Latest UFC Personal Trainer News

THQ Discounts Select XBL Content

The special sale on Xbox LIVE this week has a THQ focus. As a result, we have discounted downloadable content, XBLA games and Games on Demand. Those marked with asterisks have achievements associated

Posted 13 years ago by Rebecca Smith

Retail DLC Roundup: February 21st, 2012

This week sees DLC releases for 11 games, but only one of them adds extra achievements to its list. There is region exclusive DLC for two games. Here is this week’s list: http://www.trueachievements.

Posted 13 years ago by Rebecca Smith

Retail DLC Roundup: January 31st, 2012

This week sees DLC releases for ten games. None of them add extra achievements to their list and one game has region exclusive DLC. Here is this week’s list: Dance Central 2 • "Forget You - Cee Lo Gr

Posted 13 years ago by Rebecca Smith

UFC Personal Trainer DLC Out Now [UPDATE]

Update: The content is now free as originally intended. Five new routines and 15 Hit the Mitts drills have been added to the Kinect fitness title

Posted 13 years ago by litepink

Two More UFC Undisputed 3 Fighter Bios

THQ has showcased a ton of fighters set to do battle in the Octagon this February in UFC Undisputed 3. If you want to see if your favorite fighter has been bio'd, you can skim through our vast array

Posted 14 years ago by litepink

17 UFC Undisputed 3 Fighter Videos

Like a heavyweight champion entering the octagon, UFC Undisputed 3 demands your attention. This weekend, a flurry of new fighter-centric videos have been released. Plenty of fan favorites like Rampag

Posted 14 years ago by Mark Delaney

UFC Undisputed 3 North American Pre-order Bonuses

Recently we covered the pre-order bonus for UFC Undisputed 3 at Gamestop, complete with trailer. Today, we bring you the rest of the pre-order bonuses available for the United States and Canada. Pre-

Posted 14 years ago by litepink

UFC Undisputed 3 Inside the Octagon Video

THQ have released a new full gameplay video for UFC Undisputed 3. Before the match even starts, fans of the franchise will pick up on some of the game's visual improvements straight away. Each fighte

Posted 14 years ago by Dave Horobin

UFC Undisputed 3 Cover Vote

THQ and the UFC have announced that the choice of cover fighter for UFC Undisputed 3 will be put to the vote, with fans getting the final say from five short listed nominees. You can place your vote

Posted 14 years ago by Dave Horobin

New UFC Undisputed 3 Screenshots

While Dana White gradually buys out all the real-life competition to his UFC brand of mixed martial arts, the video games still have some contenders to deal with. EA's MMA released last year to above

Posted 14 years ago by Mark Delaney

Latest UFC Personal Trainer Videos


Latest UFC Personal Trainer Screenshots

UFC Personal Trainer Screenshot 1UFC Personal Trainer Screenshot 2UFC Personal Trainer Screenshot 3UFC Personal Trainer Screenshot 4