Latest Threes! News

Threes! Snap Mode Achievement Revised

In January, Xbox revealed they will be removing the Xbox One's Snap Mode and replacing it with a new functionality. Threes! developers have acted accordingly and changed the requirements for its Snap achievement.

Posted 8 years ago by Kelly Packard

TA Top Five: Absurd Xbox One Achievement Lists

Do you ever find yourself looking for games that are so hard you'll cry in frustration? Do you ever find that you have 1,000 spare hours you'd love to spend grinding? Look no further than this Top 5 - you'll feel right at home.

Posted 9 years ago by Kevin Tavore

TA Podcast: Happy Holidays Edition

As we approach the end of Hanukkah, the eve of Christmas, and the start of Kwanzaa, the team at TrueAchievements would like to give all of you a gift. We know that the holidays are an especially stre

Posted 11 years ago by Jonathan Barnes

XBL Content Roundup: December 4th & 5th, 2014

Xbox One Games After being gifted to players who purchased a console on Day One, LIMBO gets a public release nearly two weeks later. Joining it is another ID@Xbox title. Meanwhile, Boom Ball for Kine

Posted 11 years ago by Rebecca Smith

ID@Xbox Games More Details Revealed

Microsoft are continuing to highlight the ID@Xbox initiative and have released more details about the different games that are currently in development. Additionally, they have also revealed that dev

Posted 11 years ago by Andrew Ogley

Threes! Shows Off Screenshots and Details

Gang, we've got some important, breaking news. My vociferously non-gamer wife's favorite game (Threes!) is coming to the Xbox One and was featured in today's ID@Xbox Montage. On the heels of that men

Posted 11 years ago by Jonathan Barnes

ID@Xbox Games Montage Clip Released

Microsoft continue to promote their collaboration with indie developers during this year's Gamescom event, and have highlighted around 26 independent games that are currently being worked on by the v

Posted 11 years ago by Andrew Ogley

Upcoming ID@Xbox Titles Shown Off at E3

Over at their E3 press conference, Microsoft devoted a whole section to some of the games set to be published via the ID@Xbox system. Take a look at this extended version of the trailer shown at E3 t

Posted 11 years ago by Ellis Spice

Threes Announced for Xbox One

In Microsoft's pre-E3 conference event, Asher Vollmer of Sirvo LLC announced that Threes would be making its way onto the Xbox One as part of the ID@Xbox program. Threes is a mobile puzzle game where

Posted 11 years ago by Ellis Spice

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