Deal of the Week: March 19th, 2013

By Dave Horobin,
This week's Deal of the Week offers a 50% discount on a host of Ubisoft published XBLA titles and DLC packs and a 60% discount on NanaOn-Sha's, Haunt, from the Kinect Central sale.

The Lost Archive for Assassin's Creed: Revelations - 800 MSP 400 MSP
Mediterranean Traveler Map Pack for Assassin's Creed: Revelations - 800 MSP 400 MSP
The Da Vinci Disappearance for Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood - 800 MSP 400 MSP
Sequence 12: Battle of Forli in Assassin's Creed II - 320 MSP 160 MSP
Sequence 13 : Bonfire of the Vanities & Secret Locations in Assassin's Creed II - 560 MSP 280 MSP
Deniable Ops: Insurgency for Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction - 800 MSP 400 MSP
Epilogue for Prince of Persia - 800 MSP 400 MSP

Beyond Good & Evil HD - 800 MSP 400 MSP
Rayman 3 HD - 800 MSP 400 MSP
Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes - 1200 MSP 600 MSP
Outland - 800 MSP 400 MSP
Mad Riders - 800 MSP 400 MSP

Kinect Central
Haunt - 800 MSP 320 MSP
Dave Horobin
Written by Dave Horobin
Dave is the TrueAchievements Social Manager and has been a Newshound since 2010. When he's not chasing developers and publishers for early review copies, he can usually be found on the TrueAchievements social pages discussing all things TA related.
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