Latest Trulon: The Shadow Engine News

Trulon: The Shadow Engine Review

Trulon: The Shadow Engine is a new turn-based title that incorporates beautiful backgrounds, pleasant music, and a card-based battle system into an RPG. What could possibly go wrong? In a word - plenty.

Posted 8 years ago by Cindy Minguez

Trulon: The Shadow Engine Patch Released for Xbox One

Headup Games' adventure RPG Trulon: The Shadow Engine released just last Friday. Unfortunately, at the time of the release, it was riddled with bugs, among them glitched achievements.

Posted 8 years ago by Kelly Packard

Trulon: The Shadow Engine Trailer Released

The newly released trailer for Trulon: The Shadow Engine showcases visuals and gamplay from the upcoming RPG. The release date has also been changed too from later this month to March.

Posted 8 years ago by Ashley Woodcock

Trulon: The Shadow Engine Screens and Release Date

Headup Games has confirmed a solid release date for their upcoming title, Trulon: The Shadow Engine. A bunch of new screens have also been released showcasing characters, areas, and cards from the game.

Posted 8 years ago by Ashley Woodcock

Latest Trulon: The Shadow Engine Videos


Latest Trulon: The Shadow Engine Screenshots

Trulon: The Shadow Engine Screenshot 1Trulon: The Shadow Engine Screenshot 2Trulon: The Shadow Engine Screenshot 3Trulon: The Shadow Engine Screenshot 4Trulon: The Shadow Engine Screenshot 5Trulon: The Shadow Engine Screenshot 6Trulon: The Shadow Engine Screenshot 7Trulon: The Shadow Engine Screenshot 8