XBL Content Roundup: June 17th, 2016A fortnight ago, we trialled a new layout for the Content Roundup. After some consideration and your thoughts, we've decided to tweak the layout a bit more. Posted 9 years ago by Rebecca Smith
Retail Releases: Week of June 13th, 2016It may be E3 week, but there are still plenty of new releases to keep us busy. Posted 9 years ago by Keith Gray
Tour de France 2016 AnnouncedCyanide, the developer behind the Le Tour de France, has announced that this year's Tour will be coming to consoles in the form of Tour de France 2016, and is set to release next month. Cycling enthusiasts will once again be able to don their favourite team's jersey, ride in the Tour and aim for the Posted 9 years ago by Lexley Ford