all the way up, and use the toilet to get some water down below. Extinguish the fire to the right for reaching the next area.
Dispose of the attackers, drill to the left, get some water, and put out the flames on each side. Put the valve on the mixer, repair the lift to the right, get up, and drill the wall. Climb up the crane ahead, use the lever, push the bulldozer to the right, and initiate the masterbuild to finish this level and unlock the following:
Interlude - Bricksburg
Masterbuild a ramp to exit the area and get to the next level.
Level 14 - Bricksburg under attack
Move straight ahead, destroy the golden part, and throw the gas tank at the Kragelizer. In the next area, you will switch Superman for Green Lantern and unlock the following achievement:
Destroy the truck ahead, build a hammer with Green Lantern, and throw one part of the truck at the exposed part. Destroy the micro managers, masterbuild, swing, and climb all the way up and drop the piece down. Build and hack the console, shoot the silver part, and throw the second part of the truck on the spot. This will end the level and unlock the following:
Interlude - Bricksburg
Throw the large piece of debris on the wall with the target sign, and continue to the last level.
Level 15 - The final showdown
Dispose of the attackers, and laser the back of the huge micro manager with Unikitty. Rinse and repeat until you can throw some debris on the manager. Do the same as before, but this time you are separated on 2 different roofs. However, this part is straightforward, so do the same as before until you change locations again.
Dodge his attacks until an arm gets stuck. Attack this arm, and rinse and repeat while fending off attacking waves of enemies. At the end, attack the lowered monitor until his health is all the way down. This will finish the level and unlock the following:
Here is a complete playlist. Credit goes to Tetra Ninja for this excellent guide.
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