Everything Announced at The PC Gaming Show at E3 2019Microsoft revealed a more dedicated approach to PC gaming over the last couple of months, so we kept an eye on the PC Gaming Show and we found there were games that were shown that may be of interest to you. Posted 6 years ago by Rebecca Smith
Valfaris Brings Steel Mantis Back From HellSteel Mantis is hoping to build on the foundations of Slain: Back from Hell with their latest title Valfaris, another 2D action-platformer with heavy metal coursing through its veins. This time, though, we're heading into space. Posted 7 years ago by Rebecca Smith
Indie Megabooth Brought Four New Titles to PAX WestAfter attending Gamescom at the start of August, Indie Booth upped sticks and changed continents to attend PAX West at the end of the month. Posted 7 years ago by Rebecca Smith
Savage Heavy Metal Platformer Valfaris Unleashes New ScreensValfaris, a heavy metal platformer from the folks behind Slain, has shown up at Gamescom with a set of new screens showing the colourful pixel art carnage to expect from the game. Posted 7 years ago by Chewie
Valfaris First Gameplay Shows Landing Pad and Eco ChambersSteel Mantis' next title, Valfaris, is a heavy-metal inspired 2D action-platformer. To give you some idea of what to expect, publisher Digital Uppercut has released a 30 minute gameplay video showing two of the game's levels. Posted 7 years ago by Rebecca Smith
Heavy Metal Platformer Valfaris AnnouncedDigital Uppercut and Steel Mantis, the companies that brought you Slain: Back From Hell, announced Valfaris, a heavy metal 2D action-platformer. Featuring skulls, gore, and metal. In space. Posted 8 years ago by CognitiveCaveat