Wolfenstein: The New Order (Xbox 360) Achievements Here is the full list of all 50 Wolfenstein: The New Order achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Xbox.com order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 50 Offline Mode 50 Single Player 8 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 2 Difficulty Specific 3 Stackable 7 Collectable 23 Cumulative + 2 Time/Date Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply GunnerSave allied planes 2 guidesFergus savedChoose to save Fergus 4 guidesWyatt savedChoose to save Wyatt 3 guidesVive la resistance!Locate the resistance 1 guidePower to the laserFind the Laserkraftwerk 1 guideHidden in the deepLocate the underwater stash 1 guideLondon uprisingDefeat the London Monitor 1 guideDeliveranceRelease friend 1 guideLiberationComplete game on any difficulty 1 guideSuper heroComplete game on I AM DEATH INCARNATE! (or ÜBER) 1 guideÜber heroComplete game on ÜBER 2 guidesAll that glittersCollect 25 gold items Heart of goldCollect all gold items 2 guidesThe lives of othersCollect all letters 1 guideSecrets revealed ISolve the first Enigma code 3 guidesSecrets revealed IISolve the second Enigma code 3 guidesSecrets revealed IIISolve the third Enigma code 2 guidesSecrets revealed IVSolve the fourth Enigma code 2 guidesScout IUnlock stealth perk 1 1 guideKnife throwingUnlock stealth perk 2 1 guideKnife sheath +Unlock stealth perk 3 Knife sheath ++Unlock stealth perk 4 1 guideSilent shotUnlock stealth perk 5 VampireUnlock stealth perk 6 3 guidesScout IIUnlock stealth perk 7 1 guideAssassinUnlock stealth perk 8 3 guidesDeadeyeUnlock tactical perk 1 1 guideQuick drawUnlock tactical perk 2 1 guideQuick regenerationUnlock tactical perk 3 4 guidesGun magazine +Unlock tactical perk 4 2 guidesShotgun magazine +Unlock tactical perk 5 1 guideAR magazine +Unlock tactical perk 6 1 guideMarksman magazine +Unlock tactical perk 7 3 guidesQuick reloadUnlock tactical perk 8 Double reloadUnlock assault perk 1 1 guideEndurance IUnlock assault perk 2 2 guidesScavengerUnlock assault perk 3 2 guidesBullet feederUnlock assault perk 4 3 guidesEndurance IIUnlock assault perk 5 3 guidesAutopanzerUnlock assault perk 6 3 guidesLKW battery +Unlock assault perk 7 1 guideDual-wield expertUnlock assault perk 8 1 guideThrowbackUnlock demolition perk 1 2 guidesGrenade pouch +Unlock demolition perk 2 1 guideGrenade pouch ++Unlock demolition perk 3 1 guideBullseyeUnlock demolition perk 4 2 guidesRocket magazine +Unlock demolition perk 5 3 guidesVaporizeUnlock demolition perk 6 3 guidesSentinelUnlock demolition perk 7 3 guidesHardenedUnlock demolition perk 8 1 guide