Owen H Brown's Summary stats for all time

Completion Percentage - 54.12%

TA Ratio - 1.9163

Owen H Brown has won 11,324 Achievements out of a possible 20,922 (54.12% Completion - 9,598 remaining)

Owen H Brown has a Gamerscore of 230,135 out of a possible 456,105 (50.46% Completion - 225,970 remaining)

Owen H Brown has a TrueAchievement score of 441,004 out of a possible 1,218,218 (36.20% Completion - 777,214 remaining)

If all achievements were worth 10 Gamerscore, the Standardized Score would be 210,608 points.

These stats exclude DLC packs without any achievements won.

Owen H Brown has spent 1 year, 56 days, 22 hours and 5 minutes playing across all platforms.

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