Raz0rback 76's Summary stats for all time

Completion Percentage - 46.57%

TA Ratio - 1.6922

Raz0rback 76 has won 10,324 Achievements out of a possible 22,171 (46.57% Completion - 11,847 remaining)

Raz0rback 76 has a Gamerscore of 233,833 out of a possible 513,720 (45.52% Completion - 279,887 remaining)

Raz0rback 76 has a TrueAchievement score of 395,688 out of a possible 1,340,159 (29.53% Completion - 944,471 remaining)

If all achievements were worth 10 Gamerscore, the Standardized Score would be 171,504 points.

These stats exclude DLC packs without any achievements won.

Raz0rback 76 has spent 128 days, 10 hours and 52 minutes playing across all platforms.

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