WRATH: Aeon of Ruin Achievements Here is the full list of all 50 WRATH: Aeon of Ruin achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Xbox.com order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 49 Offline Mode 49 Single Player 11 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 1 Difficulty Specific 2 Stackable 14 Collectable 9 Cumulative + 1 Time/Date 1 Unobtainable Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply With a Single StepEnter the Isle Of The Dead 1 guideIn Snow And MoonlightEnter Mourningvale 1 guideAscensionDefeat the Lady of Ascension In Sand And StarlightEnter The Eventide Wastes Worlds Within WhirlsStart up the Orrery in the Watchtowers TranscendenceDefeat the Lord of Etherion In The Mouth of MadnessEnter The Wretched Domain Chain ReactionExpose the core in the Red Throne VictoryDefeat The Dreadful One Passing Of The TorchFind the set of Dark Armor from the previous Outlander Crystal CaveFind the Crystallizer beneath the Crystal Dunes The One And OnlyFind the only underlift secret in WRATH Thick As ThievesFind the keyhole secret in the Mire Kell's CageFind Kells' Cage in the Crucible of Souls SteamShut off the factory pipes in the Rending Chambers No Stone UnturnedFind all secrets in one map Secrets Of The ValeFind all secrets in Mourningvale Secrets Of The WastesFind all secrets in the Eventide Wastes Secrets Of The DomainFind all secrets in the Wretched Domain The GamutFind all secrets in WRATH Treasure HunterOpen half the coffers in WRATH Treasure HoarderOpen all the coffers in WRATH 1 guideAn Act of WrathBeat WRATH OutlanderBeat WRATH on Outlander difficulty UntouchedDefeat the Lady of Ascension without taking damage Time DilationDefeat the Lord of Etherion within 3 minutes Close and PersonalDefeat the Dreadful One using only the Blade and Mace Naked and SavageKill an enemy while at 1 health, without the Cruel Aegis Buzz KillHit 5 enemies from one Crystalized enemy ScattershotKill multiple enemies with one shot of the Shotgun's secondary fire 1 guideMinelayerKill an enemy with a planted Cyst CannoneerCannonjump with the Slag Cannon Iron LungsStay underwater for 80 seconds FirewalkingStay in lava for 15 seconds Friendly FireKill a Wretch with another Wretch explosion DesecrationDestroy all the statues in the Shadow Pantheon Stop StaringShoot all the eyes in the Blood Pits LifesaverUse 10 Soul Tethers The ScribeCollect all the Notes in WRATH KickstatterKick 100 heads Slash And DashKill 100 enemies with the Blade of Ruination 1 guideTotal MassacreKill 5,000 enemies RampageDeal 40,000 damage with one Flask of Rage Bone IdolKill 10 enemies with Vicious Animus turrets Purple HazeKill 10 enemies with Confounding Attars Shock TacticsKill 10 enemies with one Shockwave GroundedKill 3 flying enemies with one Void Grenade Heart AttackHeal 1,000 Lifeblood with Life Siphons HarvesterCollect 100 Souls with the Mace of Devastation BouncebackDeflect 100 projectiles with Orbs of Deflection