Universe at War: Earth Assault Achievements Here is the full list of all 43 Universe at War: Earth Assault achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Xbox.com order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 19 Offline Mode 24 Online Mode 19 Single Player 24 Versus 7 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 10 Difficulty Specific 2 Stackable 16 Cumulative + 2 Time/Date 1 Time Consuming 2 Buggy - 1 Partly Disc/Unob Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Building The NetworkConstruct 1 of each type of Novus structure during a Ranked or Conquer the World match. 1 guideUnder Novus ControlRequires every territory in Conquer the World to be owned by the Novus player. 1 guideCan't Stop NovusDefeat 5 Ranked Game opponents while playing as Novus. 1 guideWhirling DervishDestroy 100 enemy aircraft using only Dervishes during Conquer the World matches. 1 guideThe Power Must FLOWBuild 50 Flow Conduits during a single Ranked or Conquer the World match. 1 guidePure OHMageWin 5 multiplayer games against other Novus opponents during a Ranked Game. 1 guideResearch is KeyDefeat 5 Ranked Game opponents in a row while playing as Novus. 1 guideSwift VictoryAchieve victory within the first 18 minutes of a Ranked Game. 1 guideTime Means NothingDefeat 5 Ranked Game opponents in a row while playing as Masari. 2 guidesDark Matter FTWSpend 90% of your time in “Dark” mode during 4 Conquer the World matches. 2 guidesBlinded by the LightSpend 90% of your time in “Light” mode during 4 Conquer the World matches. 1 guideUnlimited PowerDefeat 1 Ranked Game opponent while playing as Masari. 1 guideMasari Global InfluenceRequires every territory on the Conquer the World globe to be owned by the Masari player. 1 guideGifts are NiceConstruct 1 of each Masari structure during a Ranked Game or Conquer the World match. 1 guideThe Sacred CowCollect 200 cows in Ranked or Conquer the World multiplayer games using Kamal Rex. 3 guidesPeace through PowerWin 3 Conquer the World games using only the "Assault" research branch. 1 guideMutation MadnessWin 3 Conquer the World games using only the “Mutagen” research branch. 1 guideTechnological TerrorWin 3 Conquer the World games using only the “Quantum” research branch. 1 guideCustomization Made EasyDefeat 3 Ranked Game opponents while playing as Hierarchy. 1 guideMy Wish is your CommandRequires every territory in Conquer the World to be owned by the Hierarchy player. 1 guideHierarchy DominationDefeat 5 Ranked Game opponents in a row while playing as Hierarchy. 1 guideThe BasicsComplete the Prelude Campaign. 1 guideNovus CampaignComplete Novus Campaign on normal or hard difficulty. 1 guideHierarchy CampaignComplete Hierarchy Campaign on normal or hard difficulty. 1 guideMasari CampaignComplete Masari Campaign on normal or hard difficulty. 1 guideTrue PowerAll campaigns completed on normal difficulty. 1 guideCan't Touch ThisAll campaigns completed on hard difficulty. 1 guideZombie Luvin'Convert 100 civilians into zombies in skirmish, scenario or campaign games. 1 guideSweep the LegDestroy your first Hierarchy Walker in a skirmish, scenario or main campaign game. 1 guideCow Go MooCollect 100 mutilated cows using Reapers in skirmish, scenario or campaign games. 1 guideNothing to See HereUsing Altea, Unmake 30 enemy units during a skirmish game session. 1 guideMaster TacticianWin 1 scenario campaign game. Supreme GeneralPlay through 1 scenario campaign on medium difficulty without losing any battles. 2 guidesInfiltrate The NetworkInfiltrate the enemy Flow Conduit network in a skirmish game using only the Founder. 1 guideCrater CreatorDestroy five enemy structures using any Super Weapon during skirmish battles. Demolition ExpertDefeat 1 medium AI in less than 20 minutes in a skirmish battle. Hoover ManeuverUse Reapers to acquire 100,000 additional Raw Materials during a skirmish session. 2 guidesSkirmish KingDefeat 3 hard AI players during a skirmish session. 1 guideNo Need For HeroesDefeat 1 hard AI player in a skirmish battle without building any heroes. 2 guidesFeel The BurnDefeat two medium AI players during a skirmish session. 1 guideOpposites AttractDefeat 5 opponents on the opposite platform. 1 guidePeacebringerDefeat 2 ranked or Conquer the World opponents on the opposite platform. 1 guideMy Virtual LifePlay multiplayer for 75 hours. 1 guide