Twitch Updated with New FeaturesBack in June, we covered Microsoft's announcement that more than 45 entertainment apps would be coming to the Xbox One. We have new details on one of those covered apps, MTV, as well as info for Redd Posted 11 years ago by Ashley Woodcock
Twitch Streaming Coming to Xbox One in MarchWhen the Xbox One released back in November, it came with some unfortunate news. While the Twitch streaming app was available right away, the ability to stream right from the console had been delayed Posted 11 years ago by Marc Caccamise
Xbox One Twitch Details EmergeDo you like watching other people play games as much (or more) than you enjoy playing them yourself? If so, you'll definitely be interested in the details Microsoft has released about Twitch integrat Posted 12 years ago by Jonathan Barnes
Xbox One's First Wave Of Apps AnnouncedMicrosoft's Xbox One is aiming to be not only your ultimate gaming machine, but also your one and only entertainment system as well, offering movies, music, sports and live TV experiences – all in on Posted 12 years ago by Joshua Rust