R a h m a n 1 2's Summary stats for all time

Completion Percentage - 36.88%

TA Ratio - 1.6457

R a h m a n 1 2 has won 2,436 Achievements out of a possible 6,605 (36.88% Completion - 4,169 remaining)

R a h m a n 1 2 has a Gamerscore of 44,872 out of a possible 140,525 (31.93% Completion - 95,653 remaining)

R a h m a n 1 2 has a TrueAchievement score of 73,845 out of a possible 361,463 (20.43% Completion - 287,618 remaining)

If all achievements were worth 10 Gamerscore, the Standardized Score would be 37,410 points.

These stats exclude DLC packs without any achievements won.

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