Tom Clancy's EndWar Achievements Full list of all 60 Tom Clancy's EndWar achievements worth 1,220 gamerscore.The base game contains 50 achievements worth 1,000 Gamerscore, and there is 1 DLC pack containing 10 achievements worth 220 Gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 14 Offline Mode 25 Online/Offline 39 Single Player 25 Versus 4 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 5 Difficulty Specific 3 Stackable 16 Cumulative + 1 Buggy + 20 Discontinued 1 Unobtainable Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Base Base Game (Excludes DLC) 7,124 1,000 50 2.8350,2870 (0%) Communication OfficerComplete the Voice Command Trainer. 1 guideFirst CommandWin the Warning Signs mission. 1 guideCombat Chain MasterDefeat Tanks with Gunships, Gunships with Transports and Transports with Tanks. 3 guidesImpregnableWon Finishing Move without any units being defeated. 1 guideVeteranWin one match in each mode (Conquest, Assault, Siege, Raid). 1 guideRoad to WarComplete "Prelude to War" on any difficulty. 1 guideWorld in FlamesComplete "Prelude to War" on Hardcore. 2 guidesWeapon MasterUse Secondary Attack for the first time. 1 guideHardened by WarWin 15 missions in the Solo Campaign. 2 guidesNo Stone UnturnedWin 5 missions without using Mission Support in "World War III". 2 guidesCall of BootyWin a mission by deploying infantry units only. 3 guidesLightning WarFinish "World War III" in less than 15 turns. 2 guidesBlitzCapture an enemy Capital in only 3 turns in "World War III". 1 guideTour of DutyFinish "World War III" on Normal. 1 guideTrue PatriotFinish "World War III" on Expert. 1 guideReady for Theater of WarFinish "World War III" on Hardcore. 3 guidesOpForFinish "World War III" with all 3 Factions on Hardcore. 3 guidesTraining SimulatorPlay 20 Single Player Skirmish matches. 1 guideTogether We StandWin 10 2 vs. 2 multiplayer Skirmish matches. 2 guidesAlways AttackWin 3 missions in a row in Theater of War. 1 guideRole of HonorWin 30 missions without killing a unit in Theater of War. Urban OperationsPlay 30 missions in Theater of War city maps. 2 guidesBreach and ClearDisarm 10 minefields in Theater of War. 2 guidesSurvivorHave one unit fight and survive for 10 missions in Theater of War. 1 guideBOOMDeploy 20 minefields which successfully damage enemies in Theater of War. 1 guideMass MurdererKill 500 units in Theater of War. 3 guidesSpearheadWin 5 missions in a row on the same territory in Theater of War. 1 guideStrategistWin a Conquest by securing all Uplinks on a map in Theater of War. 1 guidePoint of AttackWin 40 missions as Attacker in Theater of War. 1 guideDog of WarWin a Theater of War Phase as each Faction; you must have played as that Faction in 10 missions. 2 guidesAir DefenseIntercept 5 incoming Air Strikes with Electronic Warfare. 2 guidesWar is HeckWin 5 missions in a row without losing health in Theater of War. 2 guidesDestroyerDestroy 100 Critical Buildings in Theater of War. 2 guidesFast and FuriousWin a mission within 5 minutes in Theater of War. 1 guideTotal WarPlay 100 2 vs. 2 Theater of War missions. 2 guidesCommand from the FrontKill 10 units with the Command Vehicle's sentry units. 3 guidesTurning PointWin a match after the enemy has triggered DEFCON in Conquest. 3 guidesField IntelligenceUpgrade 100 Uplinks in any game mode and any Mission Type. 1 guideAssassinKill 15 enemy Command Vehicles. 3 guidesTotal WarriorWin 30 missions in any game mode. 1 guideCommand & ControlNo Uplinks recaptured by hostiles for 10 consecutive Conquest victories. 4 guidesAdrenalineRetake a Critical Uplink within the 3-minute timer in a Siege match. 2 guidesSharpshooterKill an enemy troop without being spotted. 2 guidesPredatorDefeat 6 hostile units with a single unit. 2 guidesDo or DieWin a Conquest mission by Annihilation after the DEFEAT counter was under 30 seconds. 5 guidesUntouchableWin a Skirmish mission and lose no health. 3 guidesAngel of DeathKill 10 enemy Evacuation Helicopters. 3 guidesCleanerKill 30 enemy regular units. 1 guideArmy of OneWin 20 1 vs. 1 matches in Theater of War. NapoleonAchieve a 100% Command Rating in one mission in Theater of War. 1 guide Add-on Escalation Expansion Pack 1,408 220 10 2.501,88144 (2%) StormbringerStorm 10 enemy buildings. 1 guideGates of FireDefended Capital in Siege 20 times in Theater of War. 1 guideLonely at the TopWin 100 missions in Theater of War. Under CoverDefeat 50 enemy units with infantry in cover. 2 guidesUnit of ActionPlay 30 2 vs. 2 matches in any game mode. 2 guidesSuper SoldiersHave 12 units in your Battalion promoted to Legendary Rank in Theater of War. 3 guidesOppenheimerDefeat 6 Hostiles with one WMD. 1 guideCasualties of WarKill 200 units in multiplayer matches. 2 guidesDown to SizePurchase 60 unit upgrades in Theater of War. 3 guidesRorke's DriftWin 20 missions without calling reinforcements in any game mode. 4 guides