Pare ESP

Pare ESP


18/907 GTASC Team 2018!!! Muchas gracias Reaper!!! Has sido el mejor compañero en esta aventura que podia tener!!! Grande!!!!

Pare ESP

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Unobtainable achievements in the XXI century....come on guys, what's the problem?
Hello, hello, hello and welcome to a new edition of my crazy blog (yes Pare, you are crazy, that is a big truth...)

Well, well, well, today's topic is "Why Microsoft does not care about unobtainable achievements?",…but, Pare who in the hell care about this???????? facepalm

Wait, wait, wait!!!!!! It is true that in the past I always did not play games with unobtainable achievements, but today I changed my mind and I am more flexible and it depends of the final unobtainable gamerscore. A part from me, lot of people care about this, especially the completionist. Boooo, that's not too many people.. roll. It does not matter if there is high or low amount of people. The question is that there are people out there for whom it is important to have the chance to complete a game, and if there are unobtainable/discontinued achievements some gamers just avoid these games. That's not true Pare,... roll Yes, it is, you just have to see the TA comments on those games that have unbotainable achievements

Anyway, we should focus on the topic,....As you wish Pare

I think it should not be complicated to fix those achievements. Yes, I know that could be time consuming for developers, but costumers will be pleased for this. I think devs have forgotten the main rule on this business: "Customers are always right", so they should hear them and act accordingly.

But, before talking about the devs, let's see the role of Microsoft. MS invented the achievements. They are their sons, and as a father, it should take care about them. I think, before a game should be on sale, testers should also verify the achievements. No time Pare!!! warning Yes, I know that sometimes devs are working hard pulling the game before the deadline, but achievements are also part of the game, and I also know that for Indie devs the crew team is really short, sometimes even just one person.

So, what do you propose, to punish the devs??? Maybe remove achievements??? roll Nope, I did not say that. MS should encourage devs to fix unobtainable cheevos, maybe offering some kind of deal, I do not know. Yeah, may be offering a cake and a beer, you are a crazy man!!! laugh I do not know the recipe yet, but they should do something for sure,… No, they will not Pare. I told you at the beginning that nobody cares about this apart from some gamers…. Maybe MS would consider this kind of games as a completed after a reasonable time (1-2 years) if devs do not fix the broken achievements. Gamers will be pleased for sure. It could be a solution but unfortunately this will not happen Pare, never.... cry Hey, MS and devs should hear their costumers, otherwise,.... Nothing Pare, broken achievements will not stop people from buying those games.

But Pare, you miss the point!!!. Devs just want to check is the game works. If the achievements are broken, well bad luck.... That's incorrect at all!!!! Let's talk about devs. There are some that clearly care about their costumers and fix the broken achievements. It can take longtime but finally are fixed. For example, Ginger: Beyond the crystal, Infinite minigolf, Victor Vran, Westerado, Zenith, some Milestone games, among others and I wish to highlight Kona, that recently fixed one achievement and we can go further, even one of the devs answer the people in TA forums. Gamers really appreciate it!!! Those are the good ones!!!! rock However, other games like Constructor (230 Gs), Songbringer (200 Gs), Frizzy (110 Gs), Necropolis (100 Gs), Toy soldiers war chest (40 Gs), Overlord: fellowship of evil (50 Gs), Mayan death robots arena (20 Gs), Styx: Shadow of Darkness (0 Gs, this one really ridiculous), are examples of games that will probably never be fixed. Two especial mentions here, The Solus project (23 Gs) devs are just laying people, saying that they will patch the game at some point but they do not know when. The answer: never. Not fair at all. warning Also, 2Dark (200 Gs) is on sale really seems devs want make money with it BUT almost nobody is buying it. It is incredible that they did not realize that if the game should be fixed, people will buy it a lot more!!! Insane!!! warning

Also, should be noted those online achievements (discontinued ones) that are lost forever when servers are closed. In some cases, MS has given any of these games as GwG (MX vs ATV Reflex for example). This is also ridiculous!!!! Not Pare, you are ridiculous laugh

So Pare, are you already happy?? Did you save the world??? clap Nope my friend, I just wish to expose what some people think about this problem, and also highlight that some devs do not hear at all the costumers. It is really sad, but is the truth…. I am crying now Pare!!!! What a lovely words!!! cry. Be serious Sir, this is important for some people and I care about it

And now, it is your turn my friends compute

And remember that this is just a blog for fun!!!! Nothing serious or to worry about it, as usual wink

Happy Christmas my friends!!! Enjoy the Holidays and I wish you a happy happy new year!! Hopefully with no more broken achievements. This is one of my wishes for 2018!!! dance
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