Tracks - The Train Set Game Walkthrough

Written by CoopRaccoon Published November 17th 2019
1 - 2 hours 1 Playthrough 15 1 Discontinued
Tracks - The Train Set Game Walkthrough
Achievements in this walkthrough
Total Gamerscore
Total TrueAchievement
Estimated Time
1 to 2 hours
Playthroughs Required
Missable Achievements
Unobtainable Achievements
Online only Achievements
Contains DLC Achievements
Discuss this walkthrough here
Full Achievement Breakdown
Offline Mode
14 of 14 are Offline Mode
Single Player
14 of 14 are Single Player
Buggy -
2 of 2 are Buggy -
Cumulative +
2 of 2 are Cumulative +
1 of 1 is a Discontinued
Main Storyline
1 of 1 is a Main Storyline
Gamers Involved
CoopRaccoon (Owner)
Reborn Insanity
Reborn Insanity (Overseer)

Please note that the details above reflect the time and playthroughs required to get all the Achievements in this walkthrough.

Tracks - The Train Set Game - Walkthrough overviewUpdate notes

Hi, slycooper20 here, and I just have one question for you. Do you remember those wooden trains that had those tracks that you put together like puzzle pieces? You don't? Well, for the ten of you that do, do I have a game for you!

Tracks Splash Screen

Okay, so maybe I'm overstating things a bit. Gotta make things interesting somehow.

Anyway, this game is about what you'd expect, being a wooden train track builder. Developed by British indie studio Whoop Games and published by Excalibur Publishing, this game was originally released back in early 2017 for PC to positive reviews, with most critics praising the art style and feeling of nostalgia being one of the big takeaways during their development in Early Access.

Now, though, the game has officially arrived on consoles, and not only that, it's also on Xbox Game Pass as well, so if you're signed up for the program, you can get a relatively easy 1,000G for no extra cost!

And I'm here to help you guys through that 1,000 as quickly as possible, so those who aren't interested in these trains can move on to something else. For the others, hey, you've got a nice train game to spend some time on. Yay!

Tracks - The Train Set Game - General hints and tips

I've covered most of the tips that you need to complete this game in the main walkthrough, but these are really the only controls that you'll need to complete this game.

cn_LS: Move cursor

cn_up: Raise cursor

cn_down: Lower cursor

cn_back: Switch between Build Mode and Train Mode

Hold cn_back: Reset Train (Train Mode)/Pull Up Options Menu (Build Mode)

cn_start: Start Menu

cn_RB: Spawn Menu (Build Mode)/Handbrake (Train Mode)

cn_Y: Rotate

cn_B: Delete (Build Mode)/Handbrake (Train Mode)

cn_A: Place (Build Mode)/Use Whistle (Train Mode)

cn_RS: Switch Piece Type (Straight Piece or Left/Right Curved Piece)

You can also start placing track pieces by pressing the cn_A button when your cursor is hovering over the end of the previous piece. There will be a small circle at the end of the piece (that is either blue or green) that you need to click on to start building.

Lastly, you also have the ability to place pieces that curve into other previously placed pieces of track. Whenever you're in Train Mode, use the cn_LS to switch tracks to make sure that the train doesn't go off of the tracks.

Tracks - The Train Set Game - Story walkthrough


After loading up the game, hit the Play button, which will start the tutorial. Feel free to read all of the tips and test out the controls, but it's really not necessary. All of the controls are easily accessible in the Options menu, and I have also posted the controls that you will need in the Hints and Tips section.

Once you've scrolled through all of the tips available (using the cn_right and cn_A buttons), you will receive:

Elementree school

Finish the tutorial

Elementree school

Before moving on, hit the cn_RB to bring up the spawn menu. Go down the list and place 20 different items on to the area wherever you'd like to receive:

Spruce up the room

Place 20 decorations from the spawn menu

Spruce up the room

Once that pops, hit cn_start to bring up the menu and hit Level Select. Go through each of the environments and simply load up each of the them to receive:

Transcontinental railway

Visit every environment

Transcontinental railway

Next, load up the Bedroom level. Once it loads, start building tracks up to the table that is to the left of you (hit cn_up to make a raised piece). Build the tracks so that they circle around the plate of pancakes before connecting the last piece to the start of the circle.

Once that's done, hit cn_back to take control of the train and move cn_LS up to start moving. Once it makes its way around the plate of pancakes, you will receive:

Maple goodness

Ride the train around the pancakes

Maple goodness

Now, you will need to time this next move a little bit. Hit cn_back once more to go back to Build Mode. It will continue to run around and around the pancakes.

Move the camera so that you're sitting on the right side of the pancakes. Use cn_B to delete the piece on the northeast corner of the circle as the train makes its way around the left side of the plate. The train will derail, but if you have it at full speed, it will keep going, falling off of the table and into the white void nearby. As soon as it completely disappears off of the map, you will receive:

Off the rails

Ride a train off the edge of the world

Off the rails

Go back into the Level Select menu and change the map to Bedroom (Night). Just like before, start building tracks so that it circles around the Christmas tree in front of you. However, once you take control of the train and it starts circling the tree, don't hit cn_back. Instead, look to your left where you will find a train whistle. Hit cn_A when your cursor is on said whistle, and you will receive:

I choo choo choose you

Pull the steam whistle around the Christmas presents

I choo choo choose you

The last very quick achievement involves saving a track that contains at least 100 pieces. Now, you can easily just load a new area and go nuts, but an easier method involves going into the Save/Load menu and hitting Load. One of the pre-made tracks listed in the menu is called [Example] Roller Coaster, which has easily over 100 pieces. Load that track up and go back into the save menu, saving it into a different file, which will unlock:


Save a file containing 100 pieces of track


Now, this last part is what's going to take you the most time, as you have to complete Passenger mode on the two maps available in the game. This involves creating tracks to different areas of the map and picking up passengers and taking them to a station in a different part of the map. Thankfully, it's not as time consuming as you would think, as you can easily abuse one of the game's features to make it go by much faster.

Load up the Modern Apartment (Day) map and make sure to switch the mode (also in Level Select) to Passenger. It should be automatically on the mode, but if it's not, you can easily switch it. Once it loads, head over to the table against the wall across from where you spawn to find a group of small figurines. Hit cn_RB to bring up the spawn menu and place a platform down on the table. It really doesn't matter where you place it (the passengers will move on to it no matter where you put it), just use cn_Y to rotate it and use cn_up and cn_down to adjust its height.

Once the platform has been placed, hold cn_back, which will bring up a menu. Hit the button that is labeled "Start Point", which will bring up a small flag. Hit cn_A to place it on the corner of the platform (you can also hit cn_Y to change the direction you will face). Once it's placed, bring the menu back up and hit the button labeled "Reset", which will spawn your train next to the flag. While it does spawn moving, it shouldn't be an issue, as the passengers will file on to the train once it's at a slow enough speed.

Once everyone's on, go to the small station and do the same thing you did at the platform, placing a start point and resetting the train, which will cause the passengers to disembark and complete the mission. This will unlock:

Riding the rails

Complete the first objective in Passenger mode

Riding the rails
On the right track

Deliver your first passenger to their destination

On the right track

Passengers will then spawn in different areas of the map, so all you need to do is simply find them, place a platform, make tracks past the platform, and use the start point feature to quickly get them picked up and dropped off at the station. Keep in mind, though, that a few of them can be a little sneaky. One set of passengers are located on the shelf below the first set, and there are also some skydivers that are located on one of the shelves high up in the room. Still, the map is small enough that you shouldn't have too much of an issue finding each of the groups of passengers.

Also, there are two more things to keep in mind when completing these missions.

*Some passengers have a timer attached to them. Don't worry about running out of time. Even if the timer does run out, it does not affect anything. You can still drop off the passengers just fine.

*Certain passengers will not exit on the first station. If they don't, then that means that you have to drop them off at the other station.

After completing around ten or so missions, you will receive a notice that you have completed all of the missions on the map, and the other Passenger mode map will unlock, which is the Bedroom.

Load that map up, and make sure to switch to Passenger mode.

Now, this map is even smaller than the first map, so it should be much easier to find the passengers, but once again, there are two things to keep in mind.

*Most of the missions have the station on top of the table, but there are a couple that move the station on to the top bunk bed.

*One of the passenger groups is under the bed, so if you're having a bit of trouble finding one, that is where they are located.

Once you complete ten or so missions, in this map, you will get a notice that more missions are coming soon, but once that notice is closed, you will unlock:

Good Service on all lines

Finish every objective in Passenger mode

Good Service on all lines

And with that, another 1,000G is complete! The only real issue that you should have is finding all of the passengers, but even then, it shouldn't take you nearly as long as you'd think.

If you have any questions or concerns about this walkthrough, or anything in particular, please feel free to message me or post in the Walkthrough Thread. I am more than willing to accommodate.

Tracks - The Train Set Game - Sci-Fi Pack DLC

Welcome to the new Sci-Fi Pack DLC for Tracks! While this technically isn't the first DLC pack to be released for Tracks, it's the first with actual achievements, which is why I'm gonna walk you through it!

Thankfully, just like the main game, the achievements are very easy and won't take long for you to complete.

Anyway, once you load the game, go to Level Select and choose the Moon level, which is at the end of the list. Once it loads, hit Play and then what you have to do first is simply place 50 decorations on the map using the cn_RB to open the decoration menu. It doesn't matter where you place them, but do keep in mind that they all have to be different, so just make your way down the list as you place them.

Once you hit your 50th decoration, you will unlock:


Put 50 unique decorations on the moon


Next, what you want to do is use some of the new decorations to recreate the moon landing. To do this, you only need a couple of things. At the bottom of the decoration menu is a section for Sci-Fi. You'll want to choose the Lunar Lander, Flag 1, and the EVA Suit astronauts (just put 2 or 3 down to be safe). Also make sure to use cn_Y to rotate them so that they're all facing the same direction. Place them all close to each other in a clear area of the map, and then in the same section of the decoration menu is a camera. Place it in front of everything you just made and use cn_Y to make sure it's pointing at it.

Hover over the camera and hit cn_A to take a picture, and if everything went correctly, you will hear a snap and earn:


Recreate the moon landing shot and use the camera to take a photo


Next, we're going to recreate the infamous scene from the movie ET, and there's a simple solution to make that work.

Go back into decorations and place a space station down on the map. You may need to use the cn_up button to go higher since it's a very large item.

Anyway, go back up to the Vehicle section, and you're going to want to place a bike down on the space station, preferably on the metal wings in the middle. This will make them float in midair, which is what we need to happen for it to work. Also, if you feel the need to, you can place more than one if it doesn't want to work.

Once the bikes are set, delete the space station by looking at it and pressing cn_B. Now go back down to the Sci-Fi section and on the far right, you'll find the Aliens. Place one of them inside the basket on one of the bikes, and you should unlock:

A reference

Put an alien passenger in the basket of a flying bicycle

A reference

Now, here's where things are going to get a bit more involved. Go to where your train is and lay down the tracks in a simple circle. You don't even have to make it that big as long as they connect.

Go back to the decorations menu and place a platform on one end of the tracks, making sure that it's facing the right way. Next, place the Crashed UFO object behind it, and then spawn a few aliens next to it. They should automatically walk on to the platform.

Next, spawn a station on the opposite end of the tracks, and make sure to also attach a passenger car to your train using the Construction menu.

Now, use cn_back to take control of the train and drive forwards, using the cn_RB to stop the train as you reach the platform. The aliens should board your train, so once everyone's on, drive forward again and then stop once you reach the station.

Once everyone disappears into the station, you should unlock:

UFO Replacement Service

Take an alien passenger from a crashed UFO to a station

UFO Replacement Service

Our last achievement for the pack involves getting 10 seconds of air time, so what you want to do is to delete the corner section of track that's closest to where your train is and just keep building upwards. Use the cn_up to place raised tracks, and go as high as you possibly can.

Once you think you have enough height, take control of the train and go full speed ahead. You should start climbing, and once you reach the end of your track, the train will fall. Once it reaches ten seconds, you should unlock:

Rocket man

Get 10 seconds of air time on the Moon

Rocket man

If not, you may have not gone high enough, so keep climbing.

Anyway, with that, the Sci-Fi pack is complete! This should be pretty straightforwards, but if you have any questions, please feel free to message me or post in the thread just like in the main game.