Transformers: War For Cybertron Achievements Here is the full list of all 50 Transformers: War For Cybertron achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 38 Offline Mode 38 Single Player 17 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 4 Difficulty Specific 6 Stackable 7 Collectable 3 Cumulative + 1 Cumulative - 3 Time/Date 12 Discontinued Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply A Prime ProblemComplete Defend Iacon on any difficulty. 1 guideThe Last PrimeComplete Kaon Prison Break on any difficulty. 1 guideYou Got the TouchComplete To the Core on any difficulty. 1 guideThe War WithinComplete Aerial Assault on any difficulty. 1 guideThe Harder They FallComplete One Shall Stand on any difficulty. 1 guidePaging RatchetRevive 5 Autobot soldiers in Defend Iacon. 5 guidesBeak BreakerShoot the 3 Hidden Laserbeaks throughout Kaon Prison Break. 2 guidesSlugfestSave the Slug before it is executed in To the Core. 4 guidesPowerglide PerformerFly through the coolant tunnels in 23 seconds in Aerial Assault. 3 guidesFirst We Crack the Shell...Get smashed by Trypticon's hand as he falls into the energon goo in One Shall Stand. 2 guidesAutobot RecruitAutobot Campaign Complete (Easy). 1 guideAutobot CommanderAutobot Campaign Complete (Medium). 1 guideAutobot PrimeAutobot Campaign Complete (Hard). 4 guidesDark AwakeningComplete Dark Energon on any difficulty. 1 guideStarscream's BrigadeComplete Fuel of War on any difficulty. 1 guideThe Fall of IaconComplete Iacon Destroyed on any difficulty. 1 guideThe Secret of Omega SupremeComplete Death of Hope on any difficulty. 1 guideVictory is MineComplete The Final Guardian on any difficulty. 1 guideYour Lucky DayKill all but 1 of the neutral prisoners in Dark Energon. 3 guidesThief in the NightFind and disable all security trip-wire switches in Fuel of War. 2 guidesChaos BringerDestroy the planets in the Stellar Galleries in Iacon Destroyed. 3 guidesMotormaster!Race across the Chasm Bridge in 33 seconds in Death of Hope. 3 guidesDevastator!Destroy all cover in the arena in The Final Guardian. 2 guidesDecepticon GruntDecepticon Campaign Complete (Easy). 1 guideDecepticon SeekerDecepticon Campaign Complete (Medium). 1 guideDecepticon WarlordDecepticon Campaign Complete (Hard). 2 guidesTill All Are OneComplete both Campaigns (Any Difficulty). 1 guideBrute-a-kiss!Ignite a Brute's back 5 times in Campaign or Escalation. 3 guidesFootloose and Fancy FreeDestroy a Jet Soldier's foot thruster 5 times in Campaign or Escalation. 2 guidesThat's No MirageHeadshot a Cloaker when it is invisible in Campaign or Escalation. 5 guidesTargetmaster!Kill 2 Snipers in 5 seconds in Campaign. 1 guideThere Are Parts EverywhereMulti-Kill 3 car soldiers at once using an explosive weapon in Campaign or Escalation. 3 guidesBlast-arachnia!Destroy 100 Spiders in Campaign or Escalation. 2 guidesFire in the SkyMelee-kill a Jet Vehicle in the air in Campaign or Escalation. 5 guidesFriends to the EndFinish any level in Co-Op. 2 guidesUnlikely AlliesFinish any level in Competitive Co-Op. 1 guideMore Than Meets the EyeEarn a 1st Place MVP award in any Multiplayer mode. 3 guidesYou Got Spark, KidReach level 5 in any single class in Multiplayer. 1 guideSpike's BFFReach level 25 in any single class in Multiplayer. 2 guidesThe Kup's Half FullReach a combined class level of 50 in Multiplayer. 2 guidesOnly the Strong SurviveReach a combined class level of 75 in Multiplayer. 3 guidesTop of the Scrap HeapReach a combined class level of 100 in Multiplayer. 5 guidesPrime DirectiveUnlock Prime Mode. 3 guidesPowermaster!Spend 25,000 Power in Escalation mode. 1 guideHeavy Metal WarComplete the 15th wave in Escalation. 5 guidesScavenger Would Be Proud!Destroy all hidden Autobot symbols in the Decepticon Campaign. 1 guideGrimlock, Smash!Destroy all hidden Decepticon symbols in the Autobot Campaign. 2 guidesAction MasterGet 10 kills with a single detached turret in any mode. 2 guidesWait! I Still Function!Get 3 kills while downed in a Co-Op Campaign or Escalation mode. 4 guidesRamhornRam-kill against an enemy who is stunned by an EMP grenade in Campaign or Multiplayer. 4 guides