Titanfall (Xbox 360) Achievements Full list of all 88 Titanfall achievements worth 2,000 gamerscore. It takes around 150-200 hours to unlock all of the achievements in the base game on Xbox 360.The base game contains 35 achievements worth 1,000 Gamerscore, and there are 4 DLC packs containing 53 achievements worth 1,000 Gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Xbox.com order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 88 Online Mode 40 Single Player 2 Main Storyline 33 Cumulative + 3 Time Consuming 2 Missable 1 Buggy - 3 Shop 11 Level 1 Partly Disc/Unob 43 Cooperative 80 Versus 1 Time/Date 5 x4 Players Required 2 x7 Players Required 2 Story Completed Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Base Base Game (Excludes DLC) 2,598 1,000 35 4.2181,9291,088 (1%)150-200h IMC PilotComplete the IMC campaign 2 guidesMilitia PilotComplete the Militia campaign 1 guideIMC Elite PilotWin every Campaign level as an IMC Pilot 2 guidesMilitia Elite PilotWin every Campaign level as a Militia Pilot 2 guidesDeath From AboveKill 5 enemies by dropping a Titan on them 5 guidesBuild YourselfCreate a custom Pilot loadout 1 guideCustomize Your RideCreate a custom Titan loadout 1 guideHalfway ThereReach level 25 1 guideMaxed OutReach level 50 2 guidesFlag RunnerWin 50 Capture The Flag matches 2 guidesI Wore 'Em DownWin 50 Attrition matches 1 guidePilot HunterWin 50 Pilot Hunter matches 2 guidesCaptured EverythingWin 50 Hardpoint matches 3 guidesI Stand AloneWin 50 Last Titan Standing matches 2 guidesI've Seen It AllPlay every gameplay mode on every map 3 guidesRide 'Em CowboyRodeo-kill a Titan 1 guideBest in ClassFinish as the top player on your team once 2 guidesAll Charged UpKill 5 enemies with one Arc Cannon shot 2 guidesLike A VacationComplete training 1 guideLook AroundSnap the necks of 10 Pilots 2 guidesPull!Kill 10 ejecting Pilots 2 guidesPull Harder!Kill an ejecting Pilot with the Plasma Railgun 4 guidesAll The CardsEarn 500 burn cards 1 guideAll The HardwareUnlock everything 4 guidesMy Robot ArmyHack 20 Spectres using the Data Knife 5 guidesRefugeSurvive an evacuation 2 guidesI Like A ChallengeComplete all challenges for a single weapon 1 guideVortex VolleyCatch a projectile shot from a vortex with your own vortex 1 guideFrequent FlyerPlay 50 Campaign matches 1 guideI Killed Them AllKill all Pilots during the evacuation single-handedly 6 guidesMy GenerationBecome a second generation Pilot 2 guidesFreerunnerWallrun for 5 kilometers 1 guideGen 10Reach the highest Pilot generation 1 guideSuperior In Every WayKill 1000 AI soldiers 1 guideTitanfallCall in your Titan 25 times 1 guide Add-on Expedition 648 200 12 4.0516,8571,384 (8%)8-10h This DLC has been removed from the Microsoft Store and is no longer available for purchase.Swampland VictorWin a match on Swampland 1 guideSwampland ConnoisseurPlay every game mode on Swampland 2 guidesIt's Safer HereDon't touch the ground for 60 seconds on Swampland 4 guidesTree RunnerBe airborne for 500 Meters on Swampland 2 guidesRunoff VictorWin a match on Runoff 1 guideRunoff ConnoisseurPlay every game mode on Runoff 2 guidesSide PipeKill 25 enemies while wall running on Runoff 5 guidesWar Games VictorWin a match on War Games 1 guideWar Games ConnoisseurPlay every game mode on War Games 2 guidesFadedKill 12 Pilots in a single match on War Games 1 guideSuper FadedKill 100 Pilots on War Games 1 guideBlood WaterKill 200 enemies on Runoff 1 guide Add-on Frontier's Edge 735 200 12 4.0315,5511,269 (8%)8-10h This DLC has been removed from the Microsoft Store and is no longer available for purchase.Haven VictorWin a match on Haven 1 guideHaven ConnoisseurPlay every game mode on Haven 2 guidesExecutionerExecute 2 titans in a single match on Haven 2 guidesOverkillKill 15 titans while you have a Titan Burncard active on Haven 2 guidesExport VictorWin a match on Export 1 guideExport ConnoisseurPlay every game mode on Export 2 guidesIt's a Trap!Kill an enemy with the trap on Export 3 guidesHidden ExportKill 25 enemies while cloaked on Export 1 guideDig Site VictorWin a match on Dig Site 1 guideDig Site ConnoisseurPlay every game mode on Dig Site 2 guidesDirt NapKill 12 pilots in a single match on Dig Site 1 guideGravesiteKill 50 Pilots on Dig Site 1 guide Add-on IMC Rising 760 200 12 4.0015,0111,198 (8%)4-5h This DLC has been removed from the Microsoft Store and is no longer available for purchase.Backwater VictorWin a match on Backwater 1 guideBackwater ConnoisseurPlay every game mode on Backwater 2 guidesRejected!Kill an enemy with Amped vortex shield deflection on Backwater 3 guidesPredatorMelee kill 15 enemies while cloaked on Backwater 1 guideSand Trap VictorWin a match on Sand Trap 1 guideSand Trap ConnoisseurPlay every game mode on Sand Trap 2 guidesCold DesertKill 10 Pilots while Active Radar Pulse is active on Sand Trap 1 guideThe Bigger They AreKill 2 Titans as a Pilot in a single match on Sand Trap 3 guidesZone 18 VictorWin a match on Zone 18 1 guideZone 18 ConnoisseurPlay every game mode on Zone 18 2 guidesSwift JusticeKill 10 Pilots while stim is active on Zone 18 1 guideEasy TargetsKill 10 Pilots as a Titan in a single match on Zone 18 3 guides Update Title Update 8 1,809 400 17 4.0637,025928 (3%)80-100h High RollerEarn 500,000 Black Market Credits 2 guidesBig SpenderPurchase 100 items from the Black Market 1 guideI'll Take CashDiscarded 100 Burncards in exchange for Black Market Credits 1 guideThe Voices Are in My HeadPurchased all Titan OS Voice Packs 2 guidesAll Day Every DayComplete 100 Daily Challenges 2 guidesFor We Are TodayComplete all Daily Challenges for the current day 1 guideTwo's Good, but I Want ThreeEarn at least 2 stars on 15 different maps in Frontier Defense 1 guideI've Got A Name For That OneName a custom loadout 1 guideThat's Quite A CollectionUnlock 50 Titan Insignias 1 guideI Could Get Used To ThisUse 5 Titan Burncards 2 guidesStars Shine BrightestEarn 3 stars for a single map and mode 1 guideIn The Darkest of NightEarn a total of 50 Stars 2 guidesHitting My StrideWin 5 games in a row 1 guideI'm On FireWin 10 games in a row 3 guidesGoing ProPlay a ranked match 1 guideStay GoldEarn 50 Battlemarks in Ranked Play 3 guidesToo Legit To QuitEarn Gen 10 without using a Forged Certification on a regen challenge 2 guides