X-Men Origins: Wolverine Achievements Here is the full list of all 50 X-Men Origins: Wolverine achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Xbox.com order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 50 Offline Mode 50 Single Player 8 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 1 Difficulty Specific 6 Collectable 20 Cumulative + 3 Level 1 Multiple Playthroughs Required Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Bar FightDefeated Victor Creed (Sabretooth) 1 guideHelicopter RideDefeated David Nord (Agent Zero) 1 guideFallen SentinelDefeated the Sentinel Mark I 1 guidePut up your DukesDefeated Fred Dukes (The Blob) 1 guide52 PickupDefeated Remy LeBeau (Gambit) 2 guidesThe Dead PoolDefeated Weapon 11 (Deadpool) 7 guidesGetting StartedKilled 100 enemies 1 guideA Day's WorkKilled 500 enemies 3 guidesWhat I Do BestKilled 2000 enemies 3 guidesYou Can't HideLunged to 250 enemies 2 guidesLungeLunged to 25 enemies 1 guidePounceLunged to 100 enemies 3 guidesPiggy Back RideLunged to a W.E.N.D.I.G.0 prototype's back 1 guideQuick KillerQuick Killed 1 enemy 1 guideEfficient KillerQuick Killed 20 enemies 1 guidePerfect KillerQuick Killed 3 enemies in a row 3 guidesDrop DeadKilled 10 enemies by throwing them off high areas 2 guidesApprenticeRaised One Combat Reflex to Master Level 1 guideSamuraiRaised All Combat Reflexes to Master Level 1 guideMutant LoverRaised one Mutagen to level 3 3 guidesAstonishingFound 1/2 of all Dog Tags in the game 2 guidesDevil's BrigadeFound all Dog Tags in the game 3 guidesDefensivePerformed 1 Counter move 2 guidesUntouchablePerformed 25 Counter moves 1 guideCatch!Killed 1 enemy with a reflected projectile 2 guidesBoomerangKilled 25 enemies with a reflected projectile 2 guidesAerial AssaultPerformed 10 Air Grabs 4 guidesUltimate WolverineFought 4 W.E.N.D.I.G.0 prototypes at the same time and defeated them at Alkali lake. 6 guidesSpillway EscapeEscapes from Weapon X 1 guideThreading the NeedleFlew through the O ring in the Sentinel Boss Battle 3 guidesThe VillageCompleted the Jungle Mission 1 guideHot PotatoLight 20 enemies on fire 3 guidesShotgun Epic FailKilled 25 Ghosts with their own weapon 3 guidesJames HowlettPerformed a Wolverine to Wolverine Lunge 2 guidesWoW!You feel cold as you examine the skeleton and read the name "Arthas" etched into the nearby sword 2 guidesAerial MasterGot 6 enemies airborne at once 7 guidesFully LoadedMaxed out all upgrades 2 guidesSlice n' DiceKilled 6 enemies with a single attack 6 guidesFound!You found a mysterious hatch! 3 guidesSlaughter HouseDismembered 100 enemies 2 guidesBlenderKilled 200 enemies with Claw Spin 4 guidesWalking DeathBeat the game on Hard Difficulty 5 guidesHeightened SensesKilled 200 enemies in Feral Sense 1 guideEnvironmentally FriendlyKilled 10 enemies using objects in the environment 1 guideWhatever it TakesKilled 30 enemies using objects in the environment 1 guideBloodlustKilled 50 enemies while in Berserker mode 1 guideWeapon XKilled 150 enemies while in Berserker mode 1 guideThe CakeYou found the cake, yummy! 4 guidesStick AroundImpaled Victor Creed outside the Bar 1 guideClean Up on all AislesDestroyed all objects in the grocery store fight with Fred Dukes (The Blob) 4 guides