1. The LEGO Movie Videogame Walkthrough overviewUpdate notes

Hello and welcome to my The Lego Movie Videogame walkthrough!

This is like any other Lego game so far. Basically, it consists of collecting bricks, beating missions, and buying things with studs you collect while building/detaching lego objects. For people that have already played a Lego game, this is one of the easier ones with a few tough but not too tough achievements.

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If you follow my guide, you can be sure to spend the least time needed for the whole game. However, keep in mind that we will need at least 2 playthroughs for the whole game since we can´t get all the items on our first run due to the lack of the right characters.

Make sure to spend only studs when I tell you to do so, and buy things only when I tell you to do so. It is up to you of course to do that, but keep in mind that some things might take longer that way.

Enough said, let us begin to build some stuff. EVERYTHING IS AWESOOOME!

P.S.: Whoever didn´t see the movie, you certainly missed something.

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