4. The LEGO Movie Videogame Story Revisited and Mop-UpUpdate notes

Before you start this, I STRONGLY recommend to get all of the red bricks first. This will make this playthrough a lot easier and also will reduce the grinding time for studs later on. If not, make sure to have at least enough money to obtain certain characters since we will need them for certain parts of the levels.

Basically, we look on the maps for rainbow coloured circles. Those are entrances/indicators for levels. Basically, they are placed near the entrances to the original story levels, so I won´t go into detail on where to find them. We will start right away with the first story level. Also note that you can find 5 golden instruction pages and 1 pair of pants in each level (also keep in mind that you need to reach "the special" rating in each level, which shouldn´t be an issue with the red bricks you should have). Activated red bricks don´t void any achievements, so make use of those. I will also point out certain points to get achievements (like shooting a certain amount of enemies with a certain character, etc.) and of course which characters you should have to get 100% for the level

(Note: From here on out, I won´t go into detail on the levels since I already did that in the first story walkthrough, and in addition, I won´t mention "the special" ratings since you won´t have any problems as long as you got the red bricks first).
During this playthrough is your chance to get any missing kill related achievements if you didn´t get them during your initial playthrough. I will point out the ones you didn´t start on until now.
Also note that you can simply quit out of levels once you have everything you need. To do this, press cn_start, choose go to hub, and afterwards, save and exit. This will reduce the time for levels a little bit, just a small reminder here. When I say "finish" the level, it is up to you whether you want to quit out or actually want to finish it.

Level 1 - Bricksburg Construction (Lord Business, Emmet/any drill or construction character, Unikitty, Bad Cop/any laser character, Wonder Woman/any acrobatic, flying character)

Head all the way to the right and destroy the gold lock on the gate. Get all the way to the right, use the leg station with lord business, and get past the fire to press a switch for the first golden instruction page (1/5). If you didn´t get all the red bricks, chances are that you will unlock the following now:

It's Just Business

Use Lord Business Legs Machine.

It's Just Business

Now destroy all of the buildings in this area to get the next golden page (2/5). Head back to the previous area, repair the machine to get the construction page, and shoot the camera to the left (1/5). To the left of the construction pad is another camera (2/5). Now continue to the next area with the build. This is an incredibly easy build, so if you didn´t get the achievement while going through the story the first time, here is your chance again. You can always replay the level of course:

First Try!

Complete an Instruction Build without losing any studs.

First Try!

To the left, you find a drill in the house and another camera (3/5). Destroy everything to continue, and push the batteries in the power sockets. Head to the right, and destroy the rainbow wall to reveal another golden instruction page (3/5). Head further to the right to find another camera (4/5). Head up to the dance mini-game as usual. Here is another chance to get the achievement for that if you didn´t get it the first time. Also note that you will unlock the pants for this when you get 21 awesomes (1/1):

I Could Sing This Song For Hours

Score 21 awesome dance moves in the Construction Site dance mini game.

I Could Sing This Song For Hours

Note that in front of the right hut there is the last camera (5/5), and this will unlock another golden instruction page (4/5). Continue as normal until you reach the falling sequence to the Cloud Cuckoo Soundtrack. After the slide, you will fall through foggy clouds, and during this sequence to the right, you will have to get the last golden instruction page (5/5). You should have now 100%, and if you used red bricks, you certainly got the special rating as well (if not, this level is generous with studs).

Level 2 - Escape from Bricksburg (Bad Cop, Wonder Woman/any character with acrobatic and rope, Astro Kitty/any character with hacking and rainbow bricks, Emmet Cowboy)

From here on out, we will work on the achievement for getting a certain amount of kills for Emmet's Cowboy Outfit. Chances are you will unlock this either here or in the following level since you already most likely have some of those. For me it unlocked here, so I will put the achievement here:

Pow Pow! Bullet Bullet! Gun!

Defeat 30 enemies as Emmet Cowboy.

Pow Pow! Bullet Bullet! Gun!

At the beginning, head towards the screen, and kick the chair standing there with Bad Cop for the following achievement:


Smash a chair as Bad Cop.


Now continue through the level until you get through the gold plating underneath the camera. Hack the console, and enter the new area. Here you need to interact with all of the possible items and finally destroy the generators on the ground level to reach the hidden pant (1/1). Return and continue to the upper floor. Upon getting across the left edges, drop down before going up again to reach the golden instruction page (1/5). Continue to the backstreets.
Head north, shoot open the metal gate, and hack the console for the next golden instruction page (2/5). Move south, open another gate to the left, smash the rainbow pieces, and use the catapult. Up the ladder to the right, you can find the next golden instruction page (3/5). Get up one level and across the rope to the next instruction page (4/5). Onward to the masterbuild and next section of the level.
Continue until you need to shoot the gasoline tank car. Now the game switches 4 times to slow motion, and you need to destroy all 4 cop cars attacking you for the last golden instruction page (5/5). Now we only need to finish the level.

Level 3 - Flatbush Gulch (Yeti/any water shooter, Wonderwoman/any acrobatic and rope character, Metalbeard/any explosives character, Bad cop/any laser character, Emmet/any drill character, Vitruvius/any staff character)

During the 3rd fall part, you will have to snatch a golden instruction page midair. It is slightly south in the middle (1/5).
While roling down the canyon, you need to destroy 5 hanging objects on the way. The instruction page detector is NOT showing the exact locations for them, so make sure to check closely for hanging objects. Stick to high places or use the video provided as a heads-up (2/5). Upon exiting the tunnel, stick to the railroad tracks, and you will hit another golden instruction page (3/5).
Once on solid ground, extinguish the flame on the campfire ahead for a golden instruction page (4/5). Shoot the golden lock to the right of the watertower, make it to the roof in here, drill the chimney, and get inside the barn for the pants (1/1). Continue on to the saloon.
Get behind the explosives guy, stick to the left, and open the secret passage with Vitruvius. This will reveal the last golden instruction page (5/5). Now simply finish the level.

Level 4 - Flatbush Rooftops (Sheriff Not-A-Robot, Vitruvius, Emmet/any drill character, Wonderwoman/any flying, acrobatic and rope character, Bad Cop/any laser character, Unikitty)

You should have the achievement with Emmet Cowboy by now, so we switch him for Sherriff Not-A-Robot for a similar achievement.


Defeat 20 enemies as Sheriff Not-A-Robot.


Shoot the skeleton in the beginning and on an upper level to the north, another one. Head for the next area.
After the masterbuild, drop down one level towards the screen, enter the saloon, and get the golden instruction page on the upper level (1/5). Head towards the window, and win the shooting minigame to make the pants spawn (1/1). Continue until you get to the area with the 3 spawn ladders. Head to the right, shoot the Iron door, shoot the final skeleton, and get another golden instruction page (2/5). Get on the roof of this area for another golden instruction page out in the open (3/5). Continue to the next area.
During the chase sequence, make sure to shoot all 3 enemies with the red clothing and also all 3 wagons standing around to get the last golden instruction pages (4/5, 5/5). You need to do this BEFORE you shoot the last enemy pursuing you. After that, you can finish the level.

Level 5 - Escape from Flatbush (Unikitty/any rainbow character, Lord Business, Superman/any flying, laser character, Vitruvius/any staff character, Wonder Woman/any acrobatic, flying, rope character, Emmet/any drill, wrench charcter)

Chances are you already finished the kills with Sheriff Not-a-robot. If not, you get plenty of chances during this level. However, we switch now to President Business and Kragelize for a few enemies until the following achievement unlocks:

Ah! The Kragle!

Kragelize 10 people with the Kragle gun.

Ah! The Kragle!

It is also very likely that you already got well over studs (considering you use the multipliers) and therefore unlocked the following achievement:

Business Business Business

Earn 1,000,000,000 studs.

Business Business Business

So, now to the level itself. Head from the start to the left with a flying character, and smash the rainbows here to get the first golden instruction page (1/5). Laser the golden cover open to enter the train car, destroy the golden bars, and then the safe to the right. Build the pressure plate, rotate the colours until they fit, and reveal the pants here (1/1). Continue outside to the right until you reach the catapult masterbuild. Above the wooden logs to the right, you can see the next golden instruction page (2/5). During the part where you climb on the side of the train cart, you will have a part where you jump on a platform with a robot on it. Beat him to unlock the next golden instruction page (3/5). Continue on until you reach the part where you have a 2nd train next to you on the tracks. Upon masterbuilding the brakes, get on the same height as the wagon on fire, shoot the barrel inside, and retrieve the golden instruction page (4/5). A little further ahead, you need to drill the floor to reveal some pieces to build a bridge. Drop down the cart here, and stick to the right to find the last golden instruction page hidden behind a door (5/5, you can´t see it with the camera angle). All that is left for this level is to finish it, so let us do that.

Level 6 - Cloud Cuckoo Land (Unikitty/any rainbow character, Wonder Woman/any rope, acrobatic, flying character, Vitruvius/any staff character)

Head to the right, destroy the rainbow bricks, and build a catapult. In this new area, you can see raindrops right in front of you deflecting off of something invisible (you need to look closely to see this). Shoot in that general direction, and you will unlock the following for destroying the invisible jet:

To The Invisible Jet!

Find and destroy the Invisible Jet.

To The Invisible Jet!

Pull down the cloud ahead, build a ledge, get across it to the right, and use the secret knock to reveal some bouncy clouds. Get up here, pull down another cloud, smash the rainbow bricks, and build the catapult to reach the golden instruction page (1/5, you might be able to fly up here directly without the hassle of building all of these things). Back in the starting area, we shoot the 3 windwheels in this area, pull down the clouds, and shoot another windwheel. Up here, stick to the left to find the last windwheel and unlock the golden instruction page (2/5). Upon sailing on the clouds to the right, a little bit to the north, you can see a rainbow object. Destroy it, build the catapult, and get the pants (1/1). Back to the beginning, stick to the right, smash the structure, and build the snowman. Get one level up, and do the same up there to get the golden instruction page (3/5). Get up the wall in the middle to find another golden instruction page (4/5). Get through the following area straight to the next one.
Destroy the dark looking cloud to your left to trigger the raincloud (you need a total of 5 for the last golden instruction page). Continue to the right to find the next one near the teapot. The next can be found to the left of the giant chicken, while the remaining 2 are found once to the left of the rainbow gate and once towards the screen to the right. This will spawn the golden instruction page (5/5). We only need to finish the level now.

Level 7 - Attack on Cloud Cuckoo Land (Wonder Woman/any other rope, flying, acrobatic character, Vitruvius/any other staff character, Yeti/any other water shooting character, Emmet/any other drill, wrench character, Unikitty/any other rainbow character, Superman/any other laser, flying character, Fusebot/any other explosive character, Green Lantern)

Head towards the screen to take out a fire (need a total of 6 for the golden instruction page). Head one floor up to find the next fire to the left, and put out the fire down below. Past Batman, there are 2 more fires on the way to Emmet. In the middle of the spinning platforms towards Emmet, you can see the golden instruction page floating in midair (1/5). Upon reaching the top, extinguish the last 2 fires for the golden instruction page (2/5). Head further to the right to find a golden wall, which, upon destruction, will reveal another golden instruction page (3/5). Continue to the next area.
Fly all the way to the left, destroy the 6 golden doors, and build the item with Green Lantern to reveal the pants (1/1). Stick to the right, and destroy the silver structure to get another golden instruction page (4/5). The last golden instruction page can be found by extinguishing all of the fires in this area (5/5). Now simply finish the level.

Level 8 - Escape from Cloud Cuckoo Land (Wonder Woman/any other flying, acrobatic, rope character, Astro Kitty/any other hacking, rainbow character, Emmet/any other drill, wrench character, Green Lantern)

Right at the beginning, head to the left to find the golden instruction page near the ledge (1/5). Now head all the way to the right to find another golden instruction page in a similar location (2/5). Continue until you get the cloud cuckoo part attached to your back. Destroy the 2 golden fans on your side and the rainbow flag (rebuild it as well) before going over to the other side. Now here, we destroy all the silver objects and the golden lock to the right on the chest. This will reveal some Green Lantern pieces which will spawn the pants upon construction (1/1). Fly one level higher to find the last golden fan for the golden instruction page (3/5). Return to the climb space, destroy the item next to it, and lower a ledge. Get inside, and drill the spot to reveal another golden instruction page (4/5). The only thing left now is to destroy the remaining 2 rainbow flags for the last golden instruction page (5/5). Now simply finish the level.

Level 9 - The Depths (Astro Kitty/any rainbow, hacking, acrobatic character, Vitruvius/any staff character, Superman/any flying, laser character)

Upon blasting the floor with the sound system, laser the golden barrier to the left, and get a golden instruction page (1/5). Continue until you reach a small elevator-like machinery. Simply fly up in the middle to find the next golden instruction page (2/5). Head now to the next area.
Go to the left, and destroy 2 chests on the floor on the way (you need a total of 5 for the golden instruction page to appear). Shortly after the 2nd chest, you will see some golden barriers to the right. Shoot them to reveal a secret area. From here, before entering the area, head to the right to find a golden instruction page behind a secret passage (3/5). No on into the secret area. In here, we need to destroy a total of 3 golden blowfish which are scattered in the area. Actually, only the 3rd is somewhat hidden, and as soon as you find them all, you will unlock the pants (1/1). Back to the initial area, we will find 2 more chests before the cutscene with the swordfish. Stick to the ground in this area, and you will find the last chest unlocking the golden instruction page (4/5). Continue to the next area.
Here, we will stick to the right, and at some point, there should be an arch blocking your way further south. You can swim through it and reveal the last golden instruction page (5/5). Now we simply finish the level.

Level 10 - Infiltrate the Octan Tower (Ma and Pa Bad Cop, Lord Business, Superman/any flying, laser character, Caveman/any fire making chracter, Metalbeard/any explosives character, Wonder Woman/any rope character, Emmet/any wrench, drill character, Astro Kitty/any rainbow, hacking character)

At the beginning, look to the right, and you can see a fireplace in front of a door. Create a fire to open a secret passage. In here, interact with everything, and build everything to make the pants spawn (1/1) AND upon using the switch, a golden instruction page (1/5). Use a flying character, and locate the 4 cannons on the ship which need to be hit to reveal a golden instruction page (2/5). Continue to the next area.
Shoot the golden containers on the freight ship to the right to reveal the next golden instruction page (3/5). Head to the next area.
Head to the right through the open hangar doors here to find a golden instruction page out in the open (4/5). Our next stop is the relic room.
We now choose for 1 player lord business with the kragle and for the 2nd either Ma or Pa Bad Cop. Now simply shoot one of them until they are a big glue chunk. Continue with the remaining character to unlock the following achievement:

Glues Your Daddy?

Use the Kragle Gun to shoot Ma and Pa Bad Cop in the Relic Room.

Glues Your Daddy?

Continue through this room until you deactivate the lasers. DO NOT pull down the foil now since this will end the level. Instead, go to the remaining barrier to the left. Use the console as lord business, get past the lasers, and activate the switch to spawn the last golden instruction page (5/5). Now finish the level.

level 11 - Put the thing on the thing (Astro Kitty/any rainbow, hacking character, Wonder Woman/any flying, acrobatic, rope character, Emmet/any drill, wrench character, Superman/any laser character)

To the right, hack the console ahead to reveal the first golden instruction page (1/5). Get around the robots, and fly up to find the next golden instruction page (2/5). Continue until the part where you reach the right side on the upper level. Laser the gold plated door here to get the golden instruction page inside (3/5). Keep going until you trigger the dance minigame. This is another chance to get the achievement for 21 awesome dance moves, but furthermore, these pants will be the only ones you already have due to the fact you allready finished the level once (1/1). Continue to the next area.
Head all the way to the right, hack the console, destroy the consoles in the adjoining room, and claim the golden instruction page (4/5). From here, fly to the middle, and you should see the golden instruction page floating in midair (5/5). This concludes the collectibles for this level.

level 12 - Broadcast News (Astro Kitty/any rainbow, hacking character, Superman/any flying, laser character, Wonder Woman/any rope, acrobatic character, Emmet/any wrench, drill character)

After the button jumping, fly up in the middle to find the pants floating in midair (1/1). Fly further to the right to reach a platform with a golden instruction page on it (1/5). Get down, and use the machine with Emmet to reveal a secret area. Head straigt forward for a golden instruction page (2/5). Stick to the right, and you can see a keyboard looking riddle. Simply jump on the buttons in the order the figure shows you (also as often as he shows you) to open the door and make a golden instruction page spawn (3/5). Keep going to the next area.
In here, you can try again to get the achievement with Bennie building all of the masterbuilds. However, make sure to destroy every container/tank in this area to unlock a golden instruction page (4/5). After that, fly up in the middle, and you should see the golden instruction page floating in the air between the 2 larger platforms (5/5).

Level 13 - Back from Reality (Superman/any flying, laser character, Wonder Woman/any acrobatic, rope character, Green Lantern, Lord Business)

Upon reaching the part with the trapped construction worker, head to the northwest to find the golden instruction page on a platform (1/5). Onward to the next area.
After the conveyor belt, you can see a golden wall to your right, which reveals a golden instruction page (2/5). Drop all the way down to the right, use the Lord Business platform, and destroy 8 robots down here to spawn the pants (1/1). Continue to the next area.
Push the broken elevator all the way to the right to spawn the golden instruction page (3/5). Head slightly to the left from here, and fly up to find another golden instruction page (4/5). Head to the right, get up one level, and you will see a green structure. Get inside it from the right to find the last golden instruction page hidden in here (5/5). Finish the level now.

Level 14 - Bricksburg under attack (Yeti/any other water shooter, Superman/any flying, laser character, Wonder Woman/any acrobatic, rope character, Lord Business)

Destroy the initial kragelizer ahead, and after that, put out the 4 fires raging in the street to find the golden instruction page (1/5). Head to the right, and you can see a building with "Hotel" signs outside. There is a small alley to the right of it where there is a golden instruction page hidden (2/5). Switch to the robot, and pull off the signs with it for the next gold instruction page (3/5). Continue into the next area.
Straight ahead, you can see a subway entrance, so shoot the golden gates, and enter it for the golden instruction page (4/5). Stick to the ground level, head to the right, and rebuild the Gandalf statue for the last golden instruction page (5/5). Head all the way up north, and get to the lord business platform. Activate the switch to the left to turn off the power here, destroy the rainbow bricks, and find the pants in there (1/1). We now can finish the level.

Level 15 - The final showdown (Superman, Emmet, Fusebot/any other explosives character)

For the first golden instruction page, you need to destroy 3 silver objects in the first area (1/5). Head to the right, and you will see Superman on a small roof. Change to him, and fly to the now spawned golden instruction page (2/5). Now we get to the next section.
Head to the left side as Superman, and laser the billboard to reveal the pants (1/1). This should unlock the following achievement for getting all pants:

Honey, Where Are My Pants?

Collect all pairs of Pants (Single Player).

Honey, Where Are My Pants?

We continue now to the last section. Head all the way to the right, and shoot the ventilators to reveal the golden instruction page (4/5). Shoot the silver billboard to your right and all the way to the left for the last golden instruction page (5/5). This should unlock the following achievement:

Build Things Only You Can Build

Collect all Golden Manuals.

Build Things Only You Can Build

Upon finishing the level, you should unlock the following as well:

You Are The Special

Achieve The Special in every level (Single Player).

You Are The Special

Level 16 - The bonus room

There are 10 golden bricks scattered throughout the room. As there is no specific order to go for, I will just describe the bricks by location as well as possible and tell you what to do to reach/spawn the brick.

Brick 1 (Book Shelf)
Up here, we will need to push the mini car to the left so it knocks down the books. One will land in a trash can revealing the golden brick (1/10).

Brick 2 (Floor)
Near the previous brick, there is a car. Enter it, and follow the stud track to make the golden brick appear (2/10).

Brick 3 (Floor)
From the previous one, head straight ahead, and you should see a book with a roll made of studs underneath. Inside the paper roll is the golden brick (3/10).

Brick 4 (Floor)
To the left of the previous mentioned book, there is a ventilation shaft. Laser the screws on the sides to get a golden brick inside (4/10).

Brick 5 (Giant red lego brick)
From here, head to the left, and you should find a secluded construction site. Fly all the way up, and you will find between some studs the next golden brick (5/10).

Brick 6 (Floor)
Head towards the portal, and to the left of the portal, there is a box you can pull down with a hook. Build the structure with all of the parts, and the golden brick will spawn (6/10).

Brick 7 (Iron Structure)
From the previous brick, look around, and you should see an iron structure (might be the legs of a chair). Here, you see a console you need to hack. This will open the disc tray for the computer and reveal a golden brick (7/10).

Brick 8 (Aquarium)
Fly up on the table to the left, and you can see an aquarium. In there, you can see the golden brick. Simply dive in (8/10).

Brick 9 (Pin-Wall)
Head towards the desktop, and you should find a pin-wall. You can either use an acrobatic character to swing all the way up, or alternatively, use a flying character to get the golden brick (9/10).

Brick 10 (In front of the Desktop)
For the last golden brick, we need to collect 1.000.000 studs in this room. Once you got them all, the last golden brick will spawn (10/10). There is no real explanation I can offer. However, I strongly recommend you to use a flying character to smash/collect everything you see in this room:

Everything Is Awesome!

Achieve 100% completion.

Everything Is Awesome!

Now we head for the golden instruction page builds pad (the huge one in the middle) and finish them all for the following achievement (you can skip the building process by wearing the construction pants (enter the following code in Bricksburg near the police station: 6LK78NN9), simply get them off of one of the dispensers):

Midas Touch

Complete all Golden Instruction Builds.

Midas Touch

Here is a brilliant video guide, credit goes to packattack04082


Now that we have finished the core game, let us do the mop up now.


First off, we will spend all of these nice studs to unlock all the characters (check my tips section for an explanation on how to get them all easily). This will unlock the following 2 achievements:

Including, But Not Limited To

Purchase all Master Builders.

Including, But Not Limited To
The Special People In Your Life

Purchase all Characters (Single Player).

The Special People In Your Life

Now choose Vitruvius, and switch to Ghost Vitruvius for the following achievement:

The Prophecy, I Made It Up!

Switch from Vitruvius into Ghost Vitruvius.

The Prophecy, I Made It Up!

Choose Lady Liberty and Abraham Lincoln as a team to unlock the following:

A House Divided

Play as Abraham Lincoln and Lady Liberty.

A House Divided

Choose Emmet and Robo Skeletron. Now shoot Emmet with Skeletron to unlock the following:


Shoot Emmet with Robo Skeleton.


Now switch to Good Cop Scribble Face, and change to bad cop for the following achievement:

Too Bad!

Switch from Good Cop (Scribble Face) to Bad Cop.

Too Bad!

This should wrap up all of the achievements. Congrats on your full 1000G!

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