Valkyria Chronicles 4 Achievements Full list of all 36 Valkyria Chronicles 4 achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. It takes around 50-60 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Xbox One.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 36 Offline Mode 36 Single Player 7 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 8 Cumulative + 4 Level Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Valkyrian ChroniclerObtained all Achievements. War HeroObtained all decorations. 1 guideThe Battle of SiegvalCompleted Chapter 4, and won the battle of Siegval. A March in the SnowCompleted Chapter 7, and rendezvoused with the Centurion. The Sea FortressCompleted Chapter 11, and made it past the Sea Fortress. A Reason to FightCompleted Chapter 15, and defeated both Walz and Crymaria. The Final ChoiceCompleted Chapter 17, and witnessed the end of the war. DevotionCompleted Chapter 18, and ended Belgar's dark ambitions. 1 guideOur War's EndKept your promise with Riley Miller. 1 guideAce FighterDefeated an enemy ace for the first time. 1 guideAce KillerDefeated 15 enemy aces. 1 guideAgent of DestructionDefeated 1000 enemy units. 1 guideDaring RescuerRescued 10 allies in critical condition. 1 guideWar CorrespondentWatched all event scenes. 1 guideHidden DepthsCompleted a squad story for the first time. 1 guideSquad E, All PresentRecruited all squad members. 1 guideFirst of ManyUsed R&D Facility for the first time. 1 guideArms RacerObtained all infantry weapons. 1 guideThe Hafen RebornDeveloped the Hafen into a heavy tank. 1 guideUltimate Tank SquadObtained all tank parts. 1 guideThe Federation's Secret WeaponObtained all ship parts. 1 guideA Fruitful ChatLearned an order at the Mess Hall for the first time. 1 guideMilitary ExemplarLearned all orders. 1 guideUpward MobilityOne of your squadmates was promoted to Corporal. 1 guideVeteran SoldierOne of your classes was promoted to Elite status. 1 guideLegendary SoldierOne of your classes was promoted to Paragon status. 1 guideTrue RangersAll of your classes were upgraded to max level. 2 guidesWar ProfiteerEarned 1,000,000 DCT cumulatively. 1 guideCapable CommanderObtained an A rank on a mission for the first time. 1 guidePride of the FederationObtained A ranks on 20 missions. 1 guideThe Empire's Worst NightmareObtained A ranks on all missions. 1 guideDamage ControlCompleted 10 missions without anyone in critical condition. 1 guideNaval CoordinationGave ship orders 15 times. 1 guideFollow my lead!Gave direct commands 15 times. 1 guideThat's an order, soldier!Gave orders 15 times. 1 guideMartyr's CourageTriggered a Last Stand 15 times. 1 guide