HolyHalfDead's Blog (888 followers)

Countdown to 2014 Deals - Day 13Permalink
Forza Horizon only Thursday 19th December 2013
Forza Horizon $29.99 $14.99 and Season Pass (includes Rally Expansion Pack) $49.99 $14.99
Posted by HolyHalfDead on 19 December 13 at 04:28 | Last edited on 26 December 13 at 03:07

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PrettyColt21109 Horizon still costs $40 which obviously sucks ass (even @ 50% off it is still $10 more expensive than the U.S.A standard price.....wtf) but the season pass is $15 at least. It won't accept my Paypal for some reason though......

If I miss out on this I'll be f'ing pissed.

Good sale, but I'm not going to thank Microsoft. They can still eat a dick.
Posted by PrettyColt21109 on 19 Dec 13 at 08:38
HolyHalfDead Well the Season Pass is $1.75 cheaper in Australia than it is in the US, in fact it is cheaper in Australia than anywhere else in the world.
Posted by HolyHalfDead on 19 Dec 13 at 10:19
Dwaggienite I do have to ask, why in a lot of your XBOX links is your gamertag in the URL?
Posted by Dwaggienite on 19 Dec 13 at 21:58
PrettyColt21109 Wow, that $1.75 difference in the season pass really helps to offset the $25 extra we have to pay for the game! Seriously though, my complaint is about the game itself. Going digital is a nightmare in anywhere but the U.S.

You should add that Horizon digital is broken and only works on the one console you downloaded it too. It gives you an error on any other console even when using your main account. Microsoft know about this issue but never fixed it, so I can only assume it is a purposeful and deliberate tactic. A filthy, disgusting, shameful one at that.
Posted by PrettyColt21109 on 19 Dec 13 at 22:31
HolyHalfDead https://www.trueachievements.com/TSG+Dwaggie.htm - because for most of my links I just replace the product ID
Posted by HolyHalfDead on 20 Dec 13 at 01:45
Dwaggienite But that doesn't explain why your gamertag is in them :P
Posted by Dwaggienite on 20 Dec 13 at 08:51
HolyHalfDead That's because you are not looking at the code ;) When I blog I see the code, like Neo in the Matrix!

url=http ://marketplace.xbox.com/Product/HolyHa1fDead/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d80258411411
url=http ://marketplace.xbox.com/Product/HolyHa1fDead/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d802584111fe
url=http ://marketplace.xbox.com/Product/HolyHa1fDead/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d80258410b16
url=http ://marketplace.xbox.com/Product/HolyHa1fDead/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d80258410b62

I could of course use anything, A, X, Morpheus, I just chose to use my gamertag.
Posted by HolyHalfDead on 22 Dec 13 at 23:22
Dwaggienite But you don't need to put the gamertag in it AT ALL. o.O
Posted by Dwaggienite on 22 Dec 13 at 23:23
HolyHalfDead I'm sure I tried that once and it didn't work, but it does work, so thanks! :D
Posted by HolyHalfDead on 22 Dec 13 at 23:27