Permanent XBL Reductions for March 2013

By Rebecca Smith,
As usual, the permanent discounts for March started appearing on the Marketplace at the beginning of the month. In the interest of forming a complete list for you, we always wait until Microsoft posts the list during the second week of the month so that we can add the last minute surprises. The list contains a number of XBLA games and a variety of DLC — here it is:

Arcade Games

Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter - 1200 MSP 800 MSP
Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter - 1200 MSP 800 MSP
Serious Sam 3: BFE - 1200 MSP 800 MSP

Game Add-Ons

• "GRID 8-Ball Pack" - 800 MSP 400 MSP (this has achievements)

Serious Sam 3: BFE
• "Serious Sam 3: BFE - Jewel of the Nile" - 1200 MSP 800 MSP (this has achievements)

Two Worlds II
• "Two Worlds II: Multiplayer Map Pack 1" - 1200 MSP 400 MSP (this has achievements)
• "Two Worlds II: Pirates of the Flying Fortress" - 2400 MSP 400 MSP (this has achievements)

There is one other XBLA game that has not been listed by Microsoft but has received a permanent price drop since its release at the start of last month.

Special Forces: Team X - 1200 MSP 800 MSP

Last month also saw the appearance of a fair number of discounts on games and DLC published by D3Publisher. As Microsoft failed to advertise these, we decided to leave them out of last month's roundup. However, it has since become apparent that the discounts were indeed permanent. Here is a list of those titles:

Arcade Games

Matt Hazard: Blood Bath and Beyond - 1200 MSP 800 MSP
Puzzle Quest Galactrix - 1600 MSP 1200 MSP
RocketBowl - 800 MSP 400 MSP

Game Add-Ons

Onechanbara: Bikini Samurai Squad
• "Full Pack Data" - 1600 MSP 800 MSP
• "Himiko : Extra Character Data" - 500 MSP 240 MSP
• "Misery : Extra Character Data" - 500 MSP 240 MSP

Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords
• "Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords - Revenge of the Plague Lord" - 700 MSP 400 MSP

Finally, some regions may also be including Games on Demand amongst the permanent discounts. Please check the Recently Reduced tab on the dashboard for a list of titles in your region.
Rebecca Smith
Written by Rebecca Smith
Rebecca is the Newshound Manager at TrueGaming Network. She has been contributing articles since 2010, especially those that involve intimidatingly long lists. When not writing news, she works in an independent game shop so that she can spend all day talking about games too. She'll occasionally go outside.
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