Unepic Achievements Here is the full list of all 57 Unepic achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. It takes around 40-50 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Xbox One.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Xbox.com order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 57 Offline Mode 57 Single Player 8 Main Storyline 2 Difficulty Specific 33 Collectable 8 Missable 6 Cumulative + 2 Level 1 Time/Date Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply A GOOD COMMENCEStart a new game and reach the first spirit box unharmed. 1 guideWET FLOOR, WATCH YOUR STEPDo not touch the ground or ladders for 18 seconds. THE POTION COLLECTORCarry a collection of at least 18 different potions at once. RUNNING OVER TRAPSComplete the room of traps unharmed in 50 seconds. A HAND WITH VAMPIRESDefeat Gauntlik while carrying 8 vampires in your inventory. DRY LAW IN ARRAKISDo not drink any potions until you have defeated the Dynidon worm. THE DEVILS NUMBERCarry 666 essences of each color, 666 coins and 666 divine favors at the same time. DEATH LEVEL 1Defeat Sux Mortis with skill level 1 in armor and constitution. THE KING OF DODGEDodge all falling rocks between the columns in the corridor to the mine. 1 guideEYE FOR AN EYEDefeat Medeox without killing any of its snakes. 1 guideDIE HARDKill Corvax the Mage in HARD or HARD++ mode. 1 guideMISSION: NEARLY IMPOSSIBLEReach the Twin Crystals in HARD++ mode. 1 guideTHE CROWFind Harnakon without killing any crows beforehand. 1 guideA LONG WAY TO MINERARYBring 4 or more freed goblins to the mine without using teleport or gates. THE TOY HAMMERUse the toy hammer to deal the final blow to a walking armor. CENTER ZONE IS LITYou have lit all lights in the central area. MINE IS LITYou have lit all lights in the mine. THE DOWNS ARE LITYou have lit all lights in the downs. SEWER IS LITYou have lit all lights in the sewer. WEST ZONE IS LITYou have lit all lights in the west zone. GARDENS ARE LITYou have lit all lights in the gardens. EAST ZONE IS LITYou have lit all lights in the east zone. LIBRARY IS LITYou have lit all lights in the library. MAGE TOWER IS LITYou have lit all lights in the tower of the mages. PRISON IS LITYou have lit all lights in the prison. HALLS ARE LITYou have lit all lights in the halls. LABORATORY IS LITYou have lit all lights in the laboratory. GHOST TOWER IS LITYou have lit all lights in the forgotten tower. CATACOMBS ARE LITYou have lit all lights in the catacombs. 25% OF THE CASTLE IS LITYou have lit a quarter of all lights in the whole castle. 50% OF THE CASTLE IS LITYou have lit the half of all lights in the whole castle. 75% OF THE CASTLE IS LITYou have lit three quarters of all lights in the whole castle. THE WHOLE CASTLE IS LITYou have lit all lights in the castle!! 1 guideTHE KEY OF THE MINEYou passed the test of traps and obtained the Key of the Mine. THE KEY OF THE SEWERYou have defeated the first Guardian and obtained the Key of the Sewer. 1 guideTHE KEY OF THE GARDENSYou have defeated the second Guardian and obtained the Key of the Gardens. 1 guideTHE KEY OF THE LIBRARYYou have defeated the third Guardian and obtained the Key of the Library. THE KEY OF THE CATACOMBSYou have defeated the fourth Guardian and obtained the Key of the Catacombs. THE KEY OF THE LABORATORYYou have defeated the fifth Guardian and obtained the Key of the Laboratory. THE KEY OF THE HALLSYou have defeated the sixth Guardian and obtained the Key of the Halls. THE KEY OF THE TOWERYou have defeated the seventh Guardian and obtained the Key of the Tower. BORN TO KILLYou killed 100 monsters. 1 guideI AM THE LAWYou killed 500 monsters. 2 guidesTHE AVENGER OF THE CASTLEYou killed 1,000 monsters. 2 guidesERASERYou killed 2.000 monsters. 2 guidesI AM BECOME DEATHYou killed 5.000 monsters. 2 guidesTHE GRAVEYARD IS OVERLOADEDYou killed 10.000 monsters. 2 guidesTHE MAGIC OF FIREYou successfully finished the quest of the spirit,,and acquired the knowledge of fire magic. THE MAGIC OF FROSTYou successfully finished the quest of the spirit, and acquired the knowledge of frost magic. THE MAGIC OF THE DEADYou successfully finished the quest of the spirit, and acquired the knowledge of Necromancy. THE MAGIC OF HEALINGYou successfully finished the quest of the spirit, and acquired the knowledge of Healing. THE MAGIC OF LIGHTYou found the God of Light, and acquired the Divine Favour of Light. THE MAGIC OF PROTECTIONYou successfully finished the quest of the spirit, and acquired the knowledge of Protection. THE MAGIC OF ALTERATIONYou successfully finished the quest of the spirit, and acquired the knowledge of Alteration. THE MAGIC OF THE MINDYou successfully finished the quest of the spirit, and acquired the knowledge of Mental Power. YOU ARE A MANYou reached level 5. YOU ARE AN EXPERTYou reached level 10.