Xevious Walkthrough

Written by NamcoPlayer Published February 27th 2022
3 - 6 hours 6 Playthroughs 12
Xevious Walkthrough
Achievements in this walkthrough
Total Gamerscore
Total TrueAchievement
Estimated Time
3 to 6 hours
Playthroughs Required
Missable Achievements
Unobtainable Achievements
Online only Achievements
Contains DLC Achievements
Discuss this walkthrough here
Full Achievement Breakdown
Offline Mode
12 of 12 are Offline Mode
Single Player
12 of 12 are Single Player
5 of 5 are Collectable
Games included
Gamers Involved
NamcoPlayer (Owner)
Myckel Jay
Myckel Jay (Overseer)

Please note that the details above reflect the time and playthroughs required to get all the Achievements in this walkthrough.

Xevious - Walkthrough overviewUpdate notes

Walkthrough cover art.

Welcome to my walkthrough for the Xbox Live Arcade game Xevious. This walkthrough provides steps on how to unlock all of the achievements in the game.

Xevious is an arcade game developed by Namco back in 1982. It was published by Atari worldwide, and by Namco in Japan. In Spring 2007, Xevious was rereleased for the Xbox Live Arcade service costing 400 Microsoft Points ($4.99 today). It was also re-re-released on the Namco Museum Virtual Arcade compilation disc for the Xbox 360. The XBLA version supports Leaderboards and Achievements, but no online multiplayer unlike most other 1980-1990 arcade games re-released for the XBLA service. There are a total of12 achievements for this version, and following this guide will unlock you all of them.

Xevious - General hints and tips

This game has things called areas. Unlike other Namco 80's arcade games, there is no number indication of areas (only in the Namco Museum Battle Collection and Namco Museum Vol. 2 (Japan) PlayStation Portable ports). To indicate them, try to remember how many times you passed a land mass with all grass or just have a notepad and draw little "checks" when you pause the game after passing a land mass with all grass. Also, achievements unlock after you lose all of your lives. You pilot a ship called the Solvalou, with your main goal being to defeat an infinite number of technologic enemies in battle.


This game has controls which can be changed in Help & Options > Controls. The blasters are used for destroying air-based enemies, the rapid-fire blasters are similar to blasters, but they fire more quickly and have a short delay, and the bomb buttons are used for destroying ground-based enemies. You can make use for the rapid-fire blasters when getting achievements. Here is the default control scheme:

cn_LS or cn_dpad: Move your ship in all 8 directions. (N, S, E, W, NW, NE, SW, SE) (unchangeable)

cn_A: Blaster button. (changeable)

cn_B: Bomb button. (changeable)

cn_Y: Rapid-fire blaster button. (changeable)


In Help & Options > Settings, you'll find options to change how many lives you have at the start of the game and what score limit you earn extra lives at.

Killable Air-Based Enemies

These are enemies in the game which can be killed using your blasters. However, some air-based enemies you might encounter in-game are invincible to your shots and some cannot shoot any fire at you, but are still deadly if you crash into them.

Toroids: These enemies are the first air-based enemies you encounter in the game. They look like silver rings with a flashing black/red dot in the center. They come from the top and reach the upper part of the center where they will retreat fast diagonally.

Torkans: These enemies are the second air-based enemies you encounter in the game. They dash from the top of the screen to somewhere near the center and fire only a single bullet at you before they retreat to the top of the screen.

Zoshi: These enemies move in a zig-zag-like pattern. They look like a circle with spikes with a flashing black/red dot in the center. They follow you sometimes when you pass them and fire multiple shots at you.

Kapi: These enemies are similar to Torkans except they move much faster.

Terrazi: These enemies are similar to Zoshi except they move much faster and fire more shots.

Zakato: These enemies are like bombs. After a few seconds of appearing, they explode and fire a single shot.

Brag Zakato: These enemies are similar to Zakato except they explode a few more shots rather than just one.

Garu Zakato: These enemies are similar to Zakato except they appear in much later rounds (they first appear in Area 9). They explode a bunch of shots in almost every direction and spawn a few Brag Spario enemies, which are one of the fastest killable air-based enemies in-game.

Brag Spario: These enemies appear moments after a Garu Zakato bomb explodes. They are the fastest killable air-based enemies in the game.

Killable Ground-Based Enemies

These are enemies in the game which can be killed using your bombs and cannot fly. Unlike air-based enemies, all ground-based enemies can be killed. But like air-based enemies, there are some that won't fire at you.

Bara: These ones look like a tiny silver pyramid. The don't fire any shots at the player.

Zolbak: These ones are used for sending enemies to directly attempt to attack the player, thus acting like a radar for enemies to strike the player. Like Baras, they don't fire shots at you, but still are a threat of danger. They look like a silver circle with four red/black flashing lines on four sides (up, down, left and right).

Logram: These ones look very similar to a Zolbaks, but they aren't a radar and only fire a single shot at you at a time.

Domogram: An improved version of the Logram, which now moves in rivers and on land.

Derota: Another improved version of the Logram. It is now stationary, but fires multiple shots at the player.

Grobda: Similar to Bara enemies, these tanks don't fire shots at the player, but they try to dodge your bomb attacks on them.

Garu Bara: An improved version of the Bara, which is now bigger. Their weak spot is on the center of the structure.

Garu Derota: An improved version of the Derota, which is also now bigger. However, they now fire even more shots at the player.

Boza Logram: An improved version of the Logram, which now has four other parts. You can destroy it with one bomb by destroying the center of it.

If you still want to find out more how to play the game, you can go to Help & Options > How to Play in the title screen.

Xevious - Story walkthrough

What we want to do first is to go into settings and change the starting lives to three, and the extra ship scores to first 10,000pts & every 40,000pts after that. NOTE: Changing these settings means you won't get ranked in the leaderboards, but you'll still earn the achievements. Also, you can change the bomb buttons and rapid-fire blasters to the triggers (cn_LT and cn_RT respectively) so it kind of puts you in a controller perspective where you pilot the Solvalou, the ship you control in Xevious.

For your first playthrough, we're going to try to kill at least 100 air-based enemies. They can be killed using your blaster button, but not your bomb button since bombs in this game are mainly for destroying ground-based enemies. Try to kill many enemies as much as you can. Some ground-based enemies also fire shots. I recommend that you kill them as well, in case they fire shots at you, which can be hard for you to avoid. Always dodge the bullets the enemies fire out. Try to kill as many air-based enemies as you can. You can miss a few enemies here and there. Try to get near the upper part of the screen, but not all the way up since it leaves you vulnerable to more enemies. You can stop at Area 3 where the unkillable Bacuras first appear (they look like rotating silver rectangles) and keep losing your lives. Once you've reached the game over screen, you'll soon unlock achievements you've met requirements for. It'll show you the achievements you unlocked. If you managed to kill at least 100 air-based enemies, you'll unlock this achievement:

Blaster Master 100

Destroy 100 air-based enemies!

Blaster Master 100

If you killed at least 30 ground-based enemies during this playthrough, you'll also unlock this achievement:

Bomber 30

Destroy 30 ground-based enemies!

Bomber 30

After you unlocked the first achievement, go to the main menu in-game and select "1P Start at Stage 3." Now, what you'll do here is find a hidden object named Sol and destroy it. When you replay Stage 3, you'll want to go to the left and dodge the Bacuras that are in your way. There will be a ground-based enemy called a Garu Bara when you are reaching the end of the desert. It looks like a giant silver pyramid. Go near to the left of it and start hitting the bomb button. The Sol you're looking for will appear. It looks like a silver hexagon-like pyramid with a shadow that stretches diagonally. Destroy it and start crashing your ship into enemies and such. When you lose all of your lives, you'll unlock these achievements:

Sol Citadel Revealer

Reveal a Sol Citadel!

Sol Citadel Revealer
Sol Citadel Destroyer

Destroy a Sol Citadel!

Sol Citadel Destroyer

Let's now try to encounter the Andor Genesis boss by replaying Area 3. Progress through Area 3 and 4 until you reach a river stretching from the sides of the screen. That indicates that a boss is coming, along with a few Zakatos that appear and explode. To defeat the Andor Genesis, you'll have to bomb the flashing black and red things while avoiding the shots the Zakatos spawned when they blew up, then bomb the center of the boss. Once you kill it, waste all of your lives until you get a game over. This will unlock you this achievement:

Andor Genesis

Destroy Andor Genesis!

Andor Genesis

If you lost your last life on Area 4, replay Area 4 and defeat the Andor Genesis boss again and make sure to reach to Area 5. Otherwise, if you lost your last life on Area 5, continue ahead.

We'll now try looking for a Special Flag that has appeared in multiple video games, a notable one being Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. So, replay Area 5 and travel across the waters until you see another port. There would be a special flag around this area. Here is the location where you'll need to repeatedly bomb it at:

External image

When it appears, go to it and simply collect it. Waste all of your lives until you get a game over, resulting in you unlocking this achievement:

Special Flag

Reveal a Special Flag!

Special Flag

We're now going to aim for 100,000 points, killing 500 air-based enemies and 100 ground-based enemies in a single playthrough. So, this time, try to shoot every air-based enemy, bomb every ground-based enemy, and try your best to avoid the bullets from the enemies of the game, starting from Stage 1. Use the strategies in General hints and tips and here. Keep surviving and shooting enemies until you've met the requirements above. This may take you a few attempts, but don't get discouraged. Practice makes perfect. Once you've met said thresholds for points, and number of air-based/ground-based enemies killed, you'll unlock these achievements upon losing your last life:

100,000 Points

Score 100,000 points.

100,000 Points
40,000 Points

Score 40,000 points.

40,000 Points
Blaster Master 500

Destroy 500 air-based enemies!

Blaster Master 500
Bomber 100

Destroy 100 ground-based enemies!

Bomber 100

You might've reached Area 9 on the last playthrough we did, so for this last and final run, we're going to be uncovering five Sol structures while staring on Stage 9. Beginning on Stage 9, here are the places you have to bomb to reveal the Sol structures for the next 2-3 lives near the path intersection:

External image

When you've collected the five Sol structures, lose all of your lives and unlock these achievements:

Sol Citadel Diviner

Reveal 3 Sol Citadels!

Sol Citadel Diviner
Sol Citadel Diviner Master

Reveal 5 Sol Citadels!

Sol Citadel Diviner Master

Congratulations. You have completed a 200G Xbox Live Arcade game with 12 achievements, which is now going to be added to your completed games list.