2. Zegapain General hints and tipsUpdate notes

The game plays partially like a visual novel in addition to the typical mech shooter combat. This means you'll be spending a lot of time talking to NPC's and choosing who to take on missions with you, which will ultimately affect the outcome of the story. For reference the characters are:

Sarah – Green Hair

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Mio – Brown Hair

Meivelle – Blonde Hair

Calm - Dark skin, purple hair

Clarca - Elf ears, bluish hair

Nemmon - Headphones on

You'll also need to know the settings and controls, found on the ship's computer terminal. Those read as follows:

Console (System)

Ship Settings

  • -Parts
  • -Mech
    • Parts
      • Chassis
      • Cockpit
      • Arms
      • Legs
    • Colors
      • Body
      • Lights
      • Cockpit
      • Wings
    • Skills


  • -Autosave
  • -Sound
  • -Brightness
  • -Captions
  • -Return


Return to Bridge

Return to Main Menu

You'll also want to know what the options are for the in-game pause menu, which are:

Option 1: Resume
Option 2: Return to Ship
Option 3: Restart Mission
Option 4: Quit to Main Menu

This will be particularly important when going for SS ranks since you'll frequently want to just restart the mission instead of returning to the ship and talking to characters again.

Onto the actual gameplay mechanics, this is in the same vein as Armored Core or other similar mech shooters. Here's a control breakdown:

cn_A - Auto-lock
cn_B - Melee
cn_Y - Use Skill
cn_RB - Manual lock
cn_RT - Boost

You'll want to do a good job of managing your QB meter, the green circle around your health at the bottom of the screen. Boosting reduces it as well as using your skill, trying to constantly do both at once will drain your meter quickly. Know when to stop and recharge and when to constantly move and fire.

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