TrueAchiever Released for Windows Phone 8

By Rich Stone,
We have often been asked if we could produce a TA Windows Phone application in order to make achievement-hunting easier for those not within easy reach of a PC, laptop, or tablet.

While we've always loved the idea, we haven't had the spare time needed to undertake this development.

So when the team at Divided Pudding approached us and asked if they could develop an App with us, we jumped at the chance!

The TrueAchiever app has been in beta for some time and has now fully launched. You can download it for free from the windows phone store here.

TrueAchiever Windows Phone App

For a full feature list, I'll hand you over to the developers....

You love Achievements. You love TrueAchievements even more. So we know you are going to love TrueAchiever - the exclusive Windows Phone 8 app powered by

TrueAchiever is the ultimate companion app for gamers who love earning Achievements in their favorite Xbox Live enabled games. Get ultra-fast access to Achievement solutions, comments, and videos for your 50 most recently played games. Playing a game on your Windows Phone? Fast-app switch back-and-forth between your game and TrueAchiever and unlock those Achievements in no time flat. How about those games on Xbox and Windows 8? Solutions will only be a few taps away with your trusty phone nearby.

• Access gamer stats for over 150,000 gamers.
• Access Achievement solutions and videos for over 2,300 Xbox Live enabled games.
• Get quick access to Achievement solutions for your last 50 games played.
• Last Viewed list to keep track of your friends and rivals.
• Friends list provides quick access to updates on your TrueAchievements friends.
• See TrueAchievements scores and TA ratios – not available in the official Xbox Live app.

Download now from the Windows Phone store

About Divided Pudding
Divided Pudding makes apps to Satisfy Your Nerd. No matter whether you’re a game nerd, comic nerd, or whatever-nerd – our goal is to create apps that make being a nerd fun. Look for our other apps in the Windows Phone Store.
We have created a forum for bug reports and feature requests - you can find that here
Rich Stone
Written by Rich Stone
Yo! Rich here - I was the one that created TrueAchievements back in 2008 as I felt the Xbox Gamerscore system could be improved. The site has evolved massively since then and it's now the biggest and best Xbox community on the planet! Racing games and open world shooters are my thing, but I'll give most genres a go. Except RPGs - those things are evil.
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