Zombie Driver Ultimate Edition Achievements Full list of all 47 Zombie Driver Ultimate Edition achievements worth 2,000 gamerscore.The base game contains 30 achievements worth 1,000 Gamerscore, and there are 2 DLC packs containing 17 achievements worth 1,000 Gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Xbox.com order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 47 Offline Mode 47 Single Player 8 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 12 Cumulative + 1 Shop Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flagsAchievements without any flags (7) What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Base Base Game (Excludes DLC) 2,038 1,000 30 3.4223,6782,865 (12%)15-20h Dirty workDefeat the first boss in Story mode 1 guideZombie Plants must die!Defeat the mutated zombie plant in Story mode. 1 guideFather of all zombiesDefeat the last boss in Story mode. 1 guideHot rod!Obtain the sports car in Story mode. 1 guideVery Important PersonUnlock the mayor's White Limousine in Story mode. 1 guideI Am The LawUnlock the police squad car in Story mode. 1 guideSuperbeastUnlock the super car in Story mode. 1 guideYour 5 minutesEnsure that the TV van reaches the base with at least 50% of health. 1 guideHot dealPut out the fires in the shopping mall. 1 guideHeavy hitter!Kill 20 or more zombies with one shot while driving the tank. 2 guidesBob the destroyerKill at least 150 zombies in one combo while driving a bulldozer 1 guidePimp CarFully upgrade one car in Story mode. 1 guideSunken HopeMove to the harbor base in Story mode. 1 guideThe Last ExpressProgress to the train station base in Story mode. 1 guideMissed FlightProgress to the airport base in Story mode. 1 guideZombie DriverComplete the Story mode. 1 guideLook! I know how to drive!Earn your first Blood Race mode medal. 1 guideI don't want it to end yet!Survive for more than 2:30 in an Endurance event in the Blood Race mode. 2 guidesMaybe it is too much to handle…Unlock the Muscle Car in the Blood Race mode. 1 guideFair PlayKill 100 enemies in the Blood Race mode. 2 guidesFind your own race track!Kill 30 enemies during an Eliminator event in the Blood Race mode. 1 guideI just can't get enough!Win all tournaments in the Blood Race mode. 1 guideI'm just warming upKill 100 zombies in a single game in Slaughter mode. 1 guideCan't hide from meKill 500 zombies in a single game in Slaughter mode. 1 guideNaughty, naughtyDestroy 1500 destructibles in Slaughter mode. 1 guideThe best car ever!Get all car upgrades in a single game in Slaughter mode. 4 guidesMy favourite colorEarn a gold medal on all original arenas in Slaughter mode. 2 guidesSlaughtermasterEarn 150 000 points on any arena in Slaughter mode. 1 guideCombo MasterMake a 10 000 points combo. 1 guideOut of my way!Kill 30 zombies with a single railgun shot. 1 guide Update Title Update 1 941 500 8 3.5811,3253,979 (35%)1-2h The devil told me to do itDestroy 2666 destructibles in Slaughter mode. 1 guideHot dogMake a barbecue of 250 zombie dogs in a single slaughter mode match. 1 guideI live again!Heal yourself 500 times. 2 guidesRam them!Kill 15000 zombies with your car. 1 guideKill with skillMake a 20 000 points combo. 1 guideI will be the first somedayKill other racers 10 times in a race event in the Blood Race mode 1 guideDie Zombies, Die!Kill 3000 zombies in a single mission in Story mode. 2 guidesBlood bathKill 3000 zombies in a single game in Slaughter mode. 1 guide Update Title Update 2 1,000 500 9 3.619,6093,893 (41%)1-2h Shoot them!Kill 10 000 zombies with your minigun. 1 guideBurn them!Kill 10 000 zombies with your flamethrower. 1 guideUnstoppableEarn 200 000 points on any arena in Slaughter mode. 1 guideFinders keepersFind 250 money pickups. 1 guideMy car is my weaponKill 25 enemies by ramming them with your car in the Blood Race mode. 1 guideHomeless zombiesDestroy 50 spawners in Story Mode. 1 guideGas is cheapBurn 1000 zombies in Slaughter mode. 1 guideIt was in self defence. I swearKill 10000 zombies in Slaughter mode. 1 guideZombie SuperstarMake a 30 000 points combo. 2 guides