Note that you can use the cheats to reach areas earlier than you normally would since you get early access to certain characters.
There are 20 red bricks scattered throughout the whole game. I strongly recommend you to get the multipliers BEFORE you start on your 100% story playthrough since this will reduce later grinding tremendously. However, it is up to you, and I write this portion in the assumption that you DIDN´T get any of these red bricks during the initial playthroughs. Note also that I will point them out for each individual area rather than the number of the brick itself (although they sometimes are identical). If you struggle to find them, either follow the video below, or buy the red brick detector first!
Also note that you will need certain characters for some bricks! The characters you definitely will need are: Lord Business, Green Lantern, Yeti or Firefighter, Wildstyle, Unikitie, Vitruvius, Batman, Badcop, Metalbeard, Caveman/Indian (some characters can be switched since you only need their special skills, not the certain character)
Bricksburg (5 red bricks)
(Considering you didn´t get it while playing through the story) Studs 2x (250.000 Studs)
Get to the police station, destroy the rainbow bricks, and build a catapult. Up here, head to the left, and activate the crane to drop the crate down near the fountain. Push the item in front of it on the green tile to make the red brick appear (1/20).
Studs 10x (5.000.000 Studs)
Head down the square, and get to Ms. Scratchen-Post (the cat lady). Buy her, talk to her, and she will give you a quest to find all 5 of her cats.
From here, head to the left, build the hook, and pull it down with batman to find the first cat (1/5). Head down the opposite direction to a purple fence. Smash it to build the climb spot and get the next cat to the right up here (2/5). Head to the police station, use the catapult here, and shoot the toilet to get the next cat (3/5). Get to the train station, and use the console to the left with Benny to get the next cat (4/5). Get to the construction site as lord business, build the platform near the toilets, raise your legs, use the switch to the right of the train station, and you find not only a construction page, but also the last cat (5/5). This will unlock the red brick upon returning (2/20). If you didn´t use Lord Business' legs-expander until now, you will unlock the following achievement:
Fast repair (100.000 Studs)
You need to find all the 3 manual pages hidden in this area.
You already got the manual from the train station (1/3). Head to the construction site, get to the 2 arguing construction workers, and drill open the hole to reveal the next one (2/3). Climb up the ledge at the purple fence, but this time, don't get all the way up. Instead, use the poles to swing to the left for the last manual page (3/3). Build the car to make the red brick appear (3/20).
Pants Detector (200.000 Studs)
Head down the park near the cat lady. Masterbuild the vehicle to spawn the red brick here.
Collect Guide Studs (50.000 Studs)
You need to rearrange a total of 3 wallpapers in this area to make the brick appear.
Head to the same building you catapulted yourself on, and head to the left to find a wall you can open with Vitruvius. Get up, smash the barrel to build a ledge, lower the crane to the right, and get up to masterbuild on the first wallpaper to change it (1/3). Head up the train station, but use the right climbing wall to get all the way to the top and find the next poster (2/3). Climb up the area near the purple fence again to find the last poster (3/3). This will spawn the red brick.
Old West (5 red bricks)
Studs 4x (500.000 Studs)
In order to get this, you need to find the 3 robbed gold pieces.
Head towards the left to find a sheriff asking for help near an empty safe. Head up the barn to the left, push the debris down, and build a fireplace. Light it to smoke the robber out. This will reward you with a gold piece (1/3). This will also unlock the following achievement if you have never made a fire before:
Head up to the saloon, and open the door with Vitruvius to find the next robber with a gold piece (2/3). Again on the saloon, this time get to the right side per slide, and pull the toilet open *yuk* to reveal the last piece (3/3). This will reward you with the red brick.
Fast Drill (100.000 Studs)
You need to scare away a total of 5 birds to reveal the brick.
Get back to the entrance, head to the left to find a shed built from rainbow bricks, smash it, and rebuild a butterfly that will scare away a bird (1/5). From here, jump up the shed you previously smoked the robber out from, and pull a lever to scare away the next bird (2/5). Head further to the left, climb up, and smash the pole with Emmet (3/5). Climb up the saloon, slide to the right, and use the console with Benny to scare the next bird away (4/5). Head now to the graveyard. Destroy the silver coffin, rebuild a switch, and use Emmet to scare the last bird away (5/5). This will trigger the appearance of the next brick.
Fast Build (100.000 Studs)
For this, you need to extinguish the fire in the burning house here, which is to the right of the entrance. You will need to use the Yeti for this specific task since he can shoot snowballs. Upon extinguishing the last fire, you will see the red brick.
Gold instruction page detector (200.000 Studs)
Head and climb up to the saloon. Jump up to the roof on the left to find it lying in the open near a catapult.
Character Studs (100.000 Studs)
Again we need to find all 3 manual pages.
First, we will head up the roof of the building to the left of the saloon and jump towards the saloon to find it hidden in the water tower (1/3). From here, head to the right to the shed blocked by a golden door. Laser it open to reveal the next page (2/3). Find the rodeo area, and ride the horse with Vitruvius to get the last manual page (3/3). Now build the well to spawn the red brick (make sure to repair the well!).
Cloud Cuckoo Land (5 red bricks)
Studs 6x (1.000.000 Studs)
From the start, melt the golden door to the right and move down that path. In order to unlock the red brick, you need to move the image pieces until they resemble the shown pictures. This will unlock the red brick.
Fast Boomerangs (100.000 Studs)
From the start, head to the right BEFORE getting to the golden door you previously opened. There is a spaceship driving from side to side. Enkindle the rocket here (1/3), and return to the start. Here to the left, destroy and build a rainbow ladder to get up to another rocket (2/3). Head further to the left, destroy the silver gate, get across the gap, smash the rainbow bench for a catapult, and light the last rocket (3/3). This will make the red brick appear.
Fast secret knock (100.000 Studs)
Where you previously built the catapult, masterbuild a staircase. Get across to find the red brick out in the open.
Red Brick Detector (200.000 Studs)
You need to find all 3 instruction pages.
From the start, head straight forward to shoot a target on a building to find the first manual page (1/3). Follow the path to the left, climb up the previously built staircase, and get the page near the red brick (2/3). Get now through the gate with the gold blocking it, pull down the hook here, and get the last manual page (3/3). Build the carousel to spawn the red brick.
Atract Studs (600.000 Studs)
You need to find all 3 Jack-In-The-box (Kittie in this case).
From the start, head straight forward, and stick to the left to find a teacup you can pull down. Rebuild to find the first jack in the box (1/3). Get through the metal door, and near the staircase is another one (2/3). Now go through the golden door, pull down the hook, and near the construction manual is the next jack (3/3). This will spawn the red brick.
Octane Tower (5 red bricks)
Studs 8x (2.500.000 Studs)
head through the big door at the start, fly up to the left, interact with the middle computer console, and enter the tv studio. Spin the wheel until the red brick appears.
Fast Hack (100.000 Studs)
Fly up where you activated the console, head to the left, and find a door to open with Vitruvius. Use the console up here, get back to the start, and build the item with Green Lantern. Use the console with lord business, use the nearby switch, and grab the red brick behind the now open laser barrier.
Extra Hearts (100.000 Studs)
You need to smash and rebuild all 5 wall panels. It is hard to describe, but I will do my best.
From the start, head forward, and near the portal is the first one (1/5). Through the big door, straight ahead, repair the computer, use it to spawn a box, destroy, and rebuild (2/5). From here, fly up to the left, activate the right console, and explore this area to find another one (3/5). Drop down, and locate the room with a single female blonde robot inside to find the next one (4/5). Back towards the starting area, climb up a wall, and push down a crate to build one more (5/5). This will spawn the red brick.
Regenerate Hearts (100.000 Studs)
For this, we need to build 3 dance floors.
At the beginning, destroy the gold wall, and rebuild the platform (1/3). Get up to the consoles again, and activate the left one now. Head to the area, and build another dance floor (2/3). Head now to the area where many robots stand in line and a level entrance begins. Here smash the picture to the left of it to reveal the last dance floor parts (3/3). This will spawn the red brick.
Invincibility (100.000 Studs)
Head now to the previously mentioned room with the single blonde robot inside, and get the last red brick here.
This will unlock the following achievement:
Here is a great video guide. Credit goes to packattack04082
There are also some codes which unlock certain things. However, these are really not necessary.
F3VG47 - Abraham Lincoln
P4YX22 - Cleopatra
FNHLTK - Emmet/Clown
UOOAQY - Emmet/Lizard
HJ4C21 - Emmet/Pajamas
NIHX2B - Emmet/Old West
FXP9AN - Gallant Guard
OSSVNI - Green Ninja
A76DN7 - Lady Liberty
K7TDXJ - Larry The Barista
KGJ4DU - Lord Vampyre
UP7HJQ - Mrs. Scratchen-Post
NG73OM - Panda Guy
FHNCD1 - Prospector
GFH2F8 - Robo SWAT/Laser
31S3I5 - Shakespeare
BID12F - Swamp Creature
BC2XJ5 - Vitruvious/Young
V4P96P - Yeti
6LK78NN9 or HVLH63VL - Angry Kitty & Construction Pants
6LKMNDHR or HVLLRX6R - Blacktron Fan & Musical Pants
6LK3FRL6 or HVL4TQT4 - Johnny Thunder & Super Secret Pants
6LK3RRY4 or HVL4TB94 - Robo Pilot & Astro Pants
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