XCOM: Enemy Within Achievements Full list of all 30 XCOM: Enemy Within achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. It takes around 30-35 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Xbox 360.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Xbox.com order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 30 Offline Mode 30 Single Player 1 Difficulty Specific 30 Missable 14 Shop Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Who Needs Limbs?Augment a soldier in single player 1 guideA Little Bit AlienModify a soldier in single player 1 guideEnemy WithinGet a Soldier to have 5 modifications in single player 1 guideSteel MartyrDeploy three tactical subsystems on a single soldier in single player 1 guideApotheosis DeniedDeal with the newest global threat 1 guideThey Shall Not PassEliminate all alien waves 1 guideZom-B-GoneEradicate the infestation 2 guidesAn Army Of FourBeat the game without buying a Squad Size upgrade (Classic+ difficulty) 2 guidesThe Meld SquadField a fully enhanced squad and win the mission 1 guideShieldbusterEliminate an enemy's shield and kill it on the same turn in single player 1 guideSomeone Your Own SizeKill a Muton Berserker in melee combat in single player 1 guideTaking A Load OffStop a squad member from suffocating in single player 1 guideWhere in the WorldMake certain of the new threat's location 1 guideMind the StepJump two stories in one move in single player 2 guidesNice CoverUse Collateral Damage to blow up a car in single player 2 guidesBy Our Powers CombinedField a squad with 4 augmented soldiers, each with a different base ability and win the mission 1 guideRise of the MachinesField a squad consisting entirely of augmented soldiers and SHIVs (min. 4) and win the mission 1 guideMutatis MutandisField a squad where all members have at least two modifications (min. 4) and win the mission 1 guideMental MinefieldKill an enemy as it is psionically attacking you in single player 1 guideAnger ManagementProc Combat Rush on the entire squad (min. 4) 2 guidesRemington… Max RemingtonHave your special-duty soldier kill three enemies in the same mission 1 guideG’dayKill an elite enemy Sniper with one of your own snipers in single player 1 guideRegenerate ThisKill an elite enemy Medic with explosive damage in single player 2 guidesTingling SensationKill an unseen enemy detected by a specially modified soldier in single player 1 guidePain in the NeckCause an enemy to suicide 1 guideSolid ProspectComplete Deluge 1 guideOurs are the FuriesComplete Furies Elite DefenseBeat a new special mission without losing any assets 1 guideGuardian of EarthDesignate a highly decorated soldier as the Volunteer 2 guidesAll Hands On DeckGet at least 4 kills with XCOM Base Security personnel 1 guide