3. Thomas Was Alone Story WalkthroughUpdate notes

Story Walkthrough

A video walkthrough of the entire game is provided below:

Video by GN_Version2

Chapters within this walkthrough:

Level 0 Spawn

Level 1 Array

Level 2 Origin

Level 3 Associations

Level 4 Purge

Level 5 Invert

Level 6 Iterate

Level 7 Design

Level 8 Generation

Level 9 Y+1, X+1

Level 10 Target

Level 11 Consequence

Level 0 - Spawn

These first ten levels are very easy, as they are mainly used to begin telling the story as well as to introduce the jump mechanic, and you will only have access to Thomas. The aim of each level will be to place Thomas inside the white box at the end of the section.

Collectable locations: 0.3 and 0.5

Level 0.1

Simply move to the right side of the screen and place Thomas inside the white outline.

Level 0.2

Move Thomas to the right and fall down through the twisting tunnel (Note: there is no fall damage in this game).

Level 0.3

Move Thomas left to right across the screen, and jump over the blocks in your way. You will find your first collectable here; at the bottom right of the first block you have to jump over. Clear the obstacle, drop to the floor and then move back to the left to pick it up:

annotated #1

Level 0.4

Thomas will not be able to reach the other side of the area if you drop down onto the lower platforms. Jump from the starting area over to the right side of the screen (you should just about be able to reach it with a bit of a run up).

Level 0.5

This level contains the second collectable in the Spawn levels. You will see the collectable to the left of your starting location, floating above the water. Move Thomas to the left and jump to reach the collectable. You will die getting this, which will help count towards the ‘Huge Success’ achievement for dying 1000 times.

number 2

If you have picked up both collectables in the spawn levels you will receive:

Mr Lonely

Find both achievement pickups in 'Spawn'.

Mr Lonely

Once you have respawned, simply move Thomas to the right over the falling blocks to reach the end.

Level 0.6

Move Thomas to the left up the stairs and jump from side to side to reach the end.

Level 0.7

Similarly to level 0.6, hop left and right up the stair-like platforms to reach the exit.

Level 0.8

This level introduces water; Thomas will immediately sink and die if you touch it. Jump to the right over the water and hit the checkpoint, and continue right over the blocks to reach the exit.

Level 0.9

This level consists of lots of single blocks; you will start in the bottom right corner of the area, and the exit portal is in the top right. Make your way upwards by jumping on the blocks. The way is quite obvious; jump up the middle section and then make your way over to the left to make it to the top. Once you reach the top, jump over the platforms to the right to find the exit.

Level 0.10

This is the final level in this chapter. Simply jump right over the platforms and avoid falling in the water, where you will come to some platforms which are moving up and down. You can’t die in this section, so make your way over the platforms by jumping on the adjacent platform when it is lower down.

Level 1 - Array

These levels introduce two more characters; Chris and John. John can bounce really high and provide a good leg-up for Chris, who is much smaller with a tiny jump, but can squeeze through gaps to areas Thomas and John can't reach. There will be separate boxes to place the three characters at the end of each level.

Collectables: Level 1.8 and 1.9.

Level 1.1

This level introduces you to Chris. You will have to swap Thomas and Chris over so they are on the opposite sides to where they begin. Chris cannot jump over the middle block, so you will have to give him a leg-up as Thomas. Move Thomas right over the block and swap to Chris. Hop up onto Thomas and over the block to the exit square, then move Thomas into his exit square to end the level.

Level 1.2

Thomas and Chris will start in different areas in this level. Take a running jump as Chris to make it over the water, and take another running jump to hit the checkpoint. Hop up over the platforms until you come to one that Chris cannot jump up. Swap to Thomas and jump up the first couple of platforms. More sets of platforms will appear; hop up them until you come to the top, and make your way over to Chris on the left. Swap to Chris and jump up on top of Thomas to be able to make it over the block. You can now drop down through the area Thomas just came up to make it to Chris’ exit square. Swap to Thomas and make your way over the platforms on the left to find the exit square and end the level.

Level 1.3

As Chris, move right through the small gap and hit the white button. This will cause a set of steps to appear on the right, which will lead up to the exit squares. These steps are too tall for Chris to jump up, so alternate between Thomas and Chris to allow them both to make it up the stairs. You can move one character side to side while the other character is stood on top of them, but you cannot jump, so you will have to stand them next to each other to jump up the stairs.

Level 1.4

Move Chris right until he is stood next to the tall ledge on the right edge. Swap to Thomas and hop up on top of Chris to be able to jump up to the ledge and hit the white button. This will open up the area below Chris. As Chris, drop down through the gap and move to the right where you will come to several single blocks. Hop over the blocks to find the exit square. Swap to Thomas and do the same as with Chris, except go left instead of right.

Level 1.5

When the level begins, use Thomas to jump over the water on the right and hit the white switch, which will cause the platform to float over to the left. Chris can now make the jump over to the moving platform. When the platform reaches the right hand side, move both characters off.

The next gap looks pretty big for Chris, but you can just about make it with a running jump. Still as Chris, squeeze through the gap on the right and drop down to the platform below (make sure you are going fast enough to avoid falling in the water). Jump over the platforms and make your way through to the right until you come to Chris’ exit square.

Swap to Thomas and jump up the stair platforms on the right to find a moving platform over the water. Hop onto this platform when it comes near and ride it over to the right. Go through the checkpoint and hop onto the next moving platform (be careful – this one moves quickly). Drop down through the narrow gap on the right to come to Thomas’ exit square, which will end the level.

Level 1.6

This level introduces you to John, who is long and thin with a large jump. Place John in position within his exit square, then swap to Chris and hop on top of Thomas, then perch on the edge of John. Swap to Thomas and use him to also hop on top of John, and get into position within his exit square. Finally, swap to Chris and hop on top of Thomas to his exit square.

Level 1.7

When the level begins you will see that John is blocking Thomas and Chris from getting past him. Move John to the right until you come to a narrow hole in the floor which you can drop him down into. You can now swap to Thomas and Chris, jump over John and place them inside their exit squares. Swap back to John and move over to the left to find his exit square.

Level 1.8

Use John to jump over the two large pools of water on the left and climb the stairs in front of him, where you will find a white switch for you to flip. This will drop down some platforms so that Thomas and Chris can jump over the water. Move the characters over the water and up the stairs, until you come to a stair that is too tall for Chris to jump up. Swap to Thomas and place him below the step so that Chris can use him as a stepping stone. Repeat this two more times and you will have all three characters at the top of the stairs.

Drop down through the gap on the left to reach the area below. You can now use John to reach the next collectable, which is in the top right of this area. If you jump onto the platform below it and then jump and move left at the same time, you will clear the space above and pick it up:

Array 1.8

Move all characters to the right (help Chris up the larger stairs with Thomas) until you come to a narrow hole in the platform that Chris can squeeze through to reach his exit square. Position John to the left of the platform and swap to Thomas. Hop up on top of John to reach the top of the platform, and drop down the other side to find Thomas’ exit square. Swap back to John, jump over the platform and place him inside his exit square to end the level.

Level 1.9

Use John to jump up to the platform on the right and hit the white switch. This will cause the platform to float up slightly and create a gap below large enough for Thomas and Chris to get through.

Once you have moved all three characters right, you will come to a large step that Thomas and Chris cannot jump up. Position John at the bottom and swap to Chris. Jump on top of Thomas, then onto John and position yourself right on the edge. Swap to Thomas and jump up on top of John, and also perch him on the edge. You can now swap to Chris and use Thomas to give you a leg-up to the platform. Swap back to Thomas and jump up to the platform, and then do the same with John. You will have to do this a couple more times to help everyone up the stairs on the right.

At the top of the stairs you will come to a set of moving platforms; one on the right edge and one on the left edge of the passageway above. Give Chris a leg-up on Thomas and John to hop onto the moving platform, and then move the other two characters onto it.

After moving up past the two ‘elevator’ platforms you will see the next collectable. Simply use John to jump from one of the steps on the left to make it over to the pick-up location:

Array 1.9

If you have picked up both collectables in Array at this point you will receive:

Three Amigos

Find both achievement pickups in 'Array'.

Three Amigos

Climb the stairs on the left with all three characters to find the exit squares.

Level 1.10

Ignore the two floating platforms on the right and take all three characters to the attached ledge further right. Form a set of stairs with John and Thomas to allow Chris to hop up to the platform above, squeeze through the gap on the right and drop down the hole to find Chris’ exit square.

Swap to John and place him inside his exit square, then swap to Thomas and use John as a stepping stone to reach the platform above on the right. Swap back to John and hop up to the platform next to Thomas. Perch John on the edge of the platform over the water and swap back to Thomas, who can now jump on top of John and reach the platform above. Do not go through the exit square with Thomas yet. Swap back to John and place him inside his exit square, then swap to Thomas and drop down through his exit square, which will end the level.

Level 2 - Origin

Level 2 introduces Claire, who is a large blue square that cannot jump very high but can float on water, which is handy to ferry other characters across waterbodies too wide to jump over.

Collectable locations: 2.4 and 2.9

Level 2.1

There’s not much to do in this level; Claire will fall down slowly with the crumbling blocks and then float in the water. After the narrator has finished speaking, Claire’s exit square will appear on the water.

Level 2.2

As John, jump over the small block to the right of Claire. Swap to Claire and jump onto the block and then onto John. Swap back to John and move along to the left until you come to the higher up platform. Claire can now jump off John onto the platform on the right. Swap back to John and jump on top of Claire. Claire can now carry John over the thin platforms on the right (this is easier than trying to jump on the platforms with John). Drop John down the gap to his exit square and move Claire right into hers to end the level.

Level 2.3

Swap to Claire, who is on the left side of this area, and move right to float in the water by the other characters. Swap to Thomas, John and Chris and place them all on top of Claire, who can then ferry them across the water to the other side where their exit squares are. Cross the water again with Claire and place her inside her square.

Level 2.4

When the level begins you will start as Thomas, stood on top of Claire. As the water rises, use Thomas to jump through the gap and hit the button on the right. This will draw back the platform on the left so that Claire can squeeze through. As Thomas, climb back onto Claire and float up through the tunnel above. When you come to an opening with four blocks, jump off Claire and head to the left where you will find the next collectable:

Origin 2.4

Climb back onto Claire and continue floating up the tunnel until you come to the two exit squares.

Level 2.5

You will have access to Claire, John and Chris in this level. When the level begins you will see three large stairs on the left. John can make it up these stairs but the other two characters will not be able to, so you will have to place John into the narrow gaps between the stairs so he can give Claire and Chris a boost up.

Drop down onto the moving elevator platform on the left with all three characters and move to the checkpoint on the right, where you will also find Chris’ exit square. Drop Claire into the water, stand John on top of her and cross the water to the right, where you will find the two exit squares.

Level 2.6

Drop down into the water with Claire and move her left to the other side of the water, where you will find a switch to press, which will lower the water level. You can now float back to the right and drop Thomas, Chris and John down on top of Claire. Float back to the left hand side and drop Thomas, Chris and John off on the other side of the water, where they can climb the steps to their exit squares (you will have to form a set of smaller stairs with John and Thomas to boost Chris up). Swap to Claire and float back to the other side of the water to find her exit square.

Level 2.7

Climb on top of Claire with Thomas and John and float right across the water (you will have to jump onto the floating platforms when Claire floats under them or they will be pushed off her into the water and die). At the other side, climb up onto the ledge and drop down through the gap on the right to the lower down area. Place Claire inside her exit square, then continue to the left with Thomas and John to find theirs.

Level 2.8

You don’t need to use Claire to help Thomas and John cross this next section; Thomas can use the moving floating platforms to cross and John can cross the gap with his big jump. Cross the first two areas with all three characters to reach the checkpoint, and then place the two characters on top of Claire and cross the water on the right. Finally, jump off Claire and cross to the exit squares using the floating platforms on the right.

Level 2.9

You will only have access to Claire for this level. Make your way through the passageway on the right and avoid the spikes as you go until you come to a moving platform with some spikes below it. Jump up to the platform to the left of this moving platform and then jump on top of it. You will see the next collectable here, below the second set of spikes above this moving platform:

Origin 2.9

If you have picked up both collectables in level 2 you will receive:

The Golden Fleece

Find both achievement pickups in 'Origin'.

The Golden Fleece

Jump off the second moving platform and cross the body of water on the left. Go past the checkpoint and drop down through the tunnel of spikes (take a bit of a run-up to avoid being caught on the spiked edge) to find the exit square.

Level 2.10

This level is identical to the last one, except you will have to get Thomas through the level as well as Claire. You can move the two characters through the level separately until you come to the area of water, where you will have to place Thomas on top of Claire to help him cross (note – make sure to swap to Thomas and jump off of Claire before removing her from the water, as he will hit the spikes above and die if he is still stood on top of her). Drop down through the spikes to find the exit squares.

Level 3 - Associations

These levels introduce you to Laura, who is a short and wide character. Laura cannot jump very high, however other characters can jump on her to reach high up areas.

Collectable locations: 3.4 and 3.8.

Level 3.1

You will have access to Laura and Chris for the next few levels. The two characters will never interact, but instead will have to take turns to flip switches along their route to open up the exit for the other character. Moving along the corridor to the right, you will have to flip two switches on each side to open up the areas.

Level 3.2

Another easy one here; all you have to do is move Chris to the right and Laura to the left, and place Chris on top of Laura to allow him to reach the exit square. This is the first level you can get:

Part of the Problem

Bounce on Laura 100 times.

Part of the Problem

However, you will gain the achievement easily during the next few levels, and so I wouldn’t bother going for it now.

Level 3.3

Move to the right and use Chris to jump on Laura and hit the switch above, which will cause the platform to lower so that Laura can make her way through. Continue to the right and do this a second time and you will see the exit squares on the right hand side.

Level 3.4

Take control of Chris and move him over to the right and up the stairs. Swap to Laura and drop down the stairs and slot in under Chris. Chris can now bounce on Laura to reach the upper platform. Swap back to Laura and position her underneath the gap in the platform above, where you can see the switch. You can now use Chris to bounce up to the platform above and hit the switch, which will start moving the platform on the right hand side. Take Laura over to this platform and ride it up to the top of the area.

You will now be able to see the first collectable in these levels; in the top right under the small platform ledge. Bounce on Laura to reach the collectable:

edit 1

After collecting the square, position Laura on top of the ledge above it and use Chris to bounce up to the single platform squares to the left. Chris can now jump along these squares and reach his exit square. Swap to Laura and position her inside her exit square which is to the left.

Level 3.5

This is the level you are likely to win:

Part of the Problem

Bounce on Laura 100 times.

Part of the Problem

As you will be jumping on Laura a lot.

Use the small gap in the ceiling spikes to jump over Laura and position Chris at the end of the spike section. Swap to Laura and jump on Chris to reach the platform on the right.

Now comes the fiddly bit; position Laura over the first gap down to the water and jump on her with Chris. You have to keep swapping from Laura to Chris and back, and move each character slightly to the right each time, so you inch your way across the water area bit by bit. There are two checkpoints along this section, but if you take your time you shouldn’t have any trouble. At the end of the section you will find the two exit squares.

Level 3.6

You will have access to Thomas, Chris, John and Laura in this level.

Take control of John and jump into the alcove on the right to hit the switch above. This will cause the platform the other three characters are on to drop down. You will see another button on the left this time; take control of Thomas and use him to go flip it, which will drop the platform down further. The next button will be on the right again, and you will have to use Chris to go and flip the switch this time. The final button will be on the left, and you will have to use John to jump over to it. Once the platform drops down, you will see the characters exit squares on the right.

Level 3.7

You will have access to Chris, Laura and John for this level. Position Laura at various points along the ground and jump on her with John to hit the switches on the roof. This will lower the pillars in the corridor above so that Chris can make his way along to the left to his exit square. You will then have to use John to help Laura reach her exit square, which is on the far right of the area. John can then go to his exit square, which is in the centre of the area.

Level 3.8

As soon as you begin the level, select John and jump onto the top right moving platform. The pickup is on the top right hand side and you can easily jump to it:

Associations 3.8

If you have collected both squares within Associations, you will receive:

True Romance

Find both achievement pickups in 'Associations'.

True Romance

For this first section, take Laura over to the dotted floor platform on the right and allow the moving platform to carry her upwards. On the way up, jump over to the moving platform on the left and hang slightly over the edge. Repeat the technique to get Thomas, John and Chris bouncing on Laura and jump up to the moving platform above and onto the stationary ledge on the left. Swap back to Laura and jump from the platform she is currently on over to the moving platform on the right. When the platform rises, you can then hop back over to the left platform and on to the ledge with the rest of the gang.

Create a staircase using Chris, Thomas and John which allows Laura to reach the ledge on the left. Use John to bounce right and upwards to the switch on the ceiling which will cause the ledge Laura is stood on to start moving.

Get everyone to bounce on Laura, and you will be able to bounce over to the exit squares in the top right of this section when the platform is at the top. You have to place Laura within the exit square on the bottom and have the other three characters jumping on her. Adjust the rhythm so everyone is jumping on her at the same time and touching their exit squares.

Level 3.9

When the level begins, Thomas and Chris will be stood on top of Claire. Use Thomas to jump into the alcove on the right and hit the white button. This will cause water to rain down on you, raising the water level. When the water stops rising, take control of Chris and jump on Laura, who is on the platform to the left, and bounce up to hit the white button in the alcove. Quickly place all characters on top of Claire before the water rises. To raise the water level for the final time to reach the exit squares, bounce on Laura with John to reach the button above you.

You will now need to bounce on Laura with Chris, Thomas and John to reach their exit squares on the right. However, Chris cannot bounce high enough to reach the platform, and so you will have to make a staircase of characters and place Laura on top of John to allow Chris to bounce up to the platform. Finally, place Claire and Laura in their exit squares on the lower platforms to end the level.

Level 3.10

Use John to hit the white button above you. You now have to use the moving platforms on the left and right to reach the exit squares above you, while avoiding the moving spiked platform.

Firstly, bounce on Laura with Claire and use the moving platform on the right to make it to the platform above. Don’t place Claire in her exit square yet, as she will block the way for other characters. Instead, place her on the left hand side of the platform. Next, take Laura on to the platform, and swap her with Claire so they are inside their exit squares. Take John, Chris and finally Thomas up to the platform and bounce on Laura to end the level.

Level 4 - Purge

There are no new characters within the following levels.

Collectable locations: 4.4 and 4.8.

Level 4.1

This level is relatively easy; you will see different coloured switches on the right side of the screen, which can only be pressed by the character of the same colour. Use each character to press their corresponding switch, which will open the tunnel to the exit squares on the right.

Level 4.2

Using Chris, slide through the narrow tunnel on the left and hit the white switch. This will raise the platform Chris is stood on like an elevator and flip three switches on the way up. Swap to Laura, place her on top of the ledge on the left and jump on Claire. Then, swap to Thomas and bounce on Laura to hit the switch on the right, which will raise the platform they are stood on. Swap to John and jump left and right up through the platforms to reach the switch next to Chris, which will slide the platform above you over to allow Chris to escape.

Swap back to the characters in the left area and bounce on Laura with Thomas to hit the switch above. This will raise the platform a final time, and you can now place the three characters inside their exit squares.

Swap back to John and Chris, and place John inside the single-square drop in the platform that Chris is currently stood in. You can now jump on John with Chris to reach the switch above. This will raise the platform like an elevator again and you will be able to see their exit squares on the right.

Level 4.3

Bounce on top of Laura with Claire and jump over the large square platforms on the right to reach the white switch on the wall. This will raise the platform on the left by John, so Laura can slide underneath and allow John to bounce up to the platforms above and make it over to join the rest of the characters.

Slide Laura over slightly so she is on the other side of the platform that was raised by hitting the switch, and bounce up to the platform on the right with Chris. Swap to John and also place him on this platform; Chris can now jump on top of John and jump up to the narrow ‘S’ shaped platform above this platform. With a running jump, Chris can now make it over to the ledge on the right where you will see his exit square.

Move Laura back inside her exit square on the left. Swap to John and bounce up to the platform in the top right corner of the area to find his exit square. Finally, swap to Claire and jump up into her exit square to end the level.

Level 4.4

You will only have control of Chris for this level. Chris will fall down through the tunnel, and you will have to move him left and right to avoid the obstacles. There are lots of checkpoints in this level, so if you die you don’t lose much progress.

The collectable is found after the third checkpoint: as you pass through the checkpoint, you will see the collectable to the right under the second block with spikes on it. If you miss it on your first run, die on the spikes below to reset from the checkpoint.

collectable 8

After reaching the bottom of the tunnel, land inside the exit square to end the level.

Level 4.5

You will have access to John, Claire and Laura for this level.

Place Laura on the steps on the right and jump on top of Claire. Then, move Claire over to the left so that John can jump on top of them both and reach the yellow switch above you, which will lower the platform he is stood on and reveal Claire’s exit square.

Take Laura off of Claire and drop down onto the ledge on the left. Then, place Claire on the set of stairs on the right and jump on top of John. You can then move John across and bounce on Laura with Claire to reach the blue switch above. This will move the set of spikes across and kill Claire. Once Claire has respawned, jump on top of Laura again and move over to the left hand side wall to find another blue switch to press.

A set of spikes will come down from above, so move over to the right hand side of the platform to avoid getting hit. Jump on top of the spiked platform with John to hit a yellow switch. A set of spikes will swing in from the right, so jump to avoid dying here. Once the spikes have passed, jump up the large stairs on the left with John to find his exit square, and then swap to Claire and finally Laura to place them inside their exit squares as well.

Level 4.6

When the level begins, Claire will be bouncing on Laura. Bounce up to the platform on the right, then swap to John and jump on top of Claire to reach the platform above with the yellow switch. Hitting the switch will reveal a set of steps lower down on the right.

Swap to Laura and jump up to the top of these stairs and slot into the narrow area on the right, poking out slightly to form a step. You can now swap to John and bounce on Laura to reach the platform above, where you will see a yellow switch on the left wall. The platform you were stood on will raise up to reveal a gap big enough for all the characters to get through.

Swap to Claire and drop her down into the water. Place Laura on top of Claire, and swap to John to bounce on top of them and reach his exit square on the raised platform on the right. Swap back to Claire and move her over to the right to the exit squares.

Level 4.7

Just Claire and John left now. Move Claire over to the right and hit the blue switch on the wall. This will lower the water level. Swap to John and jump over the platforms to the left wall, where you will find a yellow switch for him to hit. Hitting the switch will lower the water further.

Leave John on the platform above the water level, drop down into the water with Claire and hit the blue switch on the platform in the middle of the area to lower the water level. Put John back on top of Claire and float over to the left hand side of the area. John can then jump up and hit the yellow switch above.

The next switch will be for Claire, and is on the right side wall above the spikes. Move over to the left after hitting the switch to avoid dying on the spikes. The next switch is on the left of the area, so use John to hit it, and the next switch is on the left hand side ceiling and is also for John.

When the water level lowers, jump up onto the single block platform with John and hit the switch on the left side wall. Hit the final switch on the left side with Claire to lower the water level and reveal the exit squares below.

Level 4.8

For this level, the wall of spikes will slowly move across the screen from left to right, and you will have to move quickly to avoid dying.

Immediately upon starting the level, switch to Claire and jump off John. Swap to John and quickly jump left to pick up the collectable next to the moving spiked wall. If you are too slow and don't make it to the collectable before the spikes pass, die on the spikes to restart:

collectable 9

If you have picked up both collectables in Level 4 you will win:

Lone Survivor

Find both achievement pickups in 'Purge'.

Lone Survivor

After you respawn, slide John down into the gap on the right and continue onwards with Claire to drop her into the water. Swap back to John and jump over the platforms until you come to one slightly higher up, then swap back to Claire and jump over the platforms to catch up. Continue onwards like this, swapping characters back and forth to stay ahead of the spikes until you see the exit squares. You will have to drop John down on top of Claire to avoid the water and reach his exit square.

Level 4.9

For this level, the water level will be rising and you will have to jump up the platforms with John to avoid the water. The route to take is pretty straightforward and tends to weave left and right across the area.

Level 4.10

For the final level in this chapter you will only have access to John again. Jump up to the moving platform above and then over to the ledge on the right. Continue climbing the moving platforms above (quickly to avoid being hit by the spikes) and over to the tiny ledge on the left hand side wall. Jump onto the moving spiked platform on the right, wait until the spikes on the right have risen up and jump through the gap to hit the checkpoint.

Continue right and drop down through the opening spike chute to find another checkpoint. Jump up through the platforms and over to the upper platform on the right and continue to the right to find the exit square.

Level 5 - Invert

These levels introduce James, who is similar to Thomas in size and jump height, but everything he does is inverted (left is right, up is down etc.).

Collectable locations: 5.1 and 5.4

Level 5.1

Jump over the platforms on the right and climb the blocky platforms to make it over the line blocking your way through. Continue on past the checkpoint and the spikes and walk along the ground to the end of the platform where you will find a collectable:

level 5.1 collectable

Return to the platform by the spikes and jump over the platforms to the right to come to James’ exit square.

Level 5.2

Hit the button to the right of you, which will move the platform right and upwards. Jump down off the platform and hit the button that has appeared underneath the moving platform. This will move the platform to the left over the spikes, so jump on it to let it carry you over the spikes. A button will then appear on the side of the platform you are stood on. Hit it to let it carry you upwards to the exit square.

Level 5.3

Make your way through the moving platforms on the left, and be careful to avoid being squashed into the wall. Jump up the steps to find the exit square.

Level 5.4

As James, make your way upwards through the area by jumping left and right onto the ledges either side until you come to his exit square. Finally, swap to Thomas and pick up the collectable:

level 5.4 collectable

If you have picked up both collectables you will receive:

Defying Gravity

Find both achievement pickups in 'Invert'.

Defying Gravity

Then place him inside the adjacent exit square to end the level.

Level 5.5

Move over and hit the green switch with James, which will raise a set of stairs Thomas can use to hit the red switch that appears. Another set of steps will appear that James can use to hit another green switch. Hitting this switch will transform the area into a cross shape, and all that’s left to do is place James inside the exit square at the top and Thomas inside the square at the bottom.

Level 5.6

This level will teach you how to position James or Thomas to allow the other character to use them as a step up to a higher platform.

Place James inside his exit square and hop up on top of him with Thomas and up to the platform above. Then, place James in the same position on the square platform slightly to the left and hop up to this platform with Thomas. Jump over to the bottom of the ledge on the left with James and position him as before, jump onto him with Thomas and then jump up to the exit square. Make your way back to James’ exit square to end the level.

Level 5.7

This level will show you how to balance James and Thomas next to each other, which will allow them to ‘float’ in mid-air as they will be supporting each other. Move Thomas and James to the left and slowly edge off the edge of the platform so they hit each other on the way while falling. To move up and down, jump with either character, and edge left and right to move across the screen.

Move either up or down to avoid the block platforms in the middle of the screen and continue over to the left until you come to the platform just before the checkpoint. At this location you will have to split James and Thomas up.

Push James slightly under the lower platform so he is balancing on the edge, swap to Thomas and jump up to the platform above and left. With each character, make your way through past the checkpoint and through the ‘S’ shaped platforms until you come to their exit squares.

Level 5.8

When the level begins, make your way through the weaving tunnel on the right with both characters and use James to help Thomas up where needed by forming another step. Where the tunnel splits, keep right and continue upwards to come to a checkpoint. You will then need to reverse the process, and help James make his way downwards through the weaving tunnel.

To get both characters over the big gap where the tunnel splits, you will have to use the moving platform on the left (down the left hand side tunnel). Balance James on the bottom side of the platform, place Thomas on the top side and balance them on top of each other again. You can then inch slowly right and down the tunnel, where you will find the exit squares.

Level 5.9

For this level, you will have to manoeuvre Thomas and James through the area on the left and avoid the moving spikes as you go. You don’t need to rely on each other to get through this area, take each character through individually to their exit squares.

Level 5.10

For the final level of this chapter, edge Thomas and James slowly to the right and stay supporting each other past the slightly lowered checkpoint until you come to their exit squares. Stop supporting each other and swap sides to enter the correct exit squares.

Level 6 - Iterate

These levels introduce Sarah, who is small and can double jump with cn_Acn_A to reach high up platforms.

Collectable locations: 6.2 and 6.7

Level 6.1

Jump up to the middle pillar with Sarah and hit the purple button. This will create a bridge that James can cross under to reach his exit square on the other side. Move Thomas into his exit square on the left, and jump with Sarah to reach her exit square at the top of this area.

Level 6.2

In this level, you will need to follow the rays of light to each switch. This first switch is one jump away to the right and the second switch is three jumps up to the right. After you press the second switch, the collectable will be above the block to the left of you. To reach it, you will have to double jump at the very peak of your first jump:

collectable 12

The third switch is lower down and over to the left. The fourth switch is higher up on the right on the underneath of a platform. The fifth and final switch is much higher up and slightly to the left. Hitting the switch will reveal the exit square on the lower platform on the right.

Level 6.3

Swap to James, make your way over to the right and jump to hit the switch on the floor. This will open up the floor below and allow Sarah to double jump up to her exit square on the left. To end the level, place Thomas inside his exit square at the top of the stairs on the left.

Level 6.4

This level is simple enough; just make your way up the tunnel by jumping on the moving platforms. However, it can be a bit fiddly when the platforms are moving as sometimes Sarah will not be able to jump properly and will fall back to the bottom. Just take your time and learn the patterns of the moving blocks, and double jump to reach Sarah’s exit square at the top of this area.

Level 6.5

As Sarah, double jump through the spikes on the right and hit the white button to open the spike platforms. You can then move through them with Thomas and James to reach their exit squares on either side.

Level 6.6

As Sarah, make your way up through the platforms above. You will have to drop off the edge and then double jump upwards to make it over the overhanging platforms. When you reach the top, go into the middle of the platform to hit the purple button. The platforms will slide over to the right and allow James to climb them like steps. Hit the green button in the middle of the area and you can move James over to the right to his exit square. Finally, climb the stairs with Thomas to make it to his exit square.

Level 6.7

When the level begins, hop over to the middle area with Sarah and drop off the edge to pick up the collectable above the spikes:

edit 2

if you have picked up both collectables within iterate you will receive:

A Noble Quest

Find both achievement pickups in 'Iterate'.

A Noble Quest

You will have to get James over to Thomas to help him over the spikes by supporting each other across the gap. To do this, hang James over the edge of the smaller gap in the middle of the area, and jump on top of him with Sarah. You can then move each character bit by bit over to the right side of the area and use Sarah to support James across the gap. Then, swap Sarah with Thomas (move Thomas onto James before removing Sarah or this will not work) and inch back over to the middle platform to find the exit squares. Place Sarah in her exit square on the right to end the level.

Level 6.8

Swap to Sarah, drop over the edge on the right and jump before you reach the water to land on the platform, where you will find Sarah’s exit square. Swap back to Thomas, move left and climb the ledges upwards to find his exit square within the glowing area of light.

Level 6.9

Jump onto the single block platform on the right with Sarah and hit the purple switch above to raise some block platforms. Then, jump into the middle and hit the switch on the ceiling. You can now use Thomas to hit the two red switches on the block platforms.

Hang over the edge of the centre block with Thomas to form a ledge, swap to James and use the newly created platform to reach the green switch below. You can now reach James’ exit square on the right side ceiling, and place Thomas and Sarah inside their exit squares in the bottom left corner.

Level 6.10

For the final level of this set, you have to use each character to hit the corresponding switch which will cause the walls of the area to close in. Flip the switches with Sarah first, James second and finally Thomas to reveal the exit squares.

Level 7 - Design

There are no new characters introduced in these levels.

Collectable locations: 7.1 and 7.10

Level 7.1

For this level, you will have to flip several switches to allow all characters to escape from the side rooms and make it over to the exit squares in the large centre area.

As Thomas, hit the red switch on the right hand side wall to move the wall over slightly and open the door currently trapping Claire. Swap to Claire and jump out of the water. Jump on top of Claire with Thomas to reach the red switch above him, which will open the door trapping Laura.

Move Laura over to the left and jump on top of her with Claire to hit the blue switch on the ceiling. Flipping the switch will open the door trapping John, who can then jump up onto Claire and hit the yellow switch above.

The wall will slide further to the right and open the door trapping Chris. Create a set of steps with Laura on the top, so that Chris can bounce on her and hit the orange switch on the ceiling. Before you place all the characters inside their exit squares, bounce on Laura with John to reach the collectable that was in the side room with Chris:

collectable 14

Arrange all characters within their exit squares to end the level.

Level 7.2

In this level, all exit squares will be moving to two different positions across the room. You have to position all characters so they will be all within the exit square at the same time. Claire’s exit square will have to be over the small platform in the middle of the area, so John’s and Laura’s will have to be on the right hand side of the screen etc.

Bounce on Laura with Claire to reach the small square platform with her exit square. After this, it’s pretty easy to manoeuvre the rest of the characters around the area to reach their exit squares.

Level 7.3

You will have access to Sarah, Claire and John for this level. As Claire, move over to the left so that you are positioned left of the pillar. Jump on top of Sarah with John to be able to reach the gap in the pillar on the left. Then, jump up with Sarah and hit the purple button on the top of the pillar (use your double jump) to lower the spiked platform.

Balance John and Sarah on top of Claire again and float over to the left. Jump over the pillar and hit the checkpoint with John and Sarah, then float under the spiked platform with Claire and also enter the checkpoint.

Float adjacent to the next spiked platform with Claire, hop on her with Sarah and double jump over the spikes to reach a platform with another purple switch. Hitting this switch will lower the spikes, and allow all characters to reach the exit squares on the left.

Level 7.4

This level introduces a new mechanic; push the white cube into the white switch-like platform on the left. You can use any character to do this but it will be easiest with Sarah or Thomas. Push the cube up the stairs and balance it on top of the white floor switch. The switch will disappear and the floor will begin to sink down.

Once the floor has stopped sinking, you will have to once again push the cube onto the floor switch. This time you will have to jump upwards to ‘throw’ the cube over the platform blocking the way. Move all the way to the right and you will see the switch on the ceiling this time. Push the cube upwards by jumping to trigger the switch. The floor will once again sink, revealing the exit squares. You will have to give Chris a leg-up with Thomas and Sarah to help him over the taller platform and reach the exit.

Level 7.5

You start this level as Chris; place him in his exit square which is adjacent to where you start. Swap to Sarah, go left and double jump to the platform above. Flip the switch at the end of the corridor, which will slide open a doorway below. Swap to James and push the white cube over to the right and down the chute that has just been opened. Swap to Thomas and push the white cube over to the floor switch on the left. This will open up a doorway below. Swap to Claire and fall down the tunnel on the right to enter the water, where you will find another switch to flip on the left wall. Swap to John and bounce on Laura to reach his exit square above. Now all the doors are open, swap back to each character and place them inside their exit squares to end the level.

Level 7.6

Another easy one here; you have to work your way along to the right with Laura, and bounce on her with Sarah to make it over the obstacles.

To begin, flip the white switch on the left wall and then the switch above you on the roof. This will open up the doorway on the right and allow Laura to exit the starting room. Now, make your way along to the right with Laura and jump on her with Sarah to reach the white switches and open up the doors so that Laura can continue making her way along to the right. You will reach their exit squares at the right end of the area.

Level 7.7

There aren’t many interactions between characters in this level, as the majority of characters are blocked off in separate areas. Place Thomas, Sarah, John, Chris and James inside their corresponding exit squares. Swap to Laura and drop down to create a platform that Claire can use to jump up to her exit square above on the left. Then, jump over the water and place Laura inside her exit square to end the level.

Level 7.8

As Sarah, push the white cube through the tunnel, down the chute, over the narrow peg-like obstacles (this bit can be a bit fiddly) and down into the floor switch. Hop back up and hit the switch to open up the floor below the cube. Jump back up through the way you just came to find Sarah’s exit square.

Now it’s Johns turn; push the cube over to the right and onto the moving elevator platform. This will propel the cube upwards and allow James to push it over to the right and onto the floor switch, which will lower James’ exit square onto him. Finally, swap back to John and enter his exit square on the left.

Level 7.9

Swap to Thomas and drop down to the area on the left to hit the red switch, which will lower the platform on the right. Swap Chris and John over so they are both inside their exit squares. Swap to Claire and hit the adjacent blue switch, which will open the doorway on the right and allow James to hit the green switch. This will open up the doorway next to Claire and allow her to move over to the right and hit the blue switch on the wall. The floor will open up below Claire, and she can then move over to the left and drop down to the area below where her exit square is. Place Thomas inside his exit square above next to James, swap to Sarah and double jump into her exit square to end the level.

Level 7.10

For the final level in this chapter, you will have to move all characters through the passageway on the right until you come to the exit squares. For the most part all characters can navigate the route on their own, but Chris, Laura and Claire will need a leg-up in a couple of locations to get over obstacles.

There will be a small body of water after the checkpoint, so it is worth taking Claire through to this area first so she is not blocking the way and is ready to help other characters over the water.

You will find the collectable at the end of the area, and it can be easily reached with either James or Sarah:

collectable 15

If you have picked up both collectables in level 7 you will receive:


Find both achievement pickups in 'Design'.


Place all characters inside the exit squares beyond the collectable to end the level.

Level 8 - Generation

These levels introduce four of the grey-scale characters; Grey, Jo, Sam and Paul. Grey is John’s grey-scale equivalent, Jo and Paul are similar to Chris and Sam is like Thomas.

Collectable locations: 8.5 and 8.10

Level 8.1

As Grey, make your way to the left through the tunnel. Then, hop left and right to jump up the narrow ledges to the area above and over the body of water on the right. You will come to a small square with blue lines across it (a shifter). Going through this shifter will grant Grey a temporary ‘power’ until you either finish the level or go through another shifter.

Different colours grant different abilities; blue is float on water (like Claire), pink is bouncy (like Laura), green is reversed (like James) and purple is double jump (like Sarah).

Make your way across the water to find Grey’s exit square on the right hand side wall.

Level 8.2

As Sam, jump to the right over the platforms until you come to a blue shifter. Continue across the water and hit the white switch on a platform adjacent to the right side wall. Backtrack across the platforms and place Sam inside the exit square to the left of Jo. Hitting the switch lowered the platforms, so now Jo can cross the platforms on the right and reach her exit square.

Level 8.3

Grey’s movement is reversed in this level, so make your way up through the tunnel, making sure you avoid the spikes as you go. At the top of the area you will find his exit square.

Level 8.4

Cross the gap with Sam and enter the pink shifter, then cross back over to Jo. Swap to Jo and bounce on Sam to cross the gap on the left. Cross back over with Sam and again, use him to bounce up to the blue shifter above.

You now want to keep Sam as pink to the end of the level, so drop down into the water with Jo and jump on top of her with Sam to allow both characters to float over the water. Continue along the route and avoid Sam entering any of the blue shifters to the end of the area where you will find the exit squares. Jo’s square is high up so you will need to bounce on Sam to enter it.

Level 8.5

This level introduces you to Paul. Jump across the platforms on the right, up the stairs and fall down the chute. You will go through a series of blue shifters and enter the water, where you will see the next collectable below you but be unable to reach it floating on top of the water.

To pick it up, enter the pink shifter on the left and jump back into the water so that you sink and die, but pick up the collectable as you sink. You will respawn adjacent to where you died:

collectable 16

After respawning, make your way over the thin platforms on the left and drop down through the platforms to find the exit square below.

Level 8.6

As Grey, hop up through the platforms on the right until you see a platform with a white button above you. Hit the button to lower a platform leading to Grey’s exit square.

You now have to help Paul reach his exit square above him. Swap to Paul and climb the set of steps on the left, squeeze through the narrow gap and climb the second set of steps leading left to right. You can then drop down off this platform and on top of Grey and edge right with both characters until Paul can bounce up to the platform on the right to find his exit square. Swap to Grey and jump up through the platforms above him to reach his exit square.

Level 8.7

Jump up to the pink shifter with Sam and bounce on him with Jo to allow her to also reach the pink shifter, and jump over the gap on the right. Position Jo on the right hand side edge of the platform and bounce on top of her with Sam to reach the ledge above. You can then drop down through the blue shifter and backtrack across the water to Jo, who can drop down and float on top of Sam.

Cross to the checkpoint on the right and jump over to the other platform with Sam to enter the pink shifter. Then, hop back over and bounce on top of him with Jo to cross the gap and reach the same pink platform.

Bounce on top of Sam with Jo to reach the blue shifter on the right before entering the water. Cross the water with both characters to reach another checkpoint with a pink shifter. Bounce on top of Jo with Sam to hit the white switch above, which will open the platform on the right. Simply bounce on Sam with Jo to reach this opening, and drop down into the water with both characters to find the exit squares.

Level 8.8

This level contains purple shifters, allowing Grey to double jump through the platforms above him. Enter the blue shifter, pass the checkpoint and cross the water. To cross the next body of water you will need to jump over to the purple shifter and immediately hit cn_A to trigger a double jump to make it over the large gap. Finally, double jump up to the high up platform on the right to find Grey’s exit square.

Level 8.9

Cross over the platforms on the left with Paul, carefully jumping over the single square platforms, and jump up the stairs and over to the right to enter the blue shifter. You can then drop down into the water and float over to the right, where you will find a checkpoint. Climb the stairs here and cross the platform on the right, so the purple shifter is positioned below you. You will now have to drop down through the purple shifter and double jump as you pass the gap in the platforms on the right to land on this platform and not fall down into the water. Climb the stairs on the right to the exit square to end the level.

Level 8.10

Drop down to the purple shifter with Grey, and double jump to reach the platform above. From here, you can see the next collectable on the other side of the wall to the left of you:

collectable 17

To reach it, double jump to reach the top of the pillar on the left and drop down to the ledge below. From here, you can easily jump across and reach the collectable. If you have picked up both collectables during level 8, you will receive:


Find both achievement pickups in 'Generation'.


Drop down through the tunnel below and hit the white button to slide the platform below Sam and Jo over to the left. Backtrack over to the start of the level with Grey.

Swap to Jo and go through the checkpoint on the right, into the water and hit the white button underneath the platform, which will slide a platform above over to the right and clear the way to the exit, where you will find Grey’s and Sam’s exit squares.

Level 9 - Y+1, X+1

Level 9 introduces Team Jump, who are a series of five single blocks that can jump pretty high for their size.

Collectable locations: 9.2 and 9.10

Level 9.1

Create a staircase with Team Jump to climb up the steps on the left. You will have to leave some of the team behind as you climb the steps (two at the first step and two at the second). With the last member of Team Jump, jump over the single block platforms on the right and drop down the chute to hit the button. This will lower the platform you are stood on and allow the rest of Team Jump to hop over to the checkpoint and the pink shifter on the right.

Jump over the gap and bounce up to hit the white button above. To end the level, stack Team Jump up against the right side wall.

Level 9.2

For this level, there is a strong current in the water which will sweep characters over to the left side of the area. To begin, jump in the water with all but one of Team Jump, leaving the final member behind in their exit square.

You will see the next collectable at the bottom of the water adjacent to the checkpoint:

Collectable #18

To collect it, go through the grey slider to make the character sink to the bottom while holding cn_LSr to pick up the collectable.

Leave another member of Team Jump on this checkpoint platform within the exit square, and continue to the left with the remaining members. For this next section, characters will sink down, travel through the blue shifter and float back up to the surface. The momentum of this movement will propel them into the air, allowing you to reach the higher up platforms.

Leave another member of Team Jump in the exit square below the moving platform. Place Paul so that he is hanging over the edge of the moving platform and jump up to the platform above with one of Team Jump to hit the white button and enter the exit square.

Enter the water with one of the remaining members of Team Jump and float over to the left to come to another exit square. Finally, place Paul in the water and float over to the left, jumping out of the water to miss the spikes and reach the exit square.

Level 9.3

As Grey, make your way up through the platforms above. Swap to Sam and bounce on top of Jo to reach the platform above, after which you can jump up through the platforms until you come to Grey.

Swap to Jo and fall through the blue shifter and into the water. Jump through the narrow gap in the platform on the right and ride the moving platform up to the top of the level by Grey and Sam (you may have to stand here for a little while waiting for the platform to arrive). Now all three characters are at the top of the level, drop down into the water through the blue shifter. You will now have to time your movement across to the left to avoid entering any of the grey shifters, which will cause you to sink. You will find all three exit squares at the end of this area.

Level 9.4

You will have access to all of Team Jump and Paul for this level. Move all characters over to the right and fall down the tunnel to come to a green shifter. With one member of Team Jump, enter the green shifter followed by the grey shifter to land back on the floor within the exit square. With the remaining characters, drop through the grey shifter while holding [left stick] to land on the platform as you fall.

Leave Paul on the roof and move the rest of Team Jump right and into the grey shifter so they drop down onto the floor. Place them inside their exit squares, then swap to Paul and enter the grey shifter to fall through his exit square and end the level.

Level 9.5

For this level, there is a strip of green shifter and a strip of grey shifter from left to right across the screen. You can move each character through individually without needing help from any of the other characters.

Firstly, move Grey through to the right and avoid the spikes as you go. Swap to Jo and start moving over to the right. When you come to the first set of spikes, you will have to use the momentum of moving through the green shifter to propel yourself upwards, through the grey shifter and onto the top platform. Continue onwards to find Jo’s exit square next to Grey, and finally, swap to Sam and make your way through to the right to come to the exit square.

Level 9.6

With Paul, make your way upwards through the scattered single blocks and drop down through the purple shifter on the left hand side. As you drop down through the purple shifter, double jump to the left to avoid entering the green shifter. Continue down the snaking tunnel, up the stairs on the right, down through the grey slider and over to the green slider on the left. To reach Paul’s exit square; go through this green slider and make your way through the tunnel above (avoiding the grey sliders to stop you falling back down) and over to the right.

Now for Team Jump; take one member through the purple shifter at the top of the area and similarly to with Paul, double jump so that you do not go through the green shifter at the bottom of the area. Place the first member of Team Jump in the exit square below the green shifter. For the second member, drop them down through the purple shifter and leave them there, in line with the exit square. They will continue moving up and down as they hit the shifters, and move through the exit square as they go.

For members three and four, take them through the purple shifter, avoid the green shifter and follow the same route as Paul until you come to the set of steps on the right. The two exit squares are halfway up these steps.

Jo, Grey and Sam are in a separate area to the right. Take all characters up through the platforms above (you will have to give Jo a leg-up), through the purple shifter and past the scattered single block platforms, where you will find Jo’s and Sam’s exit square at the top of the area. Continue onwards with Grey; drop down through the snaking tunnel and avoid touching any of the shifters as you go. Grey’s exit square is at the end of the tunnel.

Level 9.7

You will have access to Sam, Jo and Grey for this level. Your aim is to get through the area to the left of where you start, while avoiding shifters that will reverse your gravity, causing you to die on the spikes on the floor and ceiling.

Take Grey forward and enter the pink shifter (avoiding the first two green shifters). Then, backtrack to Jo and Sam and help them over the green shifters without touching them by bouncing on Grey. Continue onwards to the area with the green shifter on the ground and the single grey shifter blocks above. To get through this next area, you have to enter the green shifter and as you float up to the ceiling, enter the grey shifter to fall back down and avoid the spikes. Enter the next green shifter and hold cn_LSl to avoid the spikes and hit the steps beyond.

Continue up the stairs with all characters and hit the checkpoint. Use the same technique as earlier in the level and move along slowly, entering the grey and green shifters to hover along the area and avoid the spikes. Take Sam and Jo through the narrow corridor at the top of the screen and take Grey along the bottom, avoiding touching the grey shifter, to reach the exit squares beyond.

Level 9.8

On this level, every few seconds the platform will travel through a green shifter followed by a grey shifter. While the characters are green, make your way up through the level until you come to the exit squares in the top left corner.

Level 9.9

For this level, Grey and Paul’s exit squares are in the top left of the area, and Sam and Jo’s exit squares are in the top right.

Turn Jo purple, Paul pink and Sam blue. Get the characters to help each other out and climb the steps on the left. Leave Paul at the top and take Sam and Jo back to the centre area. Cross over to the checkpoint on the right and drop into the water with Sam. Float on top of Sam with Jo and move over to the steps on the right, and turn Grey pink and move over to the steps with them. Climb these steps and when you come to the top, double jump with Jo to squeeze through the narrow passageway on the right. Bounce on top of Grey with Sam to jump up to the higher up passageway and make it through to the same area as Jo. Jump over the moving platforms on the right to come to their exit squares in the top right corner.

Swap back to Grey, backtrack to the middle area and enter the purple shifter. Continue over to the top left of the area, where you can bounce and double jump on Paul to make it over the tall pillar and find the exit square. Swap to Paul and slide through the gap in the pillar to find the final exit square.

Level 9.10

For the final level in the main game, you will have access to Jo and Sam. Simply make your way upwards through the area with each character, and you will enter a large open area with lots of floating platforms. You will find the final collectable in the top left of this area:

Collectable 19

Picking up the collectable will award you with:

Exit Through the Gift Shop

Find both achievement pickups in 'Y+1, X+1'.

Exit Through the Gift Shop

Followed by the following, if you have picked up all collectables within the game:

The Collection

Find all achievement pickups in the game.

The Collection

Jump over to the top right of the area and enter the stream of light. Drop down and hit the button on the right hand side wall with Sam, which will cause a green shifter to move over to the characters and allow them to float upwards to find the exit squares.

After finishing Level 9.10, the credits will roll and you will be taken back to the scenario select screen, where you can select bonus levels 10 and 11.

To get the final achievement for finishing the game, you will not have to complete the last 20 levels; in fact you will only have to complete Levels 10.10 and 11.10. So if you’re keen to skip the last few levels, scroll down to the solutions for the puzzles within 10.10 and 11.10. The remaining 18 levels are still detailed below for those interested in the full 100%.

Credit to udud1221 for the solution above

Level 10 - Target

These levels introduce you to Benjamin and his father. Benjamin’s father is a large yellow square similar to Claire, who cannot float on water. Benjamin has a power jetpack that can be activated by pressing and holding cn_A. In some of the levels, you will have to be very careful with your jetpack to avoid zooming into spikes; instead of pressing and holding cn_A, rapidly tap the button to stay in one spot or move slowly through the spikes. Anna is also introduced in these levels. Anna is a long thin character similar to Laura; however you cannot bounce on Anna.

There are no collectables within levels 10 and 11.

Level 10.1

The first few sub-levels within this chapter are very easy. Simply make your way up through the platforms and to the left (you will have to use Benjamin to give his father a leg-up to some of the higher ledges). Pass the checkpoint, jump over the water and climb the steps on the left to reach the exit squares.

Level 10.2

As Benjamin, jump over the platforms on the right and hit the green button, which will start moving the platform you are stood on. Jump over to the other moving platform and hit another green switch, which will raise the platform you are stood on. Jump over the series of single block platforms on the right to find the exit square.

Level 10.3

This level introduces the jetpack. Benjamin is in a separate room to his father, and the aim is to hit a series of switches positioned around the room by zooming around with your jet pack. You will occasionally have to switch to Benjamin’s father and hit the adjacent yellow switch. Hitting all the switches will slide the exit square across. Place Benjamin’s father inside his exit square, then swap to Benjamin and fly up into his.

Level 10.4

This level will require some careful movement with the jetpack. Fly through the winding tunnel until you come to the spikes. Alternate between running along the floor (avoiding the roof spikes) and holding cn_A to fly along the ceiling (avoiding the floor spikes). Fly up through the middle of the spikes to find the exit square.

Level 10.5

As Anna, make your way across the platforms on the left and drop down to the platforms below, where you can then make your way back across to the right. Fall down through the platforms, avoiding the spiked blocks, to find the exit square at the bottom.

Level 10.6

For this level, make your way up through the tunnel past the moving platforms. You will have to wait in between two closed platforms on several occasions while you are waiting for the upper one to open so you can continue upwards. During these times, you will have to avoid the spikes on the platforms by rapidly tapping cn_A to stay in one spot. You will find the exit square at the top of the tunnel.

Level 10.7

Jetpack with Benjamin upwards to find Anna. Hang Anna over the right edge of the platform and jetpack upwards from under her with Benjamin to pick her up. Fly over to the narrow passageway on the right and ‘post’ Anna through the gap. Anna can then make her way across and down through the platforms on the other side to hit the blue button and open the way through for Benjamin at the start of the level. Make your way through the newly opened passage to find the exit square next to Anna.

Level 10.8

When the level begins, Anna will already be sat on top of Benjamin. Carry Anna through the passageway on the right, avoiding the spikes as you pass, and hit the blue switch on the ceiling. This will cause the spiked platforms to start moving up and down slowly, but they are easy enough to avoid. Backtrack to the start of the area and hit the blue switch on the ceiling, then fly back along to the right, where you will find the door to the exit squares is now open.

Level 10.9

Slide Anna underneath the gap on the right and into her exit square. Swap back to Benjamin and make your way along the twisting passageway, carefully avoiding the spikes as you go. There are lots of checkpoints along the way, so don’t worry too much if you die as you won’t have to re-do much. You will come back around to Anna and the exit squares at the end of the route.

Level 10.10

Leave Anna on her platform for now; jetpack through the platforms on the right and hit the green button on the ceiling. This will lower the water level. Drop down over the edge of the platform with Anna and make your way through to the checkpoint below. Balance Anna on the edge of the platform and jetpack underneath her with Benjamin to pick her up, allowing you to hit the blue button on the ceiling below, which will lower the water level further.

The next switch will be another one for Anna, on the centre platform below with the checkpoint, and the final switch (this time for Benjamin) is below Anna’s last switch. All that’s left to do is pick Anna up and carry her through the passageway below to the exit squares.

Level 11 - Consequence

Level 11.1

You will have access to Benjamin, Anna and Sarah for this level, who will not interact in any way and instead must make their way through the area on the right individually. As you make your way through, you have to avoid the moving platforms (which will push Benjamin into the water below) and the spikes. The exit squares are at the end of the ‘gauntlet’ on the right hand side wall.

Level 11.2

Anna and Sarah will both start on top of Benjamin for this level. The aim is to make your way left through the platforms, flying up and down to find the gaps in the pillars. To begin, fly downwards and through the gap, then upwards to the checkpoint. The next two gaps will be below you, and you will fly through another checkpoint in the second gap. Fly upwards to find the next gap, upwards again, through another checkpoint and then downwards twice. The next gap will be higher up, followed by another gap straight ahead, and finally fly downwards to find the exit squares.

Level 11.3

Firstly, double jump upwards to the top right square with Sarah and hit the white button inside the square. This will open the door leading to Benjamin’s exit square. Help Anna inside the bottom right square and then place Thomas in the top left square. Finally, double jump below the bottom left square with Sarah to enter her exit square and end the level.

Level 11.4

Double jump upwards through the platforms with Sarah and hit the purple button on the right hand side wall. This will cause a door to slide open above.

Hop on top of Benjamin with Anna and jetpack upwards to the narrow passageway on the left. Drop Anna off here and she can slide through the gap and into her exit square. Swap to Sarah and hop on top of Benjamin, then jetpack upwards through the newly opened door and along the windy corridor to find the exit squares above.

Level 11.5

When the level begins, you will find Benjamin in the bottom of the area and Sarah in the top. Jetpack carefully upwards through the middle of the moving spiked blocks until you see Sarah. Perch on the edge of the platform, pick her up and continue on upwards, where you will find the exit squares in the middle of the area.

Level 11.6

Jetpack upwards with Benjamin, quickly swap to Sarah and double jump to hit the purple button above before Benjamin falls back down. This will trap Sarah in the area where the button was. You now have to fly up and down the very long chute and hit green buttons on the wall with Benjamin.

There is a body of water at the bottom of the chute, but there is a checkpoint above it so it doesn’t matter if you die here. The first switch is right at the bottom within the checkpoint and switch number two is just below the exit squares. Switch three is below you, switch four is above and switch five is above next to Sarah. Pressing switch five will open the door trapping Sarah and allow you to fall back down to the exit square.

Level 11.7

This level is simple enough but really annoying. All you have to do is take Sarah and Benjamin upwards through the area while avoiding the moving platforms. However, some of these platforms move quite fast and will often knock the characters to the side and squash them against the wall, killing them and causing you to respawn at the start of the level. Take your time and don’t rush past the moving blocks if you aren’t sure you’ll make it. The exit squares are at the top of the area.

Level 11.8

Only Benjamin in this level; make your way downwards through the platforms, across to the right and upwards on the other side through the data stream. The exit square is within the brightest point in the light.

Level 11.9

Again, you will only have access to Benjamin for this maze level. The order of turns to take to make it through the maze is as follows: take the upwards fork, right fork, first upwards fork, upwards fork, continue right all the way to the end and go downwards, right fork, upwards fork, continue along the right hand side wall and follow the main route left, upwards fork, downwards fork, downwards fork, upwards and right at the crossroads, continue down and to the left and finally continue downwards to find the exit square.

Level 11.10

For the final level of the game, Sarah is falling. Fall down and past the checkpoint, and wait in one of the small alcoves until the spiked platform below has moved, allowing you to fall past. Continue falling downwards past the moving spikes until you hit the floor. Walk left and drop down again to a checkpoint. Continue downwards (there is nothing that can damage you on the way) until you reach the very bottom of the area. Walk right and drop down through the narrow chute, where you will find the final exit square at the bottom.

Finishing level 11.10 will award you with the final achievement of the game:

Congratulations, Thomas Was Alone is now complete!

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