Latest The Orange Box News

Xbox 360 delistings: Last call before store removals begin

Loads of Xbox 360 games will be delisted from the 360 Marketplace soon, and while some will still be available to buy through the Xbox Store, others might be gone for good. Here is every game that could be delisted permanently.

Posted 2 years ago by Sean Carey

Three Games Heading To Backwards Compatibility

Three games turn into seven with today's additions to backwards compatibility as The Orange Box joins offerings from both Hello Games and Bandai Namco as playable on Xbox One.

Posted 9 years ago by Andy Mills

TA Top Five: E3 Predictions

Unless you've been living under a rock for the past few weeks, you know that E3 is nigh. As the Newshound team was sitting around the coffee table in our secret underground volcano tree house, we sta

Posted 10 years ago by Jonathan Barnes

TA Top Five: Fake Inventions

The absolute best thing about video games, along with other forms of narrative media, is that they craft incredible fictional worlds. These worlds have no bounds on when or where they exist, or wheth

Posted 10 years ago by Marc Caccamise

TA Top Five: Scientists

Science plays a pretty big role in the narrative of many games. Few things make better sources of conflict than advanced science gone awry and few things make better resolutions to conflict than the

Posted 10 years ago by Jonathan Barnes

TA Top Five: Sequels That Should Be Made

Spoiler Warning In the process of discussing the game's which should receive sequels, certain plot points which may spoil the narrative story may be discussed. If you have not played a certain game

Posted 11 years ago by Marc Caccamise

TA Top Five: Missions/Levels

While many games forgo the more-traditional "Level 1-1" system of yesteryear, it doesn't mean that they don't have iconic and memorable missions and levels. This week's TA Top Five takes a close look

Posted 11 years ago by Jonathan Barnes

TA Top Five: Outfits

If there's one thing I know, it's that I'm not Joan Rivers when it comes to judging style. If there's two things I know, it's that I'm not Joan Rivers and that I wouldn't want Joan Rivers weighing in

Posted 11 years ago by Jonathan Barnes

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