code_18 Walkthrough

Written by Published July 9th 2016
0 - 1 hours 1 Playthrough 31
code_18 Walkthrough
Achievements in this walkthrough
Total Gamerscore
Total TrueAchievement
Estimated Time
0 to 1 hours
Playthroughs Required
Missable Achievements
Unobtainable Achievements
Online only Achievements
Contains DLC Achievements
Discuss this walkthrough here
Full Achievement Breakdown
Main Storyline
31 of 31 are Main Storyline
Offline Mode
31 of 31 are Offline Mode
Single Player
31 of 31 are Single Player
Games included
Gamers Involved
LifeExpectancy (Overseer)
Quemandante (Contributor)

Please note that the details above reflect the time and playthroughs required to get all the Achievements in this walkthrough.

code_18 - Walkthrough overviewUpdate notes

Image 1

My name is Jordan, and welcome to the walkthrough for code_18. This game is a visual novel, and was released in September of 2011 for the Playstation Portable and Xbox 360. The game features Hayato Hino, a teenager who is stuck in a time loop, repeating a month of his life over and over again. This is one of the easiest completions on Xbox 360, and with the use of this walkthrough, you should have no problem obtaining all 31 achievements within 1 hour.

code_18 - General hints and tips

Note: This game may freeze whenever an achievement unlocks. If that happens to you, do NOT shut off your Xbox. Just give the game some time to load and the achievement will unlock usually within 10-15 seconds.

I will mention these steps again within the Story walkthrough since it is crucial to completing the game quickly.

From the main menu, click on "Options". You will see a total of 14 options/tiles to click on. I will refer to the option you need to click on by using (X,Y). "X" will refer to the row, and "Y" will refer to the column.

Step 1: Click on the tile that has the clock on it (1,1). Move the slider all the way to the right. Press A to save the changes.

Step 2: Click on the tile that has the two arrows with an orange background (1,3). You will see two options here. Select the option on the left and press the A button to save the changes.

Step 3: Click on the tile that has just one arrow on it with a green background (2,1). Move the slider all the way to the right and press A to save the changes.

Step 4: Click on the tile that has two arrows on it with a green background (3,1). You will see two options. Select the one on the right and press A to save the changes.

With all of that out of the way, we can start the game.

code_18 - Story walkthrough

From the main menu, click on "Options". You will see a total of 14 options/tiles to click on. I will refer to the option you need to click on by using (X,Y). "X" will refer to the row, and "Y" will refer to the column.

Step 1: Click on the tile that has the clock on it (1,1). Move the slider all the way to the right. Press A to save the changes.

Step 2: Click on the tile that has the two arrows with an orange background (1,3). You will see two options here. Select the option on the left and press the A button to save the changes.

Step 3: Click on the tile that has just one arrow on it with a green background (2,1). Move the slider all the way to the right and press A to save the changes.

Step 4: Click on the tile that has two arrows on it with a green background (3,1). You will see two options. Select the one on the right and press A to save the changes.

With all of that out of the way, we can start the game. Back out of the options and select "Start".

Right as the game starts, press the RB button on your controller. This will fast forward through everything (That's why this game will only take you an hour or so to complete). You will be unable to skip cutscenes and credit rolls unfortunately.

Before even getting to select your first choice, you will have unlocked these achievements:






Now we have to start selecting choices!

I will refer to the choices you need to select as numbers. Number 1 being the topmost choice and number 3 being the bottommost choice.

  • Choice 1
  • Choice 1

After selecting those two choices, you will have unlocked these achievements:






  • Choice 1
  • Choice 2
  • Choice 2

After selecting those three choices, you will have unlocked these achievements:



Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Main Storyline - These achievements are gained automatically by progressing through the main game modes.


Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Main Storyline - These achievements are gained automatically by progressing through the main game modes.

  • Choice 1
  • Choice 1
  • Choice 2

After selecting those three choices, the credits will roll (THE GAME IS NOT OVER. THERE ARE STILL MORE ACHIEVEMENTS TO UNLOCK!), and you will unlock this achievement:



Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Main Storyline - These achievements are gained automatically by progressing through the main game modes.

Once the credits have rolled, you will be brought back into the game. Your next set of options to select are below:

  • Choice 2
  • Choice 2
  • Choice 1
  • Choice 2
  • Choice 1
  • Choice 1

After selecting those choices, you will have unlocked this achievement:



Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Main Storyline - These achievements are gained automatically by progressing through the main game modes.

  • Choice 2

After selecting that choice, you will unlock:



Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Main Storyline - These achievements are gained automatically by progressing through the main game modes.

Continue to select choices

  • Choice 1
  • Choice 2
  • Choice 1
  • Choice 3

After selecting the above choices, you will have unlocked:



Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Main Storyline - These achievements are gained automatically by progressing through the main game modes.

  • Choice 2
  • Choice 2
  • Choice 1
  • Choice 1
  • Choice 2
  • Choice 1
  • Choice 2
  • Choice 1
  • Choice 2
  • Choice 2

After selecting the above, you will have unlocked:



Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Main Storyline - These achievements are gained automatically by progressing through the main game modes.

The game does not end here. There are still more choices to select:

  • Choice 1
  • Choice 2
  • Choice 1
  • Choice 2
  • Choice 1
  • Choice 1
  • Choice 1

After selecting those choices, you'll unlock:



Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Main Storyline - These achievements are gained automatically by progressing through the main game modes.

  • Choice 1
  • Choice 1
  • Choice 2
  • Choice 1

Once you've selected the above, you'll unlock:



Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Main Storyline - These achievements are gained automatically by progressing through the main game modes.

  • Choice 1
  • Choice 2

You will now unlock the following achievements:



Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Main Storyline - These achievements are gained automatically by progressing through the main game modes.


Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Main Storyline - These achievements are gained automatically by progressing through the main game modes.


Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Main Storyline - These achievements are gained automatically by progressing through the main game modes.


Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Main Storyline - These achievements are gained automatically by progressing through the main game modes.


Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Main Storyline - These achievements are gained automatically by progressing through the main game modes.


Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Main Storyline - These achievements are gained automatically by progressing through the main game modes.


Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Main Storyline - These achievements are gained automatically by progressing through the main game modes.


Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Main Storyline - These achievements are gained automatically by progressing through the main game modes.


Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Main Storyline - These achievements are gained automatically by progressing through the main game modes.


Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Main Storyline - These achievements are gained automatically by progressing through the main game modes.


Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Main Storyline - These achievements are gained automatically by progressing through the main game modes.


Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Main Storyline - These achievements are gained automatically by progressing through the main game modes.


Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Main Storyline - These achievements are gained automatically by progressing through the main game modes.


Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Main Storyline - These achievements are gained automatically by progressing through the main game modes.

  • Choice 2

Selecting the above will now cause the remaining 4 to unlock:



Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Main Storyline - These achievements are gained automatically by progressing through the main game modes.


Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Main Storyline - These achievements are gained automatically by progressing through the main game modes.


Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Main Storyline - These achievements are gained automatically by progressing through the main game modes.


Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Main Storyline - These achievements are gained automatically by progressing through the main game modes.

That's it! Congratulations on your latest completion and enjoy your 1000 Gamerscore!